
I am the son of dragon

Destiny refers to a predetermined course of events. It can be seen as a predetermined future, a concept based on the belief that there is a fixed order of nature in the universe. Destiny can be seen as a specific sequence of events that are inevitable and immutable, or that individuals can choose their own destiny by choosing different paths throughout their lives. life of an unemployed youth The first dragon reincarnation And getting someone into the game Same time, same place Is that ?

Gamal_3_3_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

The first dragon reincarnation

On the other side of the Dragon Land, Isaac heard some noises and then asked, "Black... what's going on here in Dragon Land?" Black replied and said, "It looks like today."

Isaac was surprised and said curiously, "What day?"

Black replied, "Today is the registration for admission to the Seven Dragons Clan."

Isaac thought to himself, Is this the moment I will win all the matches?

Then Black said, "For you, don't care about this contest. You really don't need it."

Isaac replied, "Why is that?"

Black replied, "Okay, then I'll explain

The Dragon Land has many kingdoms. This is the main kingdom, which has many sects, and the largest sect was the Seven Martial Dragons Sect, who represent the seven strongest known dragons in Dragon Land. They are also the largest of the seven families in this kingdom

And it contained a lot of branches that counted as small sects belonging to it Among them, the Land of the Dragon Sect had everything essential that they called a dragon, in honor of their origin, such as the largest forest, the Dragon Forest, and the largest and tallest mountains, the Dragon Mountains.

Since you don't know these things, I'm telling you."

Isaac replied after knowing these many things, "It seems that there are really a lot of things here. Is the land of dragons that wide?"

Black replied, "Well, hmm, if we're going to compare it to a place you know, we'll say that Dragon Land is twice the size of Neverland where you used to live."

Isaac was amazed at the horror of the situation, although he had recently moved, but he saw that the town in which he lived, which was Alex, was very large, as he did not go to all the places in this town, and then he knew Alex is a very small part of the continent of Neverland, and there are many forests in which no one lives, compared to the room in which he lived in his previous life. This world is considered heaven for him.

Black then said, "There are seven major sects that control the Seven Dragons Martial Competitions, so their family members don't have to enter the martial competitions, as long as they are the ones organizing them anyway."

Issac sighed and said, "You are a member of one of those seven sects, so you now know what it is right? You don't have to enter the competition as long as you are a member of one of the sects."

Isaac replied, "Wait a minute, you're saying I'm the son of one of the seven great sects."

Black replied, "Yes."

Isaac replied, after thinking a little, and I can enter the competitions without nominating or any random competitions, but I may also be a member of the group without any single match, right.

Black replied, "Well yes. Everything you say is true."

Isaac replied, "I want a request from you, and I want you to do it."

Black replied, "What is this request?"

Isaac replied, "Well, don't tell anyone that I came to the Land of the Dragon and invented a fake identity for me. I want to enter the competitions by my own effort."

Black replied, "If that's what you want, then fine."

. . . .

Under a random tree in the forest of Dragon Land

A disciple's cultivation went wrong, and his qi suddenly reversed

Then boom

The student tries to correct the course, but he could not, and then he was killed

At the same moment, someone's soul begins to reincarnate, a soul that has been reincarnated hundreds of times. It is the soul of the first dragon with endless karma.

How does the first dragon reincarnate hundreds of times?

The OBE is a kind of subtraction or projection very close to the real world. It often happens during Near Death Experience، It is when a person exits as a result of an accident such as a car accident * surgery * heart attack * childbirth and so on.... Those leaving the body with OBE are aware of what is happening in the real world in real time.

Exiting the body (OBE) differs slightly from astral projection and lucid dreaming, because the vision is in real time, i.e. the present time (i.e. not in the future, and so on). This brings him very close to the physical world. This is because the astral body is the carrier of a large amount of etheric matter.

There are two main reasons for OBE: When a person is close to death* or thinks so, it causes a large amount of etheric matter to move into the astral body in preparation for death.

The second reason is that the person has active energy centers that work on the same thing, i.e. transferring the etheric matter to the astral body. Having active energy centers can be natural. That is, a person is born with it, or it is through training and developing energy centers.

A person can do OBE in the physical world if the amount of etheric matter produced from the energy centers is large.

In fact, when you project in the material world, you are not in the real world, but rather in the area separating the material world and the astral world.

And this imbalance of the accident makes it reincarnated