

Dante didn't have much time to himself. After the army retreated, the general gave another speech to soothe their minds and cause the soldiers to feel cheerful, as they had won. The soldiers cheered and ran off to make merry, while the general laughed.

The non-combat members of the army had the job of collecting ally corpses from the battlefield in order to cremate them, so they wouldn't be fed on by vultures. This was the least they could do for their fellowmen who died in battle.

As for the opposing army whose corpses made up 95% of the battlefield, no one would come and pick them up. Not only were they commoners, but the surviving troops also didn't have any spare manpower to engage in such luxuries.

Trust me, the job was a terrible one. Not only did it stink due to the blood and corpses, but the vultures were fierce and would glare at you if you tried to shoo them away from a corpse, which to them was their food.