
I Am The Poltergeist Within

Harper Whitlock didn't have a nice life, hardly a life at all. Taken from her home at a young age, stolen, kidnapped, each phrase signifies the issue here. Yet, after escaping, ready to go off on her own, But because of her stupid-ass ability, she had accidentally trapped herself within the head of another victim of her kidnappers. In the place she can't leave just yet. But maybe will, eventually. (dramatic music~, lights fade~) (PLEASE TRUST THE PROCESS I DO UNDERSTAND THAT THE BEGINNING MAKE YOU WINCE AT AN EXCESSIVE EXTENT)

V1v1_3nn3 · Fantasia
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8 Chs

The 'Eternals'

(Harper's POV)

Aidan, as usual, burst into the classroom.

...Catching me at my worst moments.

As usual,


Out of shock, I completely forgot to pull myself out of Cain's lap.

He took a moment to individually examine each of us, one by one. And blurted the one thing I did not wish to hear in this circumstance....


I raised myself up immediately.

I can't believe that I didn't do so earlier!!

On the outside, I was calm and serene, not showing any type of reaction. Inside? Well, I'm screaming at myself to get up quicker,

running laps at 50003677520mph.

This entire time, I was just casually lying in his lap without a care in the world. My god...

I'm pretty sure I created and turned shades of red the human race never even discovered before.

I didn't even consider trying to gain the confidence to look back at him.

I faced forward at the front of the class, utterly ignoring the few people who came in. Mara sat directly behind me as Aidan sat next to her, behind Cain.

Other students came in, leaving the slam of the door sound behind them. We shut our mouths immediately; it was a silent rule here.

Don't make conversation with the other groups unless it's urgent, or you're picking a fight. Based on our relationship we have with them, it would most likely be the latter.

Five students waltzed arrogantly.

It was obvious. They haven't yet realised what we're actually being trained for. But hey, I didn't know either until I was in the 8th year.

So I'll cut them some slack.

I recognised their group. The 'Dominators' filthy little shits. Those snakes take in the newbies who came from the other 'Schools' and they- ... Are just gruesome.

I subconsciously shivered at the thought of it, what they did to those poor kids... I tried to stop them... I really did. But my timing was the only reason I couldn't... The damn timing.

All groups in here were given some strange form of a code name, their's were the 'Dominators', one group I know were called the 'Waterlilies', another was the 'Safeguards' and many others. All of them were different, whether it came to abilities, people, or the names. They all had at least one difference.

Ours were the 'Eternals' because no matter what has happened to us before we all always make it out alive, we're 'eternal', I suppose the name suits us quite a bit. Throughout the years, not one of us has died. Not dying is an achievement in itself, funny, huh?

We receive our group codename when our performance within the years adds up until the 9th year.

We only received our codename around 2-3 years ago, so it's quite recent. The thing is about the groups (or even the personal) codenames is that you will and can never change it. So, most of the time, it's best not to fall behind when it comes to the meaning of your group codename.

So for us—well, we make sure we're invincible.

For personal codenames, that's a whole new other story. But, what's fun about it is that the rest of the group gets to decide it for you. Mara is the 'Flamingo' because she talks to animals, and she's pink. We didn't really put much creative thought into it. But hey, it works.

Aidan wanted something explosive, such as the 'The Flame Thrower'.

He's such a child, honestly.

But, in the end, we went with my idea—the 'Pyromaniac'. He tried to kill me every time he got the chance for two months, 17 days, and 16 hours.

Yes, I counted.

Yes, I regret nothing.

For Cain, we went with The 'Mimic'.

Reason? It's already obvious, not much to explain really.

With me, we went with the 'Poltergeist'.

The purpose? Because my ability is like no other. So much so I've been labelled as a Poltergeist. A little bit of an exaggeration in my own opinion, but I suppose it might suit me a bit. Reson? Well, my ability was quite similar to those paranormal creatures.

(Also, The 'Ghost' and The 'possessor' were already taken. What's worse is that they didn't even manage to graduate before they got expelled. A waste of a perfectly good codename if you ask me).

I have the ability to enter the mind. Mentally and physically.

As long as I have the target that I wish to enter the mind of, in my line of sight.

It's impossible for me not to enter their mind if I wish to do so; nothing in this world except for them being out of my line of site can prevent me.

Once I am in the target's mind, my materialistic body almost evaporates into nothingness. Not even leaving a speck of dust floating throughout the air. Of course, once a return to the materialistic world, it reforms to hold my 'soul/consciousness' in. Looking the same as it used to when I left.

The thing about my materialistic body is that it ages with my soul; for example, if I stay in a mind for five years, my body would also age five years. It's quite disappointing that I can't become immortal if I jump minds.

But what can I do about it?

Once I'm within the target, I could even torture the target within their own head, and they could do absolutely nothing to stop me.

There is only a single other flaw to my ability: the higher the mental fortitude, the harder it is for me to leave the mind of the target. Especially if it's higher than my own. The only way for me to leave a mind like that is only if over time, I raise my own mental fortitude greater than the target's. Which results in me being stuck in their mind for a very long period of time until I'm utterly stronger in the mind compared to the target.

But, what makes me so menacing to the rest of the world is that once I am in the mind, the possibility of what I can do is endless.

I could even take over the body of the target.

I could damage the target severely mentally, emotionally, and even physically in just a thought. Making them see the last thing they would ever want to see. Abruptly stop their own organs. Drain their blood from their pores. Torture them with their worst traumatic experience on repeat. Create a reality in their mind that could drive them to insanity.

Even beneficial deeds are plausible to the target.

For example, healing, improving one's positivity, and even regrowing limbs.

You see, the mind is a brilliant place that controls the entire body constantly.

Awake, asleep, injured, or healthy, the brain is always working one way or another; it only stops once you're dead. And that also applies to the fact that if the brain is dead, so will the body. Of course, with the correct resources, sometimes this is false.

So, what do you think will happen if an entirely new being, new mind, took the reigns of those controls? Including pain receptors, nerves, and organ controls. (^3^) °○●•~○●°♡

I could do anything to the target. Anything.

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