
I am Wolverine in AOT

The world of titans is a enormous one pun intended with the 9 intelligent titans ruling them all those are: The Founding Titan, Female Titan, Beast Titan, Attack Titan, Cart Titan, War hammer Titan, Colossus Titan, Armored Titan, and Jaw Titan they are the absolute rulers of the world of Titans but they won't be able to stand the might of the most legendary of X-Men Wolverine Does the Armored Titan have almost impenetrable armor? I Wolverine will still slice him up Does the Jaw Titan have a jaw that can snap almost anything that enters its mouth? Well then let him have a taste of my adamantium skeleton The Colossal Titan is enormous and can kill me with high powered steam? Go ahead I will regenerate and slice him up The Cart Titan has incredible stamina and endurance meaning it can go on for days or months without stopping? Then I will challenge it to a marathon and win The Founding Titan can control other Titans making them attack me? Let them come no matter how many there are they are all just maggots and flies The War hammer Titan can absolutely destroy me with a swing of his hammer? Then come at me I will still slice you up The Beast Titan can talk and hay higher intellect? Come here I will gut you making coats out of your pelt and kebabs from your meat Does the Attack Titan seek freedom? I will give you freedom in the afterlife as I slice you up The Female Titan can instinctually harden and is an all-purpose unit? I don't care I will still woo the girl inside and make her mine I Wolverine will stand atop this cursed world of titans slicing anybody in my way to bits

Electez · Outros
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9 Chs

Meeting Eren and Armin

On a bright sunny day in a secluded street of Wall Maria in the Shiganshina district out of nowhere a boy seemingly 7 years of age appears which would usually stun people but for some odd reason there was no one in that street at that exact moment

The boy has snow white short hair and a cute face that is starting to show it's future handsome but with him being dirty and wearing a stained greenish brown cloak he looked like an exiled prince turned beggar but the boy himself didn't seem to mind

[Hello host I am your personal Chaos Suggestive System given to you by Chaos himself I am here because you wished for it and you can call me CSS for short] A voice rang out in the boy's head it was neither a cold nor warm voice neither was it male nor female it seemed organic yet not at the same time yes indeed that boy is Ryuu our MC and right now he figured out that this must be the system he wished for

(Hello system I am Ryuu call me W and from now on you are called M so system what can you do and where am I?) Ryuu got right down to business first he established the system's name because calling it CSS is too long in his opinion the same goes with his name so he called the system M and himself W next he has to establish it's functions and the world he is in right now

[Affirmative from now on my name is M while yours is W and from your memory, the last of God's interaction with me and your current circumstances you are in the world you call Attack on Titan in the year 842 putting you in Eren's age group as the Gods made you 7 years old as for what I can do I have 3 functions 1. Status shows your parameters, abilities, enhancements and so on do note that skills and your personal health are not shown 2. Quest is a function which gives out missions for you to fulfill and the steps needed to fulfill the quest, the quest has a lot of variables there are timed ones, ones with punishment, ones without punishment, ones with great rewards, ones with worse rewards... there are a lot of possibilities and finally 3. I give you suggestions, a second mind so to say to ponder over the same things or information you have missed/deem not important is collected by me and then you get the finished result like right now when I told you the world, year and placement] The system continued with it's nonorganic yet organic voice but the informational shock Ryuu got was too much and he almost passed out luckily only his knees buckled a bit and he got lightheaded

Ryuu had to arrange his thoughts and what he learned first he knows he was put in a world worse than just kill or be killed as the God's told him no it isn't simply killed or be killed he is in the motherload of shit right now

Even thou he loves Attack on Titan he definitely wouldn't want to be in the world of Attack on Titan if it's a kill or be killed world he would rather go to Gantz than Attack on Titan or The hunger games or The last of us or anything besides Attack on Titan

Second, the system doesn't have a cheaty shop function which he can only lament and remind himself of his stupidity but as nothing can be changed he has to live with it

But even with all these downsides, the third information is arguable no it is definitely the best

Thirdly Eren hasn't yet saved Mikasa and the wall break won't happen for another 3 years giving him enough time to do 2 things first get the best girl Mikasa and secondly get strong like super strong

After sorting out his thoughts the headache disappears and Ryuu exits the street walking around the district drawing everyone attention as having white hair and cute face is rarely seen in this part of the wall yet what attracted the most attention was that Ryuu was cute and unique but he was dressed in rags prompting a lot of questions to be raised by a lot of strangers

As he was walking around Ryuu laid his eyes on a familiar scene from the anime and it was something that brought a smile to his face because he just found his ticket to Mikasa

What was happening was pretty standard 4 boys were surrounding another boy and beating him up but what got Ryuu's attention was not the scene but the boy bullied

The boy was laying in a sharp position with his hands covering his head while the other boys were kicking him everywhere in the gut, in the head, his arms or legs but all of this wasn't relevant or important what was relevant and even more so important is the fact that the bullied boy has blond hair reaching to about his shoulders and a body more petite and cute looking that a girl's that was of course Armin

Seeing Armin in this situation Ryuu knew what he had to do the right thing, of course, is what he is gonna say the real reason is so that he can get close to Eren and later Misaka

"Hey what are you doing?!" While the boys were having fun beating up Armin Ryuu screamed and charged at them before jumping meanwhile the fattest of kids was turning around to face him but once he did so he ate a flying knee to the nose and jaw promoting his face to produce some eerie cracking noises

