
I Am Worshiped By the Gods Through Investment

Michael transmigrated to the book he wrote. In this magical world, there were many dangers. The good thing was that there was a magical vault key that traveled with him. He could use it to open a vault space at any time. Any item put into it would become his private property, and if he gave away his private property, it would be considered an act of investment. If the investment failed, he would lose all his money. And as long as the investment was successful, he would get the proceeds from the vault in advance. As the author who wrote about this world, Michael certainly knew which objects were worth investing in. From then on, the whole world was different! "Brother, is it a little difficult for you to break through the 9th rank? Come, I have an extremely high-quality magic stone here. I guarantee that you will succeed in breaking through!" He successfully gave the magic stone away. When he opened the vault again, he found a Saint-grade magic stone inside! "Beautiful magician lady, are you seeking materials for making magic wands? I'll give you a high-level magic wand directly. It's guaranteed to suit you!" The next moment, there was an additional God's Scepter emanating divine light in the vault! Years later. The Great Holy Magician: I've grown to this point thanks to the Ten Thousand Spells Scepter that my good friend Michael gave me back then!" Goddess of Wisdom: "Although I have now become the Goddess of Wisdom and have the Scepter of Wisdom, I still can't forget that original high-level wand that Michael gave me. Elf Queen: In the past, I was seriously injured by an enemy and my face was disfigured, and thanks to Michael's excellent blood medicine, I was able to fully recover. Unfortunately, I couldn't find him recently. I'm still thinking of repaying him.

Huang Tian Dead Already · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Deep in the Dark Forest.

Miller dragged the body torn apart and pieced back together by the dark magic spirit and stood in front of his cauldron, slowly chanting an incantation.

He once thought he would never have the chance to use the crucible for alchemy again. However, not long ago, he found a few pages of notes near the residence he had built with great difficulty. Miller picked up the notes and read through them briefly. His expression became shocked.

It was a few pages of notes left behind by the black mage, which recorded some insidious black magic alchemy formulas.

Black magic? Black magic alchemy? Miller sighed. Once upon a time, he had also yearned to become the best mage in the entire Tyre Continent. But fate was playing tricks on people, and now, everything could not go back.

Miller carefully read the formula. It was a very sinister alchemy formula. If a mage's alchemy was mostly in the direction of healing, attacking, and increasing magic power, then a black mage's alchemy formula was filled with plots, plundering, and curses. They were all sinister methods.

The things required for a black mage's alchemy were also terrifying. Miller briefly read the formulas. On one of the pages, he found a formula that he liked.

It was a magic beast-taming formula, but this one was completely different from a mage's purification magic. Mages would purify magic beasts into spirit beasts for use. This method was more stable. However, it would also reduce the magical beasts' strength to a certain extent. The magic beast taming formula developed by the black mages allowed them to directly control the enraged magic beast to attack the target they wanted to attack.

Miller's lips suddenly curled up. He remembered the small village before Michael entered the academy. There didn't seem to be any mages stationed there all year round. Michael did not have the power to cast a protective spell around the village.

"You made me fall to this state." Miller carefully put away the alchemy formula. "Michael, just you wait. I'm going to make you lose your only family." Miller had investigated Michael's background and knew that he had a sister in the village who had no magic power.

Most of the items in the alchemy recipe were common materials, and Miller quickly collected them all. He stood in front of the crucible and lit a fire. The dark red flame rose and licked the bottom of the crucible, burning it lukewarm.

Miller cut open his palm with a knife and let the blood flow into the flames. The nourished flames became even more vigorous. The dark magic spirit had already gained some intelligence. It extended its tentacles out of Miller's body like an ignorant child, curiously touching the flames.

Miller began to chant an incantation, pouring dark magic into the crucible and adding various materials. He was now proficient in using black magic. During this time, the dark magic spirit obediently stretched out its tentacles and stirred in the crucible.

This was the last material. In order to make the magic beasts more under his control, the alchemy formula stated that when refining the potion, he had to put an organ of the black magician into it.

The more important the organ was, the higher the success rate of the refinement and the better the effect of the final potion.

After thinking for a moment, Miller turned the knife around and cut open his chest, revealing his beating heart. During this period of time, he already knew the truth. That was, even if his heart were shattered, the dark magic spirit would still have a way to resurrect him and continue to play with him like a doll.

The reason why the black magic spirit didn't touch his heart before was purely that it liked that beating little thing. Miller chanted an incantation. Black magic tore open the skin on his chest and cut open his ribs. His heart was exposed without any protection, beating faster and faster.

Thump!Thump! Thump!

The sound was like a drum beating in Miller's ears, numbing his eardrums.

He paused for a moment, but he still reached into his chest and pulled out the heart. He threw it into the crucible and fused it with the other alchemy materials.

After a while, a dark red aura rose from the top of the crucible. The brand-new potion was successfully refined.

Miller held it in his hand, his eyes filled with hatred. The wind blew into his empty chest, and felt a little cold.

At Derek Academy's database.

Michael followed the magic elf all the way up, and layers of books unfolded in front of him, telling him different contents. Some ancient books had been nurtured here for a long time, and they had already produced their own book spirits. These book spirits rarely saw strangers enter the database. At this moment, they all poked their heads out of their books and looked at Michael curiously.

"Who are you?" A book spirit asked curiously. Hundreds of different voices rang out, "Who are you?"


"What book are you looking for?"

"Are you here for me?"

One by one, the book spirits flew out from different books and surrounded Michael, asking him questions.

"Hello, I'm Michael, and this is my companion, Mr. Royce." Michael politely introduced himself and Mr. Royce, and then very politely explained his purpose of coming. "I'm looking for some high-level alchemy recipes for foxtail grass, and Mr. Royce is looking for some books on teleportation charms. Do you know where I can find one?"

Mr. Jones' magic elf seemed very interested in Kanal on Michael's shoulder. It flew over and rubbed against Kanal curiously.

"What is it? Stay away from me." Kanal stepped back excitedly. "I'm a germaphobe."

Michael mercilessly mocked the little bat in his heart and reached out to stroke its head to comfort it.

The magic elves were very dissatisfied with Kanal's reaction. They swayed and flew back to the book spirits, chattering with them in a small language. Michael listened for a long time but could only hear some squeaking sounds, which sounded a little like the cries of mice.

Puzzled, Michael asked Kanal what they were talking about. Kanal threw a tantrum for a while before speaking slowly. "It's asking those book spirits if they have the content you're looking for."

"It's me!" After a while, a sky-blue book spirit flew over from the sky in a circle. "Finally, someone is looking for me. I know that the raw material is foxtail grass, a high-level alchemy potion formula."

"I'm here." Another white book spirit suddenly appeared. " I recorded the method to draw the teleportation charm."

"This is too advanced," said Mr. Royce in shock. He had thought he would have to climb the tall building floor by floor to slowly find the books he needed.

He was still sighing in his heart just now. He couldn't use magic to move here and had to walk on his own feet. It would take a long time to find a specific book from the database. In the end, he did not expect the method of finding information to be so intelligent.