
I became a Nanobot, in a fantasy world, luckily with a system.

John woke up one day as a nanobot in a fantasy world, confused and lost in a abandoned underground facility. being small and alone, with a system that came luckily with him, he must advance to protect himself and create a place for himself in a world of magic and dragons.

Heated_Rogue · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Basicly working with scraps

"So VAS... do you have only this?" John said as he pointed at the virtual windows and boxes.

"This is what was left from the scraps of the previous programs of the nanobot system," answered VAS, causing John to freeze.

"Wait? Scraps, as in, only the things remain?" John wished he was wrong right now.

"Yes, due to the unknown energy, it causes the software and hardware of the nanobots to malfunction, and the energy acts as a virus as well, as if it refuses other types of energy signals to exist."

"So this energy would attack me too?" John couldn't help but ask since he was the nanobot right now.

"No, you see, this is the only nanobot that survived and adapted; it absorbed your soul as you passed by, according to the senior, to fully adapt since you had what it needed."

John wanted to ask about this 'senior' , but chose not to since he guessed it was that weird message in the overview window from before (ch-001). So he asks instead. "So what was needed from me?"

VAS remained silent for a few seconds before replying in a confused voice. "I don't know."

"Okay..." John was frustrated, but he knew that, as a newborn, it was impossible to know everything.

He decided to focus on their current situation first. "What tasks are there to do?"

"Insufficient energy to connect to the hub." VAS replied with a sad voice; clearly, VAS tried but failed to connect.

"Okay, can we gather energy? Like absorbing energy in our surroundings?" John asks, thinking that it should be possible, how else the nanobot could have previously absorbed his soul.

"The software and knowledge were lost. How? I don't know, but I believe we should receive energy again, according to my knowledge of how the nanobots were destroyed." VAS replied.

"That sucks." John was dejected but feels like it's too troublesome to ask further about it. "So what can we do with the energy we have?"

"We can only reform the nanobot's body." VAS moved the virtual box with the 3D bug model in front of the other windows and map. John looked at the virtual box as it was moved as VAS continued, "We can only do it once before going into sleep mode."

Hearing this, John first thought that was not needed until he looked closer at the bug model, then, without hesitation, he said, "Let's make it in cylinder form like a cocoon first."

The reason for this choice is, firstly, that nanobots tend to have buglike features; secondly, it would reflect his current state in his opinion; and thirdly, the bug in the box looks like a cockroach.

As the cockroach form of the model changed form, John felt like something left his body as well as something else entered his surrounding space.

Before he could even think about what just happened, he passed out as he entered sleep mode.