
I am the Queen of Time-travel

Nothing gets more magical than this… -Asiahgirl. Naïve and adventurous Ava appears in a mythic world. A world she is destined for but knows nothing about. She is accommodated by a ruthless king and his only son is asked to train her in magic as she is only a beginner. She learns to be strong and independent, making new friends and enemies. Little did she know that she was only here to revenge and take back her place as The Phoenix, Queen of time travel. And she had to fight the strongest of all to take it back…

ASIAHGIRL_01 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs


It was like every other midnight. The sky looking staggering with different stars colouring the dark breezy oasis. It was one of those nights that there was no moon and that was to her advantage because it was one very important night. No stone was to be left unturned.

She had nothing much to pack and was not sure she needed any clothes. She was content with the necklace on her neck and Sweet on her waist. Turning to Sir Asher's dusty window, She swallowed hard in guilt. He had always been a good guardian. But he did not understand that nothing was more valuable than freedom, more daring than curiosity and more seductive than passion.

And as she rolled down that steep grassy hill, like she'd practiced only about a million times, one thing was sure; she was going to explore one day...

"Ava, get up here right this minute!" her heart pounded as  she heard that voice. She felt Sir Asher's blinding torch point directly at her. Ava froze, shut her eyes.

...and today was not just the day.


So this is my first Webnovel book

And I really am excited

Don't worry about the confusing prologue, the next chapter would be better

ASIAHGIRL_01creators' thoughts