
I Am The Peak

In a normal world of mortals, Saber was a special existence but, this all changed when he was sent into different worlds, meeting different things, and being revealed to cultivation... Well, at least this was what he expected but, it never changed. He was still special in the end, not that he complained. The endless world of cultivation is filled with ruthlessness and scheming. But, not everything is as it seems. This isn't the story of Saber, but of a being who should have transcended everything... This is his second chance at it...

Slewpy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
308 Chs


Saber floated in the skies gazing on with coldness in his eyes as he watched the winged creatures try to escape from their inevitable death. Feeling that they had survived too long even though the fight did not even last 3 minutes, Saber pointed his palm toward the direction where the beasts were trying to escape to and shouted...

"Multi-Beam Attack!!"

Immediately, just as Saber's name says, multiple beams shot out of his fingers and rapidly approached the beasts. Without any chance to evade, the beams penetrate their bodies instantly killing them.

Dropping lifelessly to the floor, the bodies of the beasts then mysteriously shattered and turned to dust since Saber had somehow devoured them. With a contented smile on his face, Saber then leisurely flew toward his group.

"So, do you finally realize who the strongest is?!" Saber proclaimed with his cold voice and unfeeling eyes, making one wonder, was he truly joking when saying it.

He expectantly waited for Aegon's reply, yet, for some reason, none of the group members showed any elation for being alive. Saber couldn't help but feel that they were an ungrateful bunch so he walked up to them and waved his hand in their face.

Yet, Red and her other junior sister and brothers remained rooted in what seemed to be fear. Seeing this, Saber couldn't help but sigh in disappointment as it seemed that he had somehow scared Borden's disciples.

If this was the case, would he now have to kill them since they would most likely go on to tell the world that Saber of the Chaos Dojo showed signs and powers very close to those close to the peak of the Half-step Immortal realm? Saber knew too much attention wasn't good.

He then shifted his gaze toward Aegon who was surprisingly quiet this time around. What he saw was a scene similar to Borden's disciples. Saber couldn't believe it.

Was he truly so scary?

Saber smirked when thinking this. He was the epitome of attractiveness, yet here were five people who found him scary. But, before he began kicking their bodies brutally to make them exit their state of stupor.


The ground began shaking violently! Saber almost lost his balance as he then saw Aegon pointing behind him. Saber suddenly realized that it seemed they weren't scared at him, but most probably at the creature that was somehow behind him. A creature who was able to hide its energy signature from Saber's senses.

'An android?' Saber thought in confusion as he shot his gaze behind himself. What he saw, was the figure of 12 monsters that were comparable to modern-day buildings that were 10-meters tall. Yes, in front of Saber were 12 humanoid giants that had a tanned skin color.

But, Saber was able to discern the reddish hue that the souls of the red-skin evil once had.

"M-Mid-Le-Level Soul!!!" Red's stuttering voice entered Saber's ears. It was clear from her voice that she was shaking in fear. A primal fear that was only possible because she knew what these creatures were.

As the most senior disciple of her master, she was also present whenever her master has meetings with that one Immortal. Mid-Level Evil Souls... similar to the Red-skinned Low-Level evil souls would also be 'mindless' monsters that were dominant in the gates that the Immortals entered.

Yet, here they are, for the first time, seen on the Seventh floor of hell, where only have been Half-step Immortals.

'These monsters aren't supposed to be here!' She shouted in her mind. Her skin paled as the little energy that she had previously regathered felt as if it had left her. Along with her, the rest of Borden's disciples also had such faces of fear since they knew what level of monsters these were.

"How strong are they?" Saber casually asked since he knew Borden's disciples carried something called Scouters. Though they were frightened, they were after all experienced humans and not little children.

Blue took up the scouter and pointed it at the humanoid giants that were walking toward them as the numbers written on it made him drop the scouter as he found himself rooted to the ground.


Saber punched him in the face, causing him to regain his bearings.

"They are at the absolute peak of the Half-step Immortal realm. Their power level is all over 999 million!!" He said.

Thereafter, a feeling of lightheadedness took over the minds of the other disciples yet, despite being in the face of inevitable death, and to Saber's confusion, Red weakly stood up while saying.

"Even if we are to die. Let us not go down without a fight!!" Her words, even though spoken in a shaky voice, seemed to have inspired the other disciples.

"Yeah, if we watch on helplessly as Saber fights for our survival, what kind of seniors would we be?" Green said with a smile on his face. They who had already lost most of their energy, forcefully stood to their feet even though their bodies were out of energy!

"Even though I hate to admit it, for once you are right Green." Blue followed up as he got into a fighting stance. And even though White stayed as mute as ever, her firm eyes made it obvious that she also agreed with their way of thinking.

Aegon also stood to his feet. But, unlike the others, he would be useful as Saber then said.

"Sit your ass on the ground. Let Aegon and I handle this and lament on how incompetent your strength as so-called seniors are!" Saber brutally said with his cold voice and unfeeling eyes.

"If you fight now, and even when you had your full strength, all you'll be doing is getting in our way!" Aegon followed up. Even if he was weakened, he would try and surpass his limits once more as his eyes glowed and shifted colors.

Even though he transformed into his elemental state, it seemed that he was too exhausted as he did not feel the freshness he feels when he normally transforms.


'It is going to be difficult to win if we don't transform into our True Forms. But, if we do, our plan would then be jeopardized.' Aegon thought. On the other hand, Saber had a cold smirk on his face as he appeared in front of the giants' path.

Gazing upwards at their faces that gazed back at him, he said.

"Are you guys the rulers of this place?" Saber asked. If they were, wouldn't this fight be the last as he'll finally be able to get a break? It was incredibly annoying to continuously fight after all. And, it wasn't as if he would face any challenges...right?


The giants nodded their heads while a peal of creepy laughter exited their lips. Aegon appeared next to Saber as the red sunlight penetrated the clouds and landed on Saber and Aegon's bodies.

Washing over their bodies, causing their skin to let out a light glow that beautifully combined with their red and purple aura respectively.

They looked like the so-called protagonists fighting against the odds to win...As if this was merely a show for entertainment, the sunlight of hell continued to shine on them making one wonder, was this truly a show being observed by mysterious beings.

And if it was, are these so-called mysterious beings the cause behind the gates of hell appearing in the multiple worlds that hosted half-step Immortals and lifeforms of higher ranks.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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