Seeing their friend drop the other kids didn't react until Ryuu punched another on in the gut and kicking the one opposite of Ryuu in the chest leaving only one remaining

The last boy was trembling almost pissing his pants from Ryuu so he did what anybody would in his situation he ran away I mean tried at least but Ryuu wouldn't let him

Grabbing him by the collar of his shirt Ryuu delivered 2 swift punches into the boy's head making cracking noises with every hit before it turned all quiet

Armin was trembling the whole time but noticed that he wasn't being beaten up anymore and the silence he opened his eyes and got up only to be shocked by what he saw

The boy's which bullied him just a few moments ago was now lying in puddles of their own blood with their faces disfigured in agony or because their facial bones are broken no one knows then Armin looked up only to see the most beautiful yet horrifying scene he will ever see

There he was a boy of pure white skin which would make even the noblest of women envious matching his pure white hair dressed in nothing but a rag with 3 bboys'sat his feet and the fourth one in his left-hand blood dripping down his face and fist soaking his rag and some blood got on his hair staining its pure whiteness with a crimson red color

If it was anybody else that would look horrifying just the image would make somebody shiver yet when this boy in front of Armin did it he looked like a Bloody angel came down to earth beautiful yet frightening prompting Armin to blush

(Sooo cute!) Seeing Armin blush sent Ryuu into cuteness overdrive making him lament the fate of this world and cursing the God's for making Armin a boy and not a girl

"I-I-am them tt-thank you for saving me from the bullies" Mustering up the little courage he has Armin finally spoke breaking Ryuu out of his overdose of cuteness then looking around himself he noticed how badly he wounded the children and that was the moment he remembered his adamantium skeleton before he looked back at Armin

"Yea-uh no pro-" Even with the little hick-up of hitting the children too hard everything went according to keikaku for Ryuu until a particular suicidal knucklehead arrived and interrupted Ryuu

"You bastard stop bullying Armin!" Yelled out Eren with a voice full of fright and concern for his friend before charging at Ryuu

Let's rewind time a bit and change to what has been going on with Eren

Yesterday Eren and Armin had decided to meet up and play together but when Eren arrived Armin was nowhere to be seen

Being afraid that his friend will be bullied again Eren looked everywhere for Armin until he spotted Armin but the scene he was in wasn't pleasant in the least

In front of Armin was a boy seemingly their age holding one of Armin's bullies by the collar while the other ones are bleeding out on the floor that is when the boy looked around himself

Even though that he was looking for more people to beat up when the boy's gaze landed on Armin Eren was afraid he is going to beat him up Armin so like any good friend he wanted to protect Armin leading to this situation

Before Armin could react and clear up the misunderstanding Eren was already in front of Ryuu whom just lightly punched him in the forehead knocking him unconscious

"Don't worry he is just unconscious take him with you I will be going now it seems I am not really welcome" Ryuu wanted to be the cool guy like all other people so he threw Eren into Armin's hands before disappearing into the crowd while Armin was just left there looking into the direction his savior disappeared

A few moments later Armin snapped out of it and dragged an unconscious Eren back to Grisha and Carla Yeager his father and mother who laid them both in bed even with Armin protesting against it and claiming that he was fine they still wouldn't let him out of bed

Later they asked Armin what happened and when he explained about Ryuu saving him while later a misunderstanding occurred that made Eren attack him which brought on the current situation

Grisha and Carla were displeased with their son's behavior and when Eren woke up they sternly reprimanded him and tried to force him to go out and search for Ryuu tomorrow so that he can apologize to him which he refused but after he heard what happened from Armin he immediately agreed and later that day Armin left for his house determined to find and apologize to his mysterious savior tomorrow

But what they didn't know that on the other end Ryuu was suffering and if they wanted to apologize they could buy him food or give him a place to live

Let's rewind time to the time when Ryuu left Eren and Armin

Leaving an unconscious Eren and stunned Armin Ryuu felt satisfied but that satisfaction was quickly overridden by the feeling of hunger

Walking around a little more Ryuu found stalls with people selling food at them but he also noticed something he may have overlooked because of all the excitement and headaches

He is penniless and homeless meaning no food, no shelter, no warmth which made him think about how he is going to survive and after searching, for an idea of how to survive he came to a conclusion so he started to stumble into the stalls with food

Yes the way Ryuu will survive is by stealing and once he was done it was already night so he climbed to the rooftop of a building and moments later thuds could be heard beneath him

At the floor were all kinds of fruit but no fish, vegetables or meat as he can't cook or start a fire really so stealing fruits was the best option

Eating some bananas, apples, oranges, and other fruit Ryuu finally felt satisfied when he went thru a third of his stolen goods so with a full stomach Ryuu fell asleep under the starry sky

Ryuu slept for a very long time from sundown to noon actually which expresses how mentally exhausted he truly was but another day comes with another duty so he woke up

Hopping off the roof Ryuu looks around the streets watching what he can steal but before he could even begin to steal the loud rumbling of his empty stomach would probably alert his targets or sap out all the concentration Ryuu had

Just when Ryuu was about to return to his rooftop he saw Armin and Eren waving their hands while shouting something

Ryuu saw them and he also saw their expressions meaning only one thing they wanted to apologize and for Ryuu that was perfect since everybody knows that when apologizing you have to buy food to the one you are apologizing to right?

Well like I said this is the usuall lenght of the chapters but the last chapter was short becouse I didn't know what to write but anyways bye bye and enjoy

Electezcreators' thoughts