
I am the son of dragon

Destiny refers to a predetermined course of events. It can be seen as a predetermined future, a concept based on the belief that there is a fixed order of nature in the universe. Destiny can be seen as a specific sequence of events that are inevitable and immutable, or that individuals can choose their own destiny by choosing different paths throughout their lives. life of an unemployed youth The first dragon reincarnation And getting someone into the game Same time, same place Is that ?

Gamal_3_3_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

How did we met

Martinez replied, "Let my son go? What nonsense are you saying, do you think I'm crazy or what?"

Marks of anger were visible on Martinez's face.

Black looked at him calmly and said, "Do you know that my mission is to kill you and your family, but I haven't done so yet, and I've left you a chance to live a quiet life just by letting your son go to his country of origin.Do you think what I did was wrong? Do not feel angry towards me, but because of your father. I feel so angry at him, I bet he didn't even tell you that you were from the Land of Dragons . So what do you think of dying for you and your family or letting your son go? You know I don't have much time right? "

Martinen sat down on the chair with his back and said quietly, "Okay, I'll leave this up to my son to decide it's his life after all. But don't tell him our lives are at stake because of this decision, okay?" Black showed random signs of awkwardness and then Ed said, "Okay, then let's leave it to this little kid."

Then Martinez went to call his son from the room Isaac heard everything through the nano stethoscope...

But the conversation was like a thunderbolt to him, his family's life would be annihilated if he didn't go. His father is arguing with this man he found in the cave, but his thoughts are interrupted by the voice of the system beep*

(Learn the secret of the land of the dragon 16%)

Side Quest: Go to Dragon Land Rewards: 1,000 experience points. Rewards: Unknown Rewards: Unknown Rewards: Unknown

After these messages, Isaac decided to go to find out more about this world that he came to after he moved

Isaac stood up and Father and Black began to explain how he was a descendant of the Land of Dragons and that his grandfather called Isaac was actually someone who had fled their land decades ago and then came to the Continent of Neverland He got married and gave birth to his father and then disappeared after that and his father continued his life with his mother until the time of marriage came and he got married and gave birth to his son Jamal and daughter Maryam and then began calling him his son Jamal after his father Isaac so that he would remember him from time to time

Isaac's mind began to gradually gather a huge amount of information. Then his father suggested the most important question in this short conversation about whether he wanted to go to the land of dragons and discover the land of his grandfather. Or does he want to stay and continue his normal life in Neverland?

Isaac waited as he looked at his father and at Black hesitant glances here and there. He kept thinking about things that had nothing to do with the subject, such as whether he would find attractive and beautiful dragon women or not.

He had already decided to go, then said in a calm voice, "Okay, I'll go now."

Then he sighed and said in a slightly loud voice, "To the land of dragons."

. . . .

April. Entry ceremony in Japan.

I was going to school on the bus, which shook every time it passed over a bumpy area of ​​the road. While I watched the landscape change from one area to another Passengers on the bus gradually increased. Most of the passengers were in school uniform. An old woman stood before me precariously on her unsteady feet, And it looks like she's going to fall anytime I made a mistake by taking the bus. Even though I managed to secure a good seat, a cold wind was blowing towards me and the whole bus was crowded. That poor old woman will have to wait for the bus to reach its destination. Clear skies, clear weather is refreshing...I think I might fall asleep. My calm and peace were suddenly cut off.

"Don't you think you should give up your seat?"

For a moment, I opened my eyes that were about to close. Eh, by any chance, is she scolding me?

That's what I thought at first, but it looks like the person in front of me has been warned.

A young man of good build and blond hair was sitting in the priority seat. I mean a high school student. The old woman was standing next to him. An office lady was next to the old woman.

"You there, don't you see the old woman having trouble?"

The lady of the office seemed to wish that the priority seat should be handed over to the old lady. On the quiet bus, her voice rose and caught the attention of the others on the bus.

"That's a really crazy question, lady."

The boy might have been angry, ignorant, or perhaps brutally honest, but he smiled and stroked his legs.

"Why should I give this seat to an elderly woman? There is absolutely no reason to give it up. "

"Isn't it normal to give priority seat to the elderly?"

