
I Am Worshiped By the Gods Through Investment

Michael transmigrated to the book he wrote. In this magical world, there were many dangers. The good thing was that there was a magical vault key that traveled with him. He could use it to open a vault space at any time. Any item put into it would become his private property, and if he gave away his private property, it would be considered an act of investment. If the investment failed, he would lose all his money. And as long as the investment was successful, he would get the proceeds from the vault in advance. As the author who wrote about this world, Michael certainly knew which objects were worth investing in. From then on, the whole world was different! "Brother, is it a little difficult for you to break through the 9th rank? Come, I have an extremely high-quality magic stone here. I guarantee that you will succeed in breaking through!" He successfully gave the magic stone away. When he opened the vault again, he found a Saint-grade magic stone inside! "Beautiful magician lady, are you seeking materials for making magic wands? I'll give you a high-level magic wand directly. It's guaranteed to suit you!" The next moment, there was an additional God's Scepter emanating divine light in the vault! Years later. The Great Holy Magician: I've grown to this point thanks to the Ten Thousand Spells Scepter that my good friend Michael gave me back then!" Goddess of Wisdom: "Although I have now become the Goddess of Wisdom and have the Scepter of Wisdom, I still can't forget that original high-level wand that Michael gave me. Elf Queen: In the past, I was seriously injured by an enemy and my face was disfigured, and thanks to Michael's excellent blood medicine, I was able to fully recover. Unfortunately, I couldn't find him recently. I'm still thinking of repaying him.

Huang Tian Dead Already · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Teleportation Token

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Early in the morning, in the apprentice dormitory of Demir Academy.

Michael looked speechlessly at the team that was getting ready to set off. Mr. Royce and Carl's robes had complicated patterns printed on their chests.

On closer look, it was an embroidered letter Z. There was light purple magic power surrounding it, and there were also spells, spiritual plants, crucibles, and other elements added.

"What's on your robes?" Michael asked. If he remembered correctly, he hadn't seen this thing when they parted last night! Could it be that they did this last night?

"This is our team emblem. I'll print it for you too." Before Michael could react, Mr. Royce pasted the transfer charm on Michael's robe, and an identical pattern instantly appeared on Michael's clothes.

"I told you to pack up your equipment, and you guys made all this in one night?!" Michael found it unbelievable, and he couldn't even think straight. This was his first time going to the Dark Forest, and he didn't know what kind of danger he would face. He wanted to put all his alchemy materials into the vault just in case.

In the end, Mr. Royce still had the mood to make these useless decorations!

He really wanted to crack open Mr. Royce's head and see what was inside!

"No, no, we've packed all the equipment we need." Mr. Royce hurriedly said, "And how can you make all these things in one night? There's more."

Mr. Royce took a few small plates with the team emblem from his pocket as if presenting a treasure. "There's a teleportation charm I drew on it, although it can't be used for large-scale teleportation. However, jumping a short distance is still possible."

"If we get separated after entering the Dark Forest, as long as we don't get too far apart, we can use this to teleport to a designated teammate."

"And it can also send out simple signals. I've already adjusted it. If you want to teleport to someone, just pick up the teleportation token like this." Mr. Royce demonstrated. "Then, recite the name of the teammate you want to teleport to, and you can teleport. And if you want to send a signal, just chant in a low voice."

A combination of a short-distance teleportation charm and a signal transmitter!

This would be a great help!

Michael was slightly relieved. It seemed that Mr. Royce was really talented in charms. Unfortunately, he was mediocre in other aspects, such as alchemy.

According to the modern concept, Mr. Royce was a standard partial genius.

However, the magic apprentice assessment was comprehensive, and the total score determined the final score. Although Mr. Royce's results in the charms class were exceptionally good, with his messy alchemy and ordinary combat skills, he was able to achieve a lot. Almost every time he passed the annual assessment, he relied on participating in actual combat with Michael to increase his actual combat results.

Even so, he barely passed the annual assessment. Mr. Royce could be said to be an alchemy idiot. Not only could he not refine anything, but he also often blew up the crucible. Their mentor commented that Mr. Royce's alchemy was simply a waste of alchemy materials and trash.

"Boss, they're leaving." One-Eyed Dragon carefully walked to Miller's side. He hadn't fully recovered from the injury he got last time, but he didn't dare to leave him.

The outside world had already regarded him and Miller as one. If he lost Miller's protection, he would definitely be targeted by the magic apprentices who bullied him on a daily basis.

One-Eyed Dragon might not have been too worried about this in the past, but his mana had yet to fully recover. Once he left Miller, he might not even pass the annual assessment. He was thrown into the Dark Forest before anyone came to seek revenge.

"I understand." Miller replied gloomily, "Let's go too."

"This time, I will make sure they never return." Miller said fiercely, staring at the image sent back by the Peeping Charm.

The last time he was defeated, Miller secretly placed an invisible peeping charm beside him when he threatened him.

The invisibility of this kind of charm was very good, and it was almost difficult to be discovered. Moreover, the crowd was in chaos at that time, and Miller deliberately pretended to be seriously injured so that the other party would not be able to discover the charm he had thrown out in the chaos.

On the screen, Michael's group had already entered the outer perimeter of the Dark Forest. The few of them were looking at the map in their hands, discussing where it would be safer to enter the forest.

"Dead people are the safest." Milena took the potion that could attract magic beasts and called his followers to set off toward the magical forest.

This wasn't the first time Miller had used a Peeping Potion on someone. He had used this method to avenge other mages he could not defeat.

Only Miller could see this kind of charm, and it was very secretive. Almost no one had ever discovered it. The mages he targeted also felt that they were unlucky and stayed away from Miller, no longer arguing with him.

However, this was the first time he had used a potion that attracted magical beasts.

"Blame him for offending me," Miller thought to himself as he steered his broom and quietly flew toward the Dark Forest from another path.

If this potion was sprinkled on a mage's body, the combination of its smell and mana would spread far away, attracting ferocious magic beasts from the depths of the Dark Forest to attack the marked mage. Moreover, this potion could also infuriate magic beasts. They would not stop until they killed the marked mage.

This insidious method was actually an alchemy method that the black mages had come up with. They used this potion to target mages. It had long been banned by the major magic academies. Miller had accidentally entered the abandoned residence of the black mage and found this alchemy formula. He did not expect to use it so quickly.

Michael, who was searching for foxtail grass, stopped in his tracks. Since yesterday, he had been vaguely feeling that there was an ill-intentioned gaze looking in his direction.

But when he asked Mr. Royce and Carl, they didn't feel anything.

Michael used his mana to probe the area, but he couldn't find anything either.

He stood rooted to the ground and shook his head. He could only treat it as his own illusion.

It had been a while since they entered the Dark Forest. The good thing was that they did not encounter any danger, and the bad thing was that they did not find foxtail grass.

"Is your map accurate?" Carl complained. They had already walked around the marked place several times but didn't even see a single blade of grass, let alone foxtail grass.

"How would I know?" Mr. Royce also said in a somewhat lively tone, "When I get back, I'll settle the score with that peddler. He swore to me that this map was useful, so I bought it. It cost me hundreds of gold coins! I'll get a refund from him when I get back."