
A small problem can grow into a big one

Arnold is in a good mood, but that soon changes when being visited from two unwanted guests.

They were young as one was male while the other was female.

"She wants to see you now." the male one said.

"No shit it's not like you two came to see me for a nice damn talk, anyway let's get this over with as I got better things to do."

Arnold follows those two when they start leading the way to a restaurant where they enter.

Immediately they were taken care of when a waiter quickly came to them and led to a private table where there was someone already there waiting.

Once that waiter took them there that same person quickly left.

"Ah if it isn't lovely to see you Arnold." this mystery person said as anyone could tell from the lovely tone voice belongs to a woman.

"Oh if only you meant it then I would have actually believed you." Arnold responded, taking a seat from across her.

Arnold couldn't see her face as of right now as it was covered by a hood.

The two that lead him to the restaurant move themselves to stand behind her.

"Would you like anything while you are here." she asks while picking a cup from a small plate drinking from it.

"No thank you, I don't really plan on staying any longer to enjoy you completely. So how about we stop playing around and get to the real reason why I am here."

"Very well let us do that then." she calmly said, placing the cup back down.

There was deep silence in the air for a moment until it was broken when she slammed her hand hard onto the table.

"Are you fucking mad! How dare you bring prince Loren to that place. Have you forgotten what I have told you about bringing anyone that is royalty there."

"I am no fucking fool Celeste Dracul, I know very well of the rules of how thing are run, but that doesn't mean, I always have to obey them becuase you know why."

Celeste didn't answer him as she knew what Arnold would say to her.

"I don't work for you like them or any other shithead that works for you as you clearly should know that. So what I did was take a chance on him to make the game a little more interesting for me and beside it doesn't seem like he was causing any trouble for you."

"You and damn game is going to fuck up everying I have one day, I am starting to think that I may have to take care of you before that happen."

"Relaxes you love me too much to make that happen." Arnold said laughing.

Celeste was not too happy to hear him say that as she started to feel herself getting piss off at him.

Arnold can even tell she was as he felt some killing intent at him.

"I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that, anyway I hope you are fully going to keep a close eye on him because it is your problem."

"Do not worry about any huit of trouble from prince Loren and I will take care of him."

"You better Arnold." Celeste said, picking up her cup to drink from again.

Right then silence has come again.

"So are we done then." Arnold asks, wanting to leave and get on with his day.

"Not yet, I wish to know what you think about Loren."

"why I am sure you know everything about him to have your idea about it."

"That's true, I always have ways to collect information on certain people, but you met him face to face, so tell me what are your thoughts on prince Loren."

Arnold was quiet for a few minutes before speaking to answer Celeste.

"He seem like a fun person to be around with, I even fuck him if there a chance for that."

"Yes I know your tastes for both sides and have no doubt that you will have that desire to want to fuck princes Loren."

"Well if you met that guy, I bet you feel the same way my dear, anyway there nothing more, I can tell you need more time."

"Hmm very well you may leave as I no longer need you now." Celeste said.

Arnold didn't say another word back, just got up and left when the two that were standing behind her, who had been quiet the whole time of the talk, moved themselves to sit down at the table.

Celeste snaps her finger where a different waiter came right away to her side.

"Filled up my cub." she told the waiter.

That waiter began right away filling up her cup until the end.

"Anything else lady Celeste." the waiter asked.

"Yes I think I am going to need a little more blood."

Before that poor waiter had the chance to respond back, Celeste cut open that person's throat.

Blood began gushing out and she soon started drinking it until no more can be taken the body was let go falling lifelessly to the ground.

Then Celeste acted back to normal as the two sitting at the same table as her did not seem bothered by what she had done as it was normal to them.

"Hmm it is always good to drink blood fresh from the body." she said enjoying the feeling of the nicly fresh blood in her body.

While at the time two other waiters quickly came to take that body away.

"So would the two of you like something." she asked them.

"I can do something good to eat." The male one answer.

"I think I'll only have a drink." The female one also answered.

No need to say a word a different waiter came to them scared with fear after what just happened to the other one.

"Alright then give your order and let enjoy our time together."


Loren and Angelina walk together on the streets of Raista where the two were getting looks from the people they are passing by.