"I don't understand. Priority seats are just priority seats, and there is no legal obligation to move. Whether I move or not, I must decide, I am the one who is currently sitting in this seat. Will I give up my seat just because I'm young? Ha-ha-ha, that's a stupid way of thinking."

It's a way of speaking one wouldn't expect from a high school student. His dyed hair is blond, and some of the unexpected qualities of a high school student.

"I am a healthy young man. Sure, I don't feel like standing would bother me. However , It is clear that standing will consume more physical strength than sitting. I don't want to do this useless thing. Or maybe, are you telling me to be more lively? "

"What, what kind of attitude is this towards those above you!"

"Up? You are clearly a woman who has outlived me. There is no doubt about that. However, "above" refers to height. Also, I have a problem with you. Even if there is an age difference, isn't that a rude and awful situation? ,

"Wha…! Are you a high school student!? Just listen to what the adults have to say! "

"It's okay, it's good..."

The office lady was working, but the old woman didn't want to make the situation worse. I tried to calm her down with hand gestures, But the office lady kept insulting the high school student and seemed about to turn into a fury. Older women seem to have better hearing than they do.

"My dear, I think Japanese society is not completely useless yet. Enjoy the rest of your life to your heart's content."

Showing a useless smile, he put the headphones in his ears and started listening to loud music. The office lady who spoke was clenching her teeth in annoyance. His self-important attitude annoyed her as she tried to argue with him. I personally did not involve myself because I agreed, at least in part, with the boy. Once the moral problem is resolved, the obligation to give up his seat disappears


The office lady tried to hold back her tears while apologizing to the old woman. A small accident happened on the bus. I was relieved that I wasn't involved in this situation. I don't care about things like giving up my seat to the elderly or stubbornly refusing to move out of my seat. The turmoil ended with the boy winning with his great ego. At least, everyone thought it was over.

"Um… I also think the lady is right."

An unexpected helping hand has been extended. The owner of the voice seemed to be standing next to the office lady and speaking bravely of his opinion to the boy. He was wearing the same school uniform as me.

"This time, what's his name again? Was he calling himself Isaac?" Probably "


"Grandma, it seems she has been suffering for a while. Wouldn't you give up your seat? This may not be a concern for you, but I believe it will contribute to society."

"Social contribution? I see, that's an interesting way to put it. Giving seats to the elderly may be a way to contribute to society. Unfortunately, I am not interested in contributing to the community. I only think of my own satisfaction. And so. In this crowded bus, she asks me, who sits in the priority seat, to give up my seat, But can't you ask the other people who stand silent and leave me alone? If someone really cares about the elderly, I think 'priority seat here, priority seat there' would be a trivial concern.

Then there was another girl who stood up and spoke this nonsense too


How is there so much empathy, courage and determination in those few words? Rarely do we see such true intentions. With her remark, the girl may seem like a nuisance. But she seriously appealed to the passengers without fear. I wasn't in a priority seat but I was sitting near the old woman.

By raising a hand and saying "Here," this situation will be settled. Like everyone else on the bus, I didn't move. Nobody felt it necessary to move. The boy's attitude and behavior revolved around with some of the passengers and they convinced themselves that the boy was right. Of course, the elderly are undoubtedly important contributors and supporters of Japan. But we young people are the important human resources that will support Japan from now on. Also, as the population is aging gradually, our value is also increasing. Therefore, if you compare young and old, it is clear which one is more important now. Well, that's a perfect argument too, is not it. Somehow, I began to wonder what others would do. Looking around, people would pretend they didn't notice or had a hesitant look. But the girl sitting next to me was completely different, she had an expressionless look. When I inadvertently stared at her due to her temptation, our eyes met for only a moment. I can say we shared the same thoughts. Neither of us thought of giving up our seats to the old woman.

"Oh, there you are!"

Soon after the girl's call, a woman stood up. She gave up her seat, unable to bear the guilt.

"Thank you so much!"

As the girl lowered her head with a full smile, she pushed through the crowd and led the old woman to the seat. The girl thanked again and again, and then sat down in her seat. While watching the old woman and the girl, I folded my arms and closed my eyes. Soon the bus arrived at the destination, and stopped at the school. When I got off the bus, a gate made of natural stone was waiting for me.

All the boys and girls in school uniforms got off the bus and passed through the gate.

. .

This was the beginning of our friendship in high school