
I am the strongst system

Currently up every week Up, currently every week My name is Alan Rainheart, an ordinary young man, nothing special. Suddenly, found myself being a system serving host. Of course, becoming a system is not easy. I continue to travel across the world to find a host that matches my link. From genius to trash, trash to genius, outcast, time traveler, explorer of the future and the past. Alas, they all don't match. But one day, I found an 8 year old little girl, named Olivia, who matched the system link perfectly. Seeing that this girl was so weak and naive, I decided to give her the power of controlling time, because I didn't want to find the host so quickly Note: This novel tells the point of view of a system

Amatour_Scrib · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Find the host

It's been 11,108 years, 8 months and 5 days, I have traveled around the world. However, I haven't found a single host that matches my link.

How annoying! What I usually do is just drift around looking at developments in each world, watching anime, playing games that I played when I was still human.

Oh, are you asking how can I have wandered all over the world? But, do the things I say?

This is simple.

Since I am the System, I only need to connect the earth's internet link with my data link. Then be like me! Not difficult, right?

The reason I became a system really still makes me confused. Last time, when I was playing on my cellphone, suddenly a virus attacked my cellphone device.

And from there, the cell phone exploded in front of my face, plus electrical energy suddenly shocked me to pieces.

I remember it was very painful!

My body was torn apart, burned, crushed and then burned! From there a black robot eyeball with a blue light appeared.

Are you asking about my form? It's simple, in fact it's very easy to describe.

As I explained, I am a robot eyeball with bright black and blue with a little white for the lights.

If you are still confused, try looking at the corner of the cover, That's me. I wonder if my creator doesn't have other imaginations? Making the MC he created was too simple.

Argh! whatever! My goal this time is to find a host!


Because bored!

For reason?

Because bored!

That's enough talking, basically I'm bored! I think I'm going crazy! Not eating or drinking, and not even sleeping! This sucks.

Ah, if God hears my prayer, what I want is a host, I don't ask for anything else. I would be grateful if I got a host.

I have followed a series of people throughout my life and until they died. Hope they are my host, because I think special conditions are needed, so that I can get a host.

From genius to trash, trash to genius, a reincarnation, a transmigration person, and also a returnee from the future or a person from the past to the future.

All of that is still in vain! They don't match! What's the point of their lives then? Eh? The truth is what's the point of my life?

By the way, this is the 900th world I just keep crossing. The name of this world is Netherland, here magic is their main resource.

Apart from that, for various races.

Demon races, Elves, Drafts, Dragons, Humans and even gods and angels exist. If the gods in this world knew about the existence of a foreign creature like me, there would definitely be a big war.

Yep, I don't care, if they try anything with these robot eyeballs, they'll die! It doesn't matter if they are the god Barlong who has the Mystic Eye Death perception, or Nanaya Shiki, or even Ryugi Shiki.

They will die! That's my promise! I'll make sure it's sent to Origin, Akar, Akasha, or whatever.

The world setting this time is a fantasy medieval European kingdom.

This can be seen from the designs of the residents' houses that I passed earlier. The rocky house is arranged very neatly, just like a housing complex.


After several hundred kilometers meters, it seems? I didn't count. My detection sensor is like detecting a link match with a person's soul.

Straight away, I was moving at the speed of light, or even faster.

When I got there, I saw a little girl who was about 8 years old, she was lying not moving at all close to the forest border with the nearest town.

The little girl had white hair like very beautiful cotton, her face was pale but very beautiful, but covered with dirt and wearing dirty and thin clothes, she looked like she was wearing a burlap sack.

Plus, he suffered bruises on his face and a stab wound to his stomach. Blood flowed down his clothes and onto the snowy ground.

Where it's winter he's wearing light clothes? It's amazing, but really stupid.

Correct! I forgot to mention, it's winter now and it's entering the middle. The temperature here reaches 10 degrees Celsius.

Coming back to this girl, I didn't detect her heartbeat or life...

Is the little girl dead?

Unlucky! No way, I'm late?


Haha, looks like that's what you guys want, right? Stupid! I'm the system, so I'm free to do what I like. No matter what rules, life and death are very easy.

Just enter his body and provide a unifying link with has soul.

As soon as I entered the little girl's body, a bright light enveloped her. The wounds all over has body healed completely, she slowly opened has eyes.

I saw that his irises were blue like sapphires, they were very beautiful with patches of white light that seemed to still remain.

"Cold!" The girl complained because it was cold, while hugging herself.

"Eh? Blood?" The girl saw blood on the clothes and, suddenly she remembered. "I'm dead! But why come back to life? Am I dreaming?"

Eh? This little girl has a similar voice tone to Sanada Asami when voicing Kurumi Tokisaki, but her voice sounds cuter.

Obviously, because this girl is still a child who is only 9 years old. But, instead of seeing him die of cold, but being stabbed? This made me curious.

Now this little girl is confused about what just happened, obviously. She just died, somehow still alive. Certainly wondering.

Let's start the union of Link and soul in the second stage. Downloading this little girl's information and implanting the system into her brain and soul, honestly this was a bit of a hassle.

Because I was new, and she was my first potential host.

It seems that God answered my prayer. I am truly grateful, thank God!

Suddenly, the little girl was shocked.


[Downloading information!]

[Register to host!]

[Ask for approval]

The little girl was surprised, hearing the notification sound from me. She looked around looking for the source. But, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find it.

"Who?" The girl screamed a little.

[Hey little girl register yourself]

[Later, you can see me]

I am currently trying to persuade him.

To make this girl host, me and this little girl must have two agreements. Honestly, this is a hassle, but what can I do?

The little girl looked confused, "Eh? Are you the one who brought me to life?"


Getting an answer from me, the little girl's face became unhappy. Why? I'm also confused, is there a reason?

"Why did you turn on me?" With an unhappy face, the girl asked.

This is a little confusing, I don't understand. Is it possible that this girl wants to die? This is quite unexpected, I might as well persuade him, I don't want to let him die.

Because I don't want to look for a host for millions of years. This girl must be the host! I don't care what it looks like.

I'm tired and bored of searching!

Anyway she has to be my host!

[Because you are selected]

Confused, he repeated the words of the notification, "Selected? What does that mean?"

Has face looked interested, this was my opportunity to persuade him more.

[You are chosen to be the strongest in the whole world, you can get what you want]

[Strength? Power? Beloved? Riches? or something like that. You will get whatever it is]

[But, I'm just giving it a chance. The rest you have to fend for yourself]

[As long as you sign up to be my host, you won't regret it]

The girl's eyes were bright, "If I register as you said, will I get a warm home? And delicious food?"

It seems like this girl, has simple thoughts. Maybe because she was still a child, this girl was a bit naive. In fact, little girls can have anything in this world by using me, whatever they want and how.

But, yeah! I just need to guide her not to think naively.

Besides, I keep traveling endlessly around the world looking for a host that matches my link. This little girl is a little better than not.

I can't be picky.

This novel tells the point of view of a system

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