
I’m the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

After a brief slumber, Yuga woke up to find himself in the world of Pokémon, inheriting a family daycare business. Note: 1. This book is a Pokémon fan fiction. 2. The story is heavily inspired by the animated series in terms of world-building and characters. 3. Early chapters may contain mature themes, reader discretion is advised. 4. The main storyline involving the day care may have a slower start, please be patient. 5. Prior to reading, it is recommended to review the introductory sections for relevant information. 6. This story does not feature a female lead. Let's Join : My Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/bearnard_bear My Patreon: https://shorturl.at/imCOS My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EmMDmZmRaC

bearnard_bear97 · Anime & Comics
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As soon as Phoebo departed, Yuga eagerly returned to the Ecopark, carefully harvesting the mature Revival Grass he had been waiting for so long. Yuga had indeed been waiting for this day for quite some time, but cultivating Revival Grass was no easy task. It required meticulous care and constant use of special abilities, which explained the delay.

Once the Revival Grass was harvested, Yuga carefully stored it and began preparing other auxiliary materials. While Revival Grass was the main ingredient for crafting Max Revives, there were several auxiliary materials to prepare. Fortunately, Yuga had already prepared most of these materials in advance, with only a few difficult-to-store ones left.

Apart from Revival Grass, the other auxiliary materials were not particularly rare, and even the slightly precious ones were within Yuga's financial reach. Because Yuga had only matured one Revival Grass, he feared he might not succeed on his first attempt, so he enlisted the help of Joyka.

Being a member of the Joy family, Joyka had some expertise in pharmaceuticals. As a reward for her assistance, Yuga shared the Max Revive crafting formula with her.

Originally, Joyka had no intention of accepting any reward, considering her long-standing friendship with Yuga. Helping him out with a small favor didn't warrant compensation. However, when she heard that Yuga's reward was the formula for crafting Max Revives, she couldn't refuse.

The Joy family had been seeking this long-lost recipe for a while, and with Yuga's promise, Joyka readily agreed. While Revival Grass was precious, the Joy family's resources and connections made it relatively easy for them to acquire some. It was essentially a win-win situation, and Joyka found it hard to decline.

This formula had been given to Yuga by the host of the Bell Tower, Joe, and he had no intention of hoarding it. Sharing it with Joyka was not a concern, as it wasn't a consumable item.

With Joyka's assistance, the crafting of Max Revives went smoothly. Yuga was grateful for her help because the process was more complicated than he had anticipated. Without Joyka, the chances of Yuga, a novice in this field, succeeding would have been almost zero.

To Yuga's surprise, crafting one Revival Grass yielded not just one Max Revive but three, along with five Revives. This crafting turned out to be highly profitable, which explained why the recipe existed in the first place.

The effect of just five Revives alone equaled that of using five Revival Grass directly, not to mention the three side-effect-free Max Revives. Using Revival Grass directly was indeed a tremendous waste as its effect was equivalent to a single Revive.

Thrilled with the unexpected outcome, Yuga intended to give one Revive to Joyka as a token of appreciation. However, Joyka declined the offer, stating that the recipe itself was already more than enough of a benefit.

Yuga respected her decision, as he was not one to insist on his generosity. Revival Grass was not easy to come by, and he now had only one plant left to grow.

While Yuga and Joyka worked on crafting Max Revives, Dragonair anxiously waited outside the workshop. This process was crucial as it determined whether or not his mother could awaken, making him the most anxious of them all.

Once Yuga and Joyka emerged from the workshop and reassured Dragonair with their expressions, his anxiety began to subside.

After exchanging a few words of gratitude with Joyka, Yuga hurriedly left the new shop and headed back to the Ecopark, eager to use the newly crafted Max Revives to help Dragonair's mother recover.

Watching Yuga's impatience as if he had a fire under his seat, Joyka chuckled and shook her head, then left the new shop and returned to the Pokémon Center.

In the Flower Sea Sub-Ecopark, Yuga gathered several Pokémon proficient in healing, including Chimecho, Florges, Audino and called them to Dragonite's side to prevent any unexpected incidents during the healing process.

Dragonite lay quietly in the Flower Sea, its eyes closed, while a Guardian Orb emitted a soft green light, hovering above it, suppressing its injuries.


Seeing his mother about to awaken, Dragonair anxiously called out. Yuga comforted it by gently patting its smooth back.

Yuga took out a Max Revive and attempted to feed it to Dragonite. However, as his hand touched Dragonite's lips, a strong electric current surged and wrapped around Yuga's hand.

The electric shock ran through his arm, causing Yuga to shudder involuntarily, and he quickly withdrew his hand.


Dragonair watched Yuga with concern.

"I'm fine, don't worry," Yuga reassured.


Let me handle it! Audino suggested.

"Chimecho, Chimecho..."

Let me do it; I can use my psychic powers to feed it, unafraid of the electric shock.

Chimecho also clamored, believing that there was no way it could be left out of helping Yuga.

However, in the end, Florges was chosen for the task.

While Chimecho was unafraid of electric shocks thanks to its psychic powers, it realized that using its powers to feed the medicine while prying open Dragonite's mouth would be more convenient with Florges's vine whip.

Grumbling that it didn't get the spotlight, Chimecho glared at Florges. After all, Florges was Yuga's starter Pokémon, and Chimecho couldn't help but feel a bit jealous.

Ignoring Chimecho's "jealousy," Florges proceeded with the task. Grass-type vine whips were not afraid to electric shocks.

If Vivillon were present, she would surely roll her eyes at this moment, thinking that their sisterhood seemed to "fracture" easily when it came to being in the spotlight.

After successfully ingesting the Max Revive, Dragonite's body began to flicker with countless golden electrical currents. Its facial expression twisted in pain.

Dragonite's injuries were primarily internal, and to recover, it needed to expel the residual Electric-type energy within it. However, that energy was resisting vehemently, causing intense pain.

Seeing this, Chimecho and Audino simultaneously used Heal Bell, while Florges employed Aromatherapy, attempting to alleviate Dragonite's pain and neutralize the effects of the electric currents.

Although Heal Bell and Aromatherapy managed to suppress the rebellious electric currents, Dragonite's face still showed signs of suffering. Yuga and Dragonair both looked extremely worried.

Seeing that Heal Bell and Aromatherapy were struggling, Dragonair suddenly placed its tail on its mother's body, redirecting all the disruptive electrical currents onto itself.

Dragonair's actions startled Yuga.