
I asked for an AK-47 in Another World

Have you ever thought of bringing a gun to another world, and wanting to see what would happen, well don't look further. this story is about Yuuma The main character, being killed on his 18th birthday, and being sent to another world.

xXSpiderGamingXx · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chp. 4 Magic Academy

5 weeks later

I finally finished getting all the skills my mom wanted to help me with, but she said there were two skills that I couldn't learn, because I haven't hit the age requirement, which is age 7, I'm 3. I also need to go to the Magician Academy, so when I go get my menu checked, it'll go smoothly. The skills I wasn't able to learn were lighting magic and Dark Magic. None of my Stats went up at that time, but I did get a bunch of new skills, and my skills ranks went up.


War System


Name: Yuuma

Strength: 15

Magic: 50

Mana: 50

Agility: 15

Intelligence: 50

Stamina: 15

Endurance: 15






Gun Maker (F)

Description: User gets to make any gun imaginable. 

Extra Description: Allows the user to save his gun blueprints.

Special Skills


Magic Master (F)

Description: The user gets a boost to their mana storage and has a high attack damage with magic, the user will also recharge mana quicker.

Intelligence Boost (F)

Description: Boost intelligence stat.

Passive Skills


Warrior (F)

Defender (E)

Swordsmanship (F)

Sword Master (E)

Healing (F)

Friendly Face (F)

Mana Circulation (D)

Mana Control (D)

Wind (F)

Fire (F)

Water (F)

Earth (F)

Light (F)





It was a hard 5 weeks, but I got through it, and now that I'm ready, they're sending me to Magicians Academy. I'm starting to think that they really do hate me, the plus to this is that I finally start using any magic I want there. So I can Rank up my Gun Maker Skill. My parents don't allow me to use skills unless they're watching. The only bad thing is that you have to be age 5 to enlist into the academy, so I have to wait 2 years till I can.

(Gray Light) I wonder how that transfer is going, I haven't looked at him, since he chose such a weak skill. It's almost time to make the 2nd transfer, just one more year. 

It's been 2 years, I'm getting ready to go to the academy, I couldn't use any skills, or mana during that time, so I worked out everyday. My strength, and stamina stat are 23, my agility stat is 25. I really underestimated how hard it was to get higher stats. 

(Onna) Yuuma, your transporter is here.

(Yuuma) Coming. A transporter is someone with the skill to teleport, they teleport you there, in exchange for money or valuable things.

(Transporter) Are you ready to go Yuuma? I was paid in advance so let's go, don't move or you will be kicked out of the teleportation spell. 

(Yuuma) Yes I'm ready, Lets go

(Onna & Joel) Bye Yuuma!

(Yuuma) Bye!

The Transporter started his chant, Spirits of power and darkness give me the strength to go where I want, with payment of 45 mana. Then I blinked and we were in front of a huge wall, there was a magician at the front gate waving at everyone going in. 

(Transporter) *Throwing Up*

(Yuuma) Are you ok? *embarrassedly looking around* 

(Transporter) Yeah I'm fine, I just used a lot of mana, so my body is mad at me.

(Yuuma) Here it might not be much but this should help. Spirits of Light Give me The help to heal my comrade, Payment 20 Mana. Healing 

A yellow glow came from my hand healing the mana lost from the transporter.

(Transporter) Chantless magic *Whispering*



Your Skill has Ranked Up Healing (E)


(Yuuma) Don't worry my stomach doesn't hurt after using my mana.

I learned that it only hurts your stomach if you use more than what you can use, which is like a loan in the spirit's terms. I learned it from asking the War system, random questions that came to me randomly. The Transporter must not have a lot of mana, for his skill, but he still needs money somehow, I guess. 

(Yuuma) Bye Mr. Transporter

(Tabibito) It's Tabibito!

(Yuuma) Ok.

I walked through the gate and there was a huge town, then in the middle of the town was the Academy, I headed straight to the Academy. Mostly because my parents told me that everywhere here are people trying to sell low level items for bad prices. When walking up to the gate to enter the Academy.

