
I Am The Poltergeist Within

Harper Whitlock didn't have a nice life, hardly a life at all. Taken from her home at a young age, stolen, kidnapped, each phrase signifies the issue here. Yet, after escaping, ready to go off on her own, But because of her stupid-ass ability, she had accidentally trapped herself within the head of another victim of her kidnappers. In the place she can't leave just yet. But maybe will, eventually. (dramatic music~, lights fade~) (PLEASE TRUST THE PROCESS I DO UNDERSTAND THAT THE BEGINNING MAKE YOU WINCE AT AN EXCESSIVE EXTENT)

V1v1_3nn3 · Fantasia
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8 Chs

The 'Hypnosis'

The dismembered body of the feline half human eventually got dragged away by the cleaners, leaving the place spotless. The cleaners nagged us a bit on how they are going to berate them on how long they let that noise go on for but left afterwards.

I noticed that throughout the beating Pyromaniac gave to the fleebag. The rest of the students in this class had already come in. Unsurprisingly, no one even tried to stop Aidan when he was in his frenzy. Classic bystanders, as you call them.

The teacher, Mr Crowford strode in with his lab coat and all other non-existent colours he had on, obsidian rimmed glasses with a chain in replacement of temples, with slicked back dark sage hair, it gave him an imposing, strict first impression. Added to that, he looked around in his 20s at most, early 30s.

I didn't care, nevertheless. If they were handsome, pretty, kind-looking, trusting, respectful, they're all the same inside, just children labourers. Look at us. Is there really any other way to describe it? We're their war machines. Their ginneapigs. We're only alive to kill each other.

The class quieted instantly to his entrance. Without greeting the class, Mr Crowford began to discuss some historic subjects that were a bore to even ignore. Though, I still did listen anyway. All that mattered is that you did well in the tests, not the lessons.

Soon, 10am turned 11am, and it was time for our next lesson.

We have a black touchscreen watch on our wrists that told us what we needed to do, almost like a business phone on the outside.

We have a schedule on there always updating after we finish a lesson, it will only say what's next after the lesson.

The next lesson was psychology class, where we learn how to manipulate, psychologically torture, hypnotise, and so much more. To be completely honest, yes, it is sick (in the wrong way). But it's one of my favourite lessons. Also, due to the fact that my ability relates to it by a lot of levels

We arose from our seats like Dr*cula being resurrected for the 48016524 time and walked through the halls in an orderly fashioned line.

We went past 3 doors and got to our class.

Hand on scanner.


Sit down.

'Small' quarrel with a random group that no one cares for the name of.

And the teacher enters.

"Hiya kidsss~~. How are you guys todayyy~~" Our teacher sneered, Miss Veronice.

A lanky woman, with long features, black hair and yellow eyes. One of the few ability users like us in this school, many let's say 'dislike' her because of her 'eccentric' personality but I am one of the few that greatly enjoys her company.

"Let's get started! ^>^"

All of us stood up from our chairs and pushed them infront of us.

Miss Veronice circled the classroom like a bird of prey, going through each row of the classroom; stopping every so often to stare at every one of us directly in our eyes, many described it as her scanning your soul as if she was a security machine. Checking for a subtle hint of any tells, for a lie, nervousness, hatered, adoration, the like.

She stopped at Mara, longer than she had at anyone else.

"Everyone! Take example from.. er..,"

"Mara." Mara blankly stated with little amusement

"Mara!! This girl knows how to handle herself better than any of you lot. Jeez. Almost concerning really. You guys I mean."

Most of the class grunted in response, looking disgruntled at her correction.

"All right kids! Stare into the eyes of your partner, to start with."

All of us turned sitting back down in the process, sideways on our seats. My knee was close up into Cain, pushing between his legs, and his in mine. It was making me blush but not enough to make me lose my composure.


"hm?" I looked up at Cain

"Keep your eyes on me. We need to listen to the exercise." He smirked, noticing my zoning out to 'dream land'

"-And then close your partners eyes with your hand! Simple as that~ Since it's the end of year I thought we would do a fun exercise to celebrate you all going into the next year!!"

"Shit. I didn't listen to a thing, Aidan what are we doing?? I turned backwards to the pair only to see Aidan with his eyes closed pale as a spooked porcupine with Mara smiling at me with a sharpened pencil in her hand resting it on the table.

