
I Am Worshiped By the Gods Through Investment

Michael transmigrated to the book he wrote. In this magical world, there were many dangers. The good thing was that there was a magical vault key that traveled with him. He could use it to open a vault space at any time. Any item put into it would become his private property, and if he gave away his private property, it would be considered an act of investment. If the investment failed, he would lose all his money. And as long as the investment was successful, he would get the proceeds from the vault in advance. As the author who wrote about this world, Michael certainly knew which objects were worth investing in. From then on, the whole world was different! "Brother, is it a little difficult for you to break through the 9th rank? Come, I have an extremely high-quality magic stone here. I guarantee that you will succeed in breaking through!" He successfully gave the magic stone away. When he opened the vault again, he found a Saint-grade magic stone inside! "Beautiful magician lady, are you seeking materials for making magic wands? I'll give you a high-level magic wand directly. It's guaranteed to suit you!" The next moment, there was an additional God's Scepter emanating divine light in the vault! Years later. The Great Holy Magician: I've grown to this point thanks to the Ten Thousand Spells Scepter that my good friend Michael gave me back then!" Goddess of Wisdom: "Although I have now become the Goddess of Wisdom and have the Scepter of Wisdom, I still can't forget that original high-level wand that Michael gave me. Elf Queen: In the past, I was seriously injured by an enemy and my face was disfigured, and thanks to Michael's excellent blood medicine, I was able to fully recover. Unfortunately, I couldn't find him recently. I'm still thinking of repaying him.

Huang Tian Dead Already · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Make a Name for Yourself

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"In that case, let's form a team and carry out the mission together." Michael looked at the mission book carefully and realized that this was a long-term mission. Moreover, signing up would exempt him from two annual assessments. In other words, as long as one joined this mission, they would not receive punishment even if they completely failed the annual assessment in the next two years. Moreover, they would receive double the reward if they managed to pass! Of course, if one did not want to, one could choose not to participate in the annual assessment.

Mr. Royce was saved. Michael's eyes lit up. He had originally thought that he would only be able to obtain the Sorcerer's Stone, but he did not expect there to be such a pleasant surprise!

"I'm sorry I'm late." Mr. Royce had just been ridiculed by the people in the reward hall. This time, he walked to Michael's side dejectedly.

Although those people didn't dare to deduct Mr. Royce's remuneration, they looked down on him. This deeply upset him, and he would occasionally wonder if he was dragging Michael down.

Michael did not know what he was thinking. When he saw Mr. Royce, he hurriedly shouted, "Hey. Over here! I found something good!"

"Let me introduce you. This is our new teammate, Carl." Michael introduced him to Mr. Royce. "He is my best friend, Mr. Royce."

After both parties exchanged greetings, Michael briefly introduced the new mission book to Mr. Royce.

Mr. Royce did not expect Michael to be so considerate of him, even helping him find such a good mission. Thinking of this, Mr. Royce felt even more grateful to Michael.

"Alright, let's form a team today. One day in the future, our team will become the strongest team." Mr. Royce said excitedly, "Oh right, our team will be named Z."

"Sure," Mr. Royce said casually, and Carl had no objections. The name was decided.

At this moment, they still did not know that in the future Tyre continent. This simple letter would become an indescribable existence that would make gods and ghosts pale.

All the high-level mages and even the elven queen had to give this name an opinion.

No one knew the true strength of the members of this team. They only knew that their captain, Michael, was not only extremely powerful but also a rare kind person. As long as it was a good person, they would receive Michael's selfless help, and the bad person would also receive the most ruthless blow. Over time, Z became another cult of sorts in the Tyre Continent. Many civilians and mage apprentices kept the coins with Z printed on them close to their bodies, hoping to receive protection. Villains were also afraid that Michael would see them and scatter their ashes. Because of this, the manor and town under Michael's name became the safest place in Tyre. A group of people and mage apprentices without magic power even fought to move into Z's town.

"Hero, can I interview you?" A mage apprentice from the Public Relations Department rushed over with a recording talisman in his hand. He had already recorded the entire process of Michael's attack. If he could get some first-hand news now, it would definitely be a hit in the academy's official newspaper.

Every academy on the continent of Tyre had its own exclusive newspaper for external publicity. It was used to publicize the strength of their academy and other aspects of the situation, attracting children of the appropriate age on the continent to join their academy.

The remuneration for articles in such newspapers was often linked to the popularity of the news. If the article was popular, one could even receive tens of millions of gold coins.

Thinking of this, the mage apprentice could not help but narrow his eyes, as if a million dollars had already beckoned to him.

Michael came back to his senses when he heard the voice. He did not like troublesome things. However, Miller probably wouldn't be coming back for a while.

Most mages would use brooms to travel. Even if they wanted to bring people, they would choose to use other magic transportation tools. Only when they had insufficient magic power and could not use the transportation tools would they escape in a hurry. Moreover, looking at the injuries of their group, even if they recovered, they were destined to not be able to make it to this year's annual assessment.

It seemed that Miller would be expelled from the academy soon, but those who were expelled would have no place in this world and would be ostracized everywhere.

Having finally resolved this problem, Michael looked at the Mage Apprentice holding the recording talisman. He often read the academy's newspapers, which recorded some simple and effective alchemy formulas, as well as some rewarding missions.

But the first issue? This was a little troublesome.

Just as Michael was about to refuse, Magical Beast suddenly said, "New potential investor detected."

"This investment is simple." Little Bat started chattering. "You only need to take out a gold coin from the vault space as an investment and entrust that mage apprentice to help you publish in the newspaper. You will be able to obtain long-term benefits and fame."

"The reward is twice the reward that the mage apprentice received," Little Bat continued. "How was it? You don't have to do anything and you can just lie down and count your money. Isn't that great?"

This suggestion was indeed very tempting. After all, gold coins were still very important in this world. It could even be said that as long as one had money, they could buy anything they wanted. This was also one of the reasons why the major families on the continent of Tyre were generally very powerful. They could buy items that were powerful enough.

Michael nodded in agreement and made up some random content. He then took out a gold coin and gave it to the mage apprentice.

The mage apprentice was overjoyed to receive Michael's approval, and he kept the gold coins in his pocket like a treasure. After bowing respectfully, he said, "My name is York. It's my honor to be able to report on you exclusively. I will definitely let your name spread throughout the entire Tyre Continent."

"Spread the word about Z too. This is the most powerful mage team in the future!" Mr. Royce shouted.

York walked over and interviewed a few more people before bringing back the information he had sorted out.

In the dormitory.

Michael, Mr. Royce, and Carl gathered to discuss completing the mission on the mission book. There were a total of nine long-term missions in the mission book. The early missions were relatively safe, but the subsequent ones were more difficult than the previous ones.

If he wasn't careful, he might even lose his life, much less get the mission reward.