
I Am Vengeance Incarnate

A man is reincarnated into DC into the body of a police officer who had just been killed by Victor Zsasz. Now, he is the host of the Ghost Rider, the devil's bounty hunter and he is ready to dish out revenge to every criminal in the world.

Dax_Mite · Anime e quadrinhos
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9 Chs

Under Investigation

The following day was business as usual, except for the fact that in the briefing room, Daniel saw two detectives with the Deputy Captain. Detectives to the uniformed officers, are th cool kids, each one of them wanted to be one so you could imagine the level of excitement they had because they thought this would be an evaluation.

"Good morning, let me first start by introducing these two detectives. From the right it's Detective Harley Burlock, then Detective Jim Gordon. Do not mind them, they are not here for something special. With that out of the mind, let's start the business of the day. Now, special thanks to Officer Daniel Hunt for stopping the Riddler and his goons for poisoning the water of Gotham, you saved a whole city, officer." The other officers cheered for him, some of them were jealous for they didn't do it wholeheartedly since the opinions of the detectives to him might have risen.

"Now, with more bad guys out there to catch, we need you guys to be vigilant and with this meta going around killing bad guys, we need you guys to keep your noses clean. We discovered Edward Nigma's body after someone called in sounds of explosions near the river and we think that this Meta is going after the bad guys who enter his sight. If he sees cops doing horrible things, he will not hesitate to go after them and with what we saw, two turrets did not stop him from getting to Edward and breaking his spine, rib cage, heart and lungs! The next order of business..."

The briefing went on for another twenty three minutes, making it the usual half an hour and they were dispersed to go get their supply from the armoury. But, Daniel was told not to go because the two detectives had questions for him. Daniel nodded, wondering why they wanted to talk to him.

"Officer Hunt, is it true you did not shoot at Edward Nigma when you had a shot?" Detective Burlock asked him.

"Yes, I never shot back," Daniel answered without missing a beat.

"Why is that?" Detective Gordon asked in a slightly authoritative tone.

"Because, I knew once I shot him, I would be in his list to get back at once he is put in prison and escapes, again. Gotham Police are afraid of even hearing any of the big three names let alone fire at them. So, while you wait for bodies and investigate, we uniformed officer are out there in the street, hearts in our hands, hoping we do not get spotted by any of them," Daniel answered, making the two detectives frown in displeasure. He is bringing up the divide in the station to get himself out of this jam and it was, honestly, a dick move.

"Officer Hunt, can we look at your account record?" Detective Burlock asked, making Daniel turn to look at him.

"You think I am in the pockets of Nigma? Do you think everyone of us is corrupt just because we are afraid of villians Batman can't keep them from escaping prison?" Daniel ask in annoyance. In his mind, he was wondering why Gordon was not the Captain of the station. Or was it a wired twisted version of DC where it plays off the events of Gotham series but where Bruce Wayne is actually Batman already. "You can have the records, just tell my banker I agreed." He then gave them the man's card and left the room.

"Quite a gutsy kid. Taking to two detectives like that," Burlock chuckled when Daniel was out of sight.

"Save it when we find out whether he is a dirty cop or not," Gordon answered. In his mind, he had a saying that every dirty cop is hated by good cops. If he finds out if this Officer was in the pockets of Nigma or anyone else, he would immediately apprehend him. With this Meta out on the lose, he couldn't take chances of the police station to be stormed by a flaming skeleton that kills everyone by staring at them. How he knew was because of a camera he found in the school's girls' locker room. The serial killer Charles Manson had out it there to record the girls but it ended up recording his death! The thing was glitchy when the Flaming Skull was there but then it became clear when it was gone. This begged the question, just how powerful was a being that it could kill you just by staring into your eyes?