
I asked for an AK-47 in Another World

Have you ever thought of bringing a gun to another world, and wanting to see what would happen, well don't look further. this story is about Yuuma The main character, being killed on his 18th birthday, and being sent to another world.

xXSpiderGamingXx · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chp. 22 Games

(Onna) Let's go to the seafood restaurant.

(Joel) We have 3 days to go to the seafood restaurant, today is for Yuuma.

They are acting too nice, they're hiding something, or maybe they just want to be nice.

(Aiden) Yuuma, I heard of this good place for seafood and games.

(Yuuma) Games? I wonder what kind of games there are, like Hacky Sack?

(Aiden) What's Hacky Sack? They have 3 games, Minefield, Boulder Shot, and Bomb Throw. 

(Yuuma) Minesweeper? Boulder Shot, I don't think I know what that is, and bomb throw. OK, let's go there to eat. I can always use it for some exercise.

1 Hour of walking

(Aiden) Found it! 

(Yuuma) You went off pure memory, didn't you?

(Aiden) Yup!

(Yuuma) This place looks abandoned. Are you sure this is the place?

(Aiden) Yeah, it looked like this in the past too, it even has the same guy lying in the window.

(Yuuma) Alright, let's go eat. It does say open on the door.

*Opening door* *Creak* *Walking towards the counter*

It's just a bunch of drunks. but if Aiden said this place is good then might as well try it. 

(Aiden) *Tings the Bell*

(Muffled Yell) I'm Coming! *Stomp Stomp* Hello Customers, what can I get for you?

(Aiden) Hey, Gramps how are you?

Everything in the bar went silent, all the drunks looked up.

(Gramps) Aiden! How are you doing these days?

*Drunks Whispering*

(Aiden) Do you guys still have that good seafood and games? 

(Gramps) We have the seafood, but the games got shut down because they were "too dangerous". We do still have Minefield, but you have to sign a waiver to play.

(Yuuma) We'll play that. Do you guys want to play?

(Joel) no, we'll get a table and order some food, you guys have fun.

(Yuuma) Give me the waiver. what do we get if we win?

(Gramps) Win? *Everybody in the Restaurant laughs* There has never been a winner. if anything there have only been losers, the only one to make it the furthest was Aiden. He came to play every day, but of course, he was our biggest player.

(Yuuma) *Signing* So what are the rules? 

(Gramps) You have two legs, and you walk into the minefield, some of the mines are duds, and some are active, if you survive to the end you get 20 gold, if you lose both legs, then we'll heal you, and you pay us 5 gold. 

(Yuuma) That sounds easy.

(Gramps) We have another Aiden here *Laughs* You can't use mana vision, and you can't use any magic to get to the other side. 

(Aiden) I never used magic, just pure instinct.

(Yuuma) Sounds like you, but we both know I have better instinct.

War System, You ready for pure instinct.



Hello? wierd. Looks like I'm not getting any help, Maybe he's sleeping, I did stress him out today.

(Gramps) Alright, C'mon.


(Gramps) We already, Have it set up, so the active ones might be duds.

(Aiden) Who's Going First?

(Yuuma) I'll go, then you, so if I lose, then you go next.

(Gramps) You both can go at the same time.

(Yuuma) Let's do that, you go over there, I'll start here.

I thought it was going to be like the army landmine run, but no, you can even see where they were put, So I just started running. Aiden seems to take the slow route. but if I'm fast enough I won't get my legs blasted off. I heard, explosion after explosion from behind me, then I stepped directly on one, instead of stepping on the side of it, and I blew my leg off, I kept jumping. I can heal it up when I get to the end, is what I was telling myself.

(Gramps) I like this kid, he's made it further than Aiden, by just running, usually, people start yelling, but he's like Aiden, just doesn't care about his leg being blown off. As long as he gets across the line, he wins.

Then I felt it again, the click.


I made it, the landmine got me over the finish line.

(Gramps) He made it to help him so we don't have to pay so much.

(Yuuma) Healing 10 mana.

(Gramps) Healing, I thought he was a tank, from the way he was running through the mines.

Aiden followed my line to the finish and got us even more money.

(Gramps) Aiden, you little cheater. but then again I didn't say you couldn't do that. Here's your 40 gold.

(Aiden) Yuuma, you can keep it since you did most of is. 

(Yuuma) No, take at least 10 gold, since we both made it.

(Aiden) Alright. 

(Gramps) Hey, kid, you're a healer?

(Aiden) No, I'm a mage.

(Gramps) mage? I thought... Your food will be out soon.

(Yuuma) Mom, look we won!

(Onna) Great job, it took me 30 tries before, I ever made it to the end of that game. 

(Yuuma) You, did it?

(Joel) We both did, we played that game a lot as children.

(Yuuma) So you guys were Childhood friends?

(Joel) Yeah, Well not really, I was a commoner and your mother was a noble, she didn't like how I was always stronger than her, so she kept trying to get stronger than me.

(Yuuma) Mom, was a noble?

(Onna) Yeah, we weren't supposed to tell you that, but I guess your dad has other plans.

(Joel) He deserves to know, he's our child.

(Onna) I guess you're right. I'm not a noble anymore Yuuma. I'm what people call a fallen noble because I ran away with your father.

(Joel) I am still the stronger one.

(Onna) He's not stronger, if I cut him, he can heal himself. so I'm stronger.

(Joel) Do you think you can cut these Arms?

(Onna) Easily

*Looking at each other competitively*

(Yuuma) *Clears Throat* So why did you guys come to see me?

(Joel) Why? Because we wanted to come see you.

(Yuuma) Wrong, I know you Father, you are a cheapskate, why would you spend money to see me now, when you can see me when I come home, in the middle of school years?

(Joel) Jeez, How did you get so smart?

(Yuuma) I've been this smart dad.

(Joel) Well, the thing is...

(Onna) Were having another child.