
Chapter 46

Ichiro, the Third, and the Fourth finally learned to synchronize the technique, and it turned out to be extremely strong and dangerous. After discussing all the details of the plan, Kenshin rechecked all the formations on his sons ' amulets, and then went to bed, deciding to rest properly before the upcoming battle.

In this operation, Kenshin was given the role of "commander", because he was the only one who had the opportunity to see the entire nearest area in great detail, which was especially advantageous in pitch darkness. Although with the increase in physical characteristics, shinobi could still see in the dark anyway, but Genin and Chunin could not boast of outstanding night vision.

By nine o'clock in the evening, Kenshin was already awake, and the first thing he did was look at what was happening outside. Seeing that the two outsiders were sitting in their cave, Kenshin relaxed and gave his sons another briefing.

By one o'clock in the morning, Kenshin made sure that the two strangers were asleep, and taking Ichiro, the Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth with him, he moved out to the right cave, since it was only 400 meters away from his hideout. He didn't worry about the noise of footsteps, as the formation on all the amulets had been refined, and muffled the sounds made by the user.

As soon as they got close to the cave, they all took their pre-arranged positions, ready to act if necessary. Kenshin took a deep breath, and once again checked the location of the aliens, mentally ordered"Start!"

His three sons instantly synchronized telepathically, and with millisecond precision, they began to form seals, and then all three of them shouted out:

"Cato: Gokakyu no Jutsu!"

Releasing a five-meter-long fireball, it immediately flew into the depths of the cave. They put 70% of their entire chakra into this technique, and worked to the limit of their abilities.

Without wasting any time, Kenshin immediately unrolled a makeshift formation made of stitched rabbit skins, with five amulets sewn in certain places, which were the foundation of the formation. As soon as the fireball shot forward, Kenshin threw the formation to the ground, right in the center of the cave entrance, and instantly activated it, barely managing to finish.

Small bursts of fire erupted from the cave, and if it wasn't for the formation, they would have easily burned Kenshin's face. Formation on Earth-was a modified version of the formation that was placed on each family member's amulet, with a few changes. It worked only in one direction, and passed oxygen through itself, so that the fire could burn without problems.

As soon as the fireball formed, Izao and Toru instantly opened their eyes. Their battle sense kicked in. When they saw a huge fireball at the end of the cave, they knew that there was nowhere to run, so everyone tried to escape as best they could."Suiton: Suijinheki," Toru shouted, and a thick wall of water appeared in front of him, just as the fireball was a few meters away.

The wall of water did not help at all, and was evaporated in a second, and after it, the fire consumed Torah, leaving not even bones.

Izao was much more fortunate because he slept behind a small stone ledge, right next to the wall, and thus received a little natural protection. He immediately folded a few seals, and shouted out:

"Doton: Shoheki!"

And in front of him rose a small rocky slab, about 40 centimeters thick. He purposely infused more chakra to make the structure stronger.As soon as the stone wall formed in front of him, Izao began forming new seals. But due to the complexity of the technique performed, it turned out very slowly. Although the initial tangent impact of the fireball was restrained, largely due to the natural projection, Izao didn't have much time left.

A few seconds later, the fireball crashed into the end of the cave, and spread flames all over the walls. Izao, seeing the flames expanding and rushing towards him from the side, accelerated to the limit, and at the last second, he still managed to "lick" one of the flames.

Izao, his face burned and his hair burned off, instantly fell back and fell into the wall, holding his breath, freely traveling through the rock in search of a way out.


As soon as the technique was formed and the barrier was activated, Kenshin instantly climbed the nearest tree with the help of the Fifth One, and began to observe what was happening inside the cave.

When he saw one of the aliens go up in flames, he was visibly relieved, and reported via telepathic communication "One is dead, but do not relax, be on your guard!" and began to observe the second.

As soon as Izao disappeared into the wall, Kenshin instantly announced "Doton user has gone into the wall, everyone spread out and hide!", and all of his sons immediately took up stealth positions in various places, waiting for the enemy.

Half a minute later, Izao stepped out of the wall and took a deep breath. He intended to escape from here as soon as possible, and was in no hurry to engage in a dangerous battle with an unknown opponent. He still valued his life, so he made an attempt to escape.

But Kenshin wasn't going to let him go. If one of the enemies managed to escape, then the Nakayama family could be in constant danger of being attacked and retaliated, so when he saw Izao climbing out of the wall on the "radar", he immediately gave the command:

"At eight o'clock, fifty meters away, Ichiro, act!" - Hearing his father, Ichiro instantly cast a glance in the right direction, and activated the sharingan, saw the enemy. He immediately threw two shurikens at him, and gave chase.

Izao instantly saw the shurikens flying at him, and didn't see anything dangerous in them. But as soon as the shurikens were five meters away from him, they suddenly disappeared, and one shuriken appeared right next to his heart, and the other near the femoral artery.

He was stunned, and barely managed to parry the first shuriken, and only slightly turn his leg, avoiding damage to the femoral artery. The second shuriken stuck in half its length, and Izao winced painfully, but immediately pulled it out of the wound, and realized that now he could not escape.

"Doton: Iwadeppo no Jutsu!"

Izao shouted, and as he exhaled, four small rocks flew out of his mouth, shooting out like bullets towards the approaching Ichiro.

Ichiro was able to see the trajectory of the stones perfectly well thanks to his sharingan, but his body wasn't that fast, and he only managed to dodge three of them, and the fourth hit him in the right shoulder, but was stopped by an invisible barrier.


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