
I Am Worshiped By the Gods Through Investment

Michael transmigrated to the book he wrote. In this magical world, there were many dangers. The good thing was that there was a magical vault key that traveled with him. He could use it to open a vault space at any time. Any item put into it would become his private property, and if he gave away his private property, it would be considered an act of investment. If the investment failed, he would lose all his money. And as long as the investment was successful, he would get the proceeds from the vault in advance. As the author who wrote about this world, Michael certainly knew which objects were worth investing in. From then on, the whole world was different! "Brother, is it a little difficult for you to break through the 9th rank? Come, I have an extremely high-quality magic stone here. I guarantee that you will succeed in breaking through!" He successfully gave the magic stone away. When he opened the vault again, he found a Saint-grade magic stone inside! "Beautiful magician lady, are you seeking materials for making magic wands? I'll give you a high-level magic wand directly. It's guaranteed to suit you!" The next moment, there was an additional God's Scepter emanating divine light in the vault! Years later. The Great Holy Magician: I've grown to this point thanks to the Ten Thousand Spells Scepter that my good friend Michael gave me back then!" Goddess of Wisdom: "Although I have now become the Goddess of Wisdom and have the Scepter of Wisdom, I still can't forget that original high-level wand that Michael gave me. Elf Queen: In the past, I was seriously injured by an enemy and my face was disfigured, and thanks to Michael's excellent blood medicine, I was able to fully recover. Unfortunately, I couldn't find him recently. I'm still thinking of repaying him.

Huang Tian Dead Already · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Purifying Magical Beasts

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the Dark Forest.

Michael, who had made plans, led his teammates into the Dark Forest. This time, they obtained a map of the outer area of the forest from their mentor.

The Advanced Healer from last time waved his hand. Other than the map, he also gave them a knowledge manual about common magic beasts that recorded their appearance and characteristics.

Of course, the mage was also so generous because he had controlled Michael and the others in front of the publicity department and indirectly let Miller go. A small number of Healing Mages were kinder than other Mages. He would be even gentler than the apprentices in the academy.

The Silent Bird lived deeper into the Dark Forest than the Foxtail Grass. If one were to describe it as a game, then the place where foxtail grass grew was an unusually safe apprentice village. The place where the Silent Bird lived was the first place he went to after leaving the apprentice village.

Although this place was not as dangerous as the core of the Dark Forest, it was still on its periphery, and all kinds of large-scale magical beasts had already appeared one after another.

These large magic beasts would occasionally appear in the vicinity. If one were unlucky enough to encounter one, it would be a huge problem.

In order to deal with the magic beasts and also make up for the regret that Nina was the only one who did not obtain any items during the previous search, Michael brought her along with him this time.

"There are no magical beasts nearby." Nina released her sparrow, which was very sensitive to the aura of magic beasts. They could detect the presence of magic beasts from a distance, and they could also identify their type and strength. When it discovered a magic beast, it would immediately relay this information to Nina.

This time, it was lying on Nina's shoulder without any reaction, so when Michael asked, Nina shook her head, indicating that the place was temporarily safe.

Deep in the Dark Forest.

Although Miller no longer needed to eat after being demonized, his exposed body could still be injured by storms and wind.

Furthermore, the strengthened body of the black magic spirit had become more sensitive. This also meant that when the raindrops fell on Miller's body in the Dark Forest, it felt no different from a pile of stones smashing into his skin.

The only difference was that other people might faint from the pain or become numb to pain after being injured for a long time. However, Miller was different. His body, controlled by black magic, would not collapse from the pain, nor would he feel numb. As his magic power increased, his pain would only become stronger.

The weather in the depths of the Dark Forest was extremely bad, which made Miller suffer. Every time he was exposed to the heavy rain and the raindrops brushed past his body; he would roll on the ground in pain, wishing he could die on the spot. However, even death was already an extravagant hope for him.

Fortunately, the Dark Forest was full of materials discarded by the missing mages and black mages. After a few days of searching, Miller found a lot of materials to build a house.

He built a small house in the depths of the Dark Forest and a simple alchemy crucible. Although he could no longer perform alchemy, he still placed the crucible in his simple little house. It was a memorial to his past as a mage.

"Why are we always so unlucky?" Mr. Royce complained as he ran. "Fortunately, we've been exercising recently. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to withstand the amount of exercise."

Just now, they had been walking along the map, but who knew that they would suddenly encounter a demon wolf that was taking a walk? The huge demon wolf pounced on them the moment it saw them.

Carl quickly used his vines to tie down the demon wolf and called his teammates to run. Nina released her sparrow and asked it to investigate the situation of the magic beasts. Soon, the sparrow brought a message that could not be pacified for now.

"You guys run first; I'll cover the rear." Michael held his magic staff and followed at the back of the team, ready to guard against the demon wolves pouncing on him. From time to time, he would throw a few magic balls to slow them down.

The demon wolf's mana was still too strong for a young mage. Although Michael could release mana to slow down the demon wolf's movements, he was still far from being able to use it to forcefully tame it.

However, the appearance of the demon wolf here made them feel strange. Logically speaking, large magic beasts like the wolf lived in deeper places. The magical beasts in the Dark Forest had their own habitat. Many magical beasts would never leave their habitat for their entire lives.

This was because the survival of magical beasts also depended on black magic. Different magic beasts had different requirements for the density of black magic. If a magic beast lived in a place where the concentration of black magic was too low, it would be weak and die because it could not obtain enough of it. However, if it lived in a place where the concentration of magic was too high, the beast would gradually collapse and die because it could not withstand too much black magic. The density of black magic in the Dark Forest was distributed from the outside to the inside, which was why most magical beasts almost never left their habitat.

They could only live in their own habitat. They would only leave if they were attracted by the potion or for other reasons.

However, the magic beasts attracted by the potion would only attack those with the potion mark. Michael and the others did not have the scent of the potion on them. However, the demonic wolf was still following them closely.

This situation made Michael feel strange. As he fled, he kept observing the wolf.

Quickly think of a way!

What should he do?

Michael's mind spun rapidly, thinking about what he missed.

There must be a problem somewhere! Otherwise, why would this demon wolf follow us?

Wait a minute. Michael suddenly realized that the demon wolf's movements were starting to become unstable as if it was seriously injured. Moreover, it looked more like it was asking for help than attacking Michael and the others.

"Nina. You should communicate with it. I think this wolf might be here to ask us for help!" Michael stopped in his tracks, turned around, and shouted at Nina.

Although Nina was a little puzzled, she still stopped and chanted an incantation to communicate with the demon wolf.

Following Nina's communication, the demon wolf that was originally pouncing over stopped its attack and lay on the ground, looking like a big dog that had been wronged.

'I guessed it right.' Michael sighed in his heart. When he called out to Nina earlier, he also intended to take a gamble. If he kept running like this, he would eventually be caught.

It was better to turn around and fight, ask the demon wolf's intentions, or fight with all their might. There would always be a chance for any of it to happen.

Fortunately, he guessed correctly.