Well like Angelina was the one being stared at by the people to them it is rare to see a demon and don't feel safe or happy about it.

Demons are not a very likable race as it is shown in the bloody history of this world.

Anyone would want to say something about it, but they can't because she is with prince Loren and no one wants to get on the bad side of a person like that

Yet Angelina didn't care about the people looking at her in such a way what was imported to her was spending a nice time with Loren.

She clingy herself against his arm, smiley happy and Loren was also happy to see that as the two walked to a certain part of the kingdom.

A place where males would like to go at night to seek pleasurable entertainment.

There are a few names for such a place, but many just call it the red light directes.

Those two arrived at that part where both of them stopped when Dlioar SwordCarver came to them.

"Ah hello master good that you are here, but I did not expect that she will also be joining us today."

"What is that problem Diloar SwordCaver."

"Not at all little sister I am glad that you are here too." Diloar SwordCarver said while hugging her.

At the sametime he looks at Loren for an answer to why she is here as the two of them have important matters to take care of.

"I thought it should be fair that I spend more time with her while we do our business."

"I see, then let it begin." Diloar SwordCarver starts leading the two of them to a building.

This building looks so beautiful that there is no doubt any male who comes at night will not miss this place.

"Are you sure that it is the right moment to act so soon on removing this man."

"I have to that man may be a small problem now, but left alone that small problem would turn and grow into a big problem that will get in the wall of what I am doing here."

"Understand should I start hiding now."

Loren shakes his head to what his friend Diloar SwordCarver asks him.

"No need you two will just need to wait, I will do this on my own unless things get out of hand then the two of you may join in."

"As you wish, master."

All three went inside where they saw a woman talking to some who soon noticed them where she did not expect that there would be cutmores coming in the day.

Even those customers were a human male, an elf male and a demon female, something you don't see happening very often.

Nonetheless she has work to do as she sighs the girls away and walks up to them.

"Welcome dear customers my name is Debora, I am here to assenties you with any pleaser you seek today."

"Thank you, but that is something I am not here for today instead, I have come here to speak with your boss."

"My boss, you say well, I have to see if it's ok to see him." Debora tells Loren as she then walks to one of the walking girls.

She talked to her as that girl soon went off while Debora came back to them.

"While that is being checked would you like to wait along with some company and drinks."

"I don't mind that." Loren said as she then led the three of them to sit and wait.

Diloar SwordCarver soon had two girls at his side talking and flirting with him.

He played along enjoying the moment while of course at the other side Angelina wasn't allowing any of those girls to come near Loren as they could feel a strong killing intent at them.

Loren let it be as it makes her happy to be the only girl beside him.

Debora was carefully watching them, not interested much with the elf Diloar SwordCarver of course, she had to keep an eye out for the demon Angelina, but the one person she was more interested in was Loren.

Something about him was familiar to her as if she know who he is,

"Well, well, well, I didn't think today, I will be having the honorable pleasure to see you here."

Everyone's attention was then turned to Darwin Bradford, the owner of the brothel.

"Darwin it's good to see you as well." Loren said putting up a fake fredly mask toward him

"So I was told that you wanted to talk to me, could it be important business."

"Yes in fact that is why, I have come, I believe we can be of great help to each other don't you think."

Darwin smiles after Loren says that and he can see what the man is thinking right now.

Oh how fun it will be to use Loren thinking he has the upper hand against him.

"I think you're right on that. How about the two of us talk more about this in my office."

Loren gets up and makes sure that Angelina stays where she is. Darwin took the chance to look at her surprise to see a demon in his brothel and start to plan how he can get his hands on her.

The man put that idea to the side and stars leading Loren.

Soon the two of them were in his office, but Loren noticed that they weren't going to be the only ones inside.

There were two men standing by the door as guards while there was another person Harrison.

"Please take a seat and then we can get started." Darwin tells him, but Loren didn't instead he kept on standing.

"Actually, I don't think there will be any need for that, we won't be talking about anything as I have come today to kill you."

Everyone was dead silent when Loren said that so calmly like it was no big deal.

"I am sorry, I must have heard you wrong or your fucking mad." Darwin was getting angry a little.

Loren laughs then smiles right at Darwin.

"I am sure you should know that what I just said is no joke, I mean didn't you get my gift that was left for you last night."