"I don't think he listened himself Harp, I can help! So what you do is-"

After explaining the exercise to me I had an expression of cringe on my face, it's only falsifying hypnotism while the other tries to resist it. I could do this in my sleep. The rest of us though.. not so much, strangely Cain is the worst out of all of us but he did say he was practicing on Aidan lately so I'm not too sure.

"Well! You do the honors then! I want to see how much you've improved!" I exclaimed.

He had an expression of excutement on his face.

'Oh? He must of practiced a lot then. Unfortunately for him my mental fortitude is much sturdier than whatever Aidan has.

We both put on the head ohones handed out for each of us; I extended the side microphone.

I pursed my lips and leaned in, and blew.

Whistling and a slow pace, catching my breath every so often, as I tried to lull Cain out of conciousness. Once in a while Ca8n would shake his head and snap himself out of the delusion before getting woozy again.

Ho, he's fotten much better than before.

I quickened my pace and stared directly into his eyes, I accidently cracked a smirk seeing him so easily pulled into sleep, even though he had been practising so precariously.

He pinched his knee once again and his black eyes snapped back to stare into mine.

I became louder, this time as well as faster.

And then I stopped, getting slowened more relaxed, Cain then fell for the hypnotism and I reached to close his eyed properly.

Then he snatched my hand before it reached his face. His eyes burst open and opened his mouth to say something arrigant once again-

"ALRIGHT! Switch turns!!"

Instead of saying anything he grinned at me and my unsuccessful attempt.

That grin left me scowling it was always an unpleasant feeling to lose always has been, it got worse ever since Cain got fustrated and decided to practise in private trying to defeat me. Should I... No that's ludicrous. But what if I try to... No no I should stop that thinking. It wont get me anywhere good.

Cain brought my chin to look at him, intruding on my thinking.

"What's going on in your head huh? It's my turn." He warmly beamed at me.

He started whistling it was deep and mellow, I could smell his scent, it was almost like the first whiff after the rain and the newly made licorice herbal tea. So, so plesant. It reminded me of home.

My father's cooking while singing horrifically to my mother's favourite song, my mother watering her roses, blackberry bush, basil and lavender patch. Matching her parts to the song left to her from my father singing rhythmically with eachother as I muself joined in sing all of it, the song was Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado, though at the time I didn't truly understand the lyrics hmm. The honey added in after warming milk to drink on the swinging bench as I watched my mother lovingly take care of her miniture garden.

Ah, why am I thinking of time of such a long time ago, a faint whistling could be heard. How strange?

"Harp! My darling, come! Smell the new buds of roses of this year! They're growing more lucioisly than last year!:

"Of course ma! You take such good care of them, this is probably the least they could do in return!"

"Oh, you constantly flatter me too much."

An imposing man with hair that is used to being slicked back was lose yet kept its form, it was scruffy yet gave the man a warm feature to him. He kissed my mother on the head.

"My love, dinner is almost ready are you to be finished soon?"

"Dear just one moment, my lavender are ro be quenched of it's thirst and we shall join you soon." The woman gleamed and then turned to the child that spoke.

"Haha! Papa I command you to let me help with the seasoning!"

"Of course my commander! As you say sir."

He took a bow and raised his head with a grin on his face.

As the child followed her father back into the house she turned.

"Get up. Stop him."

I snapped my eyes open and swatted his wrist away from my face.

"Woww. You've gotten quite better. But not good enought to stop me." I lightly twisted my head to the side and gave him a Cheshire smirk.

Shaking off the rememberance of useless memories. He was close to getting me. Sven if I didn't show it. Damn even if I was so reluctant to even think about it before maybe... if I... Even if it bring my lride down a notch mabye I should try *gag* studying in my spare time.

Cain only just gleamed with pride seeing that he was closer than before as he clutched his wrist.

"Sorry.. Did I.. Hit too hard?"

"Hah. This," Ge held up his hand "this is nothingg. I'm fine, no need to worry." Ge smilef at me. And I gave a wry one in return.

"Right!~ Ladies and gentlemen, that's the last of this year's sessions! Have a good rest of the last day. All my love my dears!~~

The class rised once again and in single file, column by column we all exited unteady for our next class.