(Person) Come over here to register to the Academy, make sure you have your payment ready.

My parents gave me 20 gold for the registration. I stood in line for about an hour.

(Registration Person) *Thinking* All of the People this year aren't that good, we do have some people with stats over 15 but that is it, this kid looks poor.

(Registration Person) Hello, welcome to the Magicians academy, give me your payment, name, and age then touch the crystal ball, we can only see your stats, so don't worry about having to pay to see your skills. 

(Yuuma) Ok Here, My name is Yuuma, I'm 5 years old *Touches orb*


War System


Name: Yuuma

Strength: 23

Magic: 50

Mana: 50

Agility: 25

Intelligence: 50

Stamina: 23

Endurance: 15





(Registration Person) Alright here is your card to enter… fif, fif, FIFTY!!! How do you have such high stats, you're only 5 years old, there's no way. Not even some of the 14 year old's here have over 30 in their stats. 

(Yuuma) *Laughing Nervously* Uhm I just trained a lot i guess. Can I go now?

(Registration Person) Sorry, i was just really surprised, you can take your card and bring it to the people over there, they will give you the practice magic test.

(Yuuma) I thought this was the magic test?

(Registration Person) this is the Stat test, the magic test is you attack some dummies with all of your affinities, and you will be placed in the class corresponding to the scores, then after that you will be taking the written exam.

(Yuuma) Ok, a written exam, i don't even really know anything about this world. 

(War System) that's why I'm Here.

(Yuuma) True. You don't take mana to use so, they won't know I'm cheating.

(instructor) Next

(Yuuma) Hello I'm next

(Instructor) You're kind of small, how old are you.

(Yuuma) I'm 5 Years old.

(Instructor) You're the first 5 year old to pass the stat test in 4 years, well let's see what you're made of. You will use every magic "attack" ability you have, support abilities don't matter here.

(Yuuma) Ok.

(Instructor) you will be attacking this Water Dummie, with fire. Try your best. He looks nervous

(Yuuma) War system, how exactly do I use magic? I know how to use healing magic because mom always used it, but the only other one that I know how to use is wind.

(War System) Use your Gun Blueprint, and use your recent gun as a wand for your attack, then put your mana into the weapon and pull the trigger while thinking of magic you want to use. It'll be more powerful if you use your gift with it, instead of just using it from your hand. To open the blueprint, Say Spirits of God open my Gift, Gun Makers Blueprints.

(Yuuma) Seems easy enough.

(War System) Don't worry about the amount of mana that needs to be used, I will give the required amount to destroy the dummy.

(Yuuma) I thought it was simpler before?

(War System) That way was inefficient, this way also makes you look cooler.

(Yuuma) What the…

(Instructor) Any day now.

(Yuuma) Oh, sorry.*Breath In*Spirits of God Open My Gift, Gun Makers Blueprints, The Swiss mini gun.

(Instructor) Gun? It's so small, isn't that what the dwarves were working on.

I aimed at the target, pulled the trigger, and a huge Beam of flame came from the small gun barrels destroying the dummy and metal wall behind it. The gun in my hand melted and burned my hand in the process.

(Yuuma) HOT!!! Ow Spirits of Light Give me The help to heal my Self, Payment 10 Mana. Healing

(Instructor) He knows healing magic, while having such strong skill. He should have used 10 mana on that dummy, but even then it shouldn't have been that strong.

(Yuuma) was that good enough?

(Instructor) Yes no further, need to use your other magic abilities, you're clearly strong enough to get in, just write down your skills, and their ranks and send them to Robert, that's me, i'll put you in your needed classes. Head to the Scholars Building to take your test. *Laughing Loudly* 

(Yuuma) Ok.

(Yuuma) War system: how much mana did you use?

(War System) I only used 2 mana, it would have taken 10 mana to destroy the dummy without the gun, as your wand. It was also stronger because of your magic stat being so high.

(Yuuma) 2, it was so strong, I should probably not use the gift until we can control it better.

(War System) You are probably right.

We headed into the first building right when walking into the walls of the academy.