Everything happened so fast. The Asarians didn't know how or what to react after hearing what the other party has proposed.
She basically proposed that either they change the clauses and terms on the diplomatic contract or they'll go to war with them.
Who are they anyway? It's possible that these people are also Asarians as they speak fluently and their accent is also perfect. It's either they're some sort of rebels that wanted to reveal themselves on the possible upcoming war or a whole new Asarian civilization that's the polar opposite of their peace loving nature.
"We don't understand what you mean by this! Please free us so we could have a proper conversation!" argued the head envoy. She has already thought that it's possible that these people didn't really want to have a peaceful coexistence, instead, they really want to go war with theoretically the whole council.
?What's so hard to understand from my statement? It's up to you to pick which one you'll choose. It's either peace, or war." said the voice of a woman, her irritation can be clearly heard mixed in her slightly calm voice. The other party clearly tries to stall for time and gather as much information about them. Of course she won't fall for it, not today, and certainly not in the future.
"We can't, specifically I, as I can't see who am I talking to and that makes our conversation less likely to succeed. So please do remove this blindfold!" reasoned the head envoy. Her words are enticing. Her logic is almost flawless and she can certainly convince anyone with her way of words.
"The element of anonymity is something that makes our whole conversation better. You don't know me, meaning you can't judge and possibly make up some shrewd plans against me. In short, what you're going to tell when you're talking to me is something pure and out of your heart." the woman countered the words of the head envoy with a fallacy, which the head envoy luckily picked up.
"But that's nonsensical! What you said is purely a fallacy and this sort of arrangement only works for you and we're on a disadvantage!" rebutted the head envoy quite easily.
The whole argument quickly plunged into chaos. It escalated quickly and soon enough, both sides were having below the bept remarks between each other.
Their argument has already long became nonsense banters, ad hominems, and many more unprofessional related terms.
But the leader of the group is certainly having none of this anymore. It's not that she's losing, but time is of the essence right now. She then just decided to smash the glass table and shouted on top of her lungs to scare the captives.
"Enough is inaff! You're wasting our time which! It's either you choose now or I'll choose for you!" the leader of the group had completely enough of all the nonsense banters and rebuttals. The whole operation isn't supposed to take this long, and she'll surely be reprimanded by the higher ups.
The head envoy was stunned, the woman she's talking to might have some sort of bipolar disorder. One time she's having an argument with her, the next moment she'll suddenly burst out in irritation. It's so weird.
"I, I, I..." the sudden change made the head envoy choke. She can't choose, peace or war? The most sensible will of course be peace, who doesn't want peace right? But something like this is out of her reach of authority. This matter concerns the whole Citadel and the Citadel as a whole must decide on this whole matter.
"Time's up, round everyone up and shoot them in the head." the leader of the captors suddenly said and everything turned to hell.
Gunshots from bolters ringed, gigantic bullet holes appeared on the body of everyone. Bullet shells started falling in the tens every microsecond.
The souns of powerful guns muffled the screams. This scared anyone going near the room. The people, be it housekeeping people, politicians, or anyone were scared shitless. They ran for their dear lives to try and report this to the security of the hotel.
The whole gun sounds died down slowly. The screams of death, agony, and pain disappeared as if it's not there in the first place.
The reports immediately got to the Prime Minister who had a jaw dropped face. He already has an idea who or what took the hit against those diplomats.
"Mr Prime Minister! We need to conduct a star system wide lockdown! This might be an attack of the enemy of Citadel which we'll be used as a scapegoat!" someone pleaded from the bottom of his heart.
Voices of similar complaints and plead sounded inside the room. The room was then filled with all sorts of voices from all races, they're all trying to convince the Prime Minister to enact a star system martial law decree to find and persecute whoever did the hit.
The voices is getting more and more irritating. They're starting to get in he nerves of the Prime Minister who just sat down on a chair and started to contemplate.
He thought the possibilities of them doing this sort of thing. He still can't believe nor explain why will they undermine diplomatic talks between the Citadel and the world government.
Nevertheless, even with all the seemingly sabotage they've done. He can't call them out, and most certainly. he can't persecute them even if he knows they're like the reason for more than 3/4 of the "terrorism" a couple of decades ago which lead to the creation of the world government.
As for how he knew about this? It's not that hard, they don't really keep it as a secret and as far as he knows, they're absolutely deep-rooted on the whole society.
"Your excellency, shall we announce a martial law? The small contingent of guards is being kept on the shadow for now. We must prevent and appease them as much as possible." a man whispered on the ears of the Prime Minister. The man is a trusty confidant, he was there at his side since the very start of his political journey. From a lowly city mayor, to governor, then president, and now Prime Minister of the world government.
This confidant of his only knows that the rumours about something controlling the world in the shadows are somewhat true in a sense. But he still firmly believes that these people can be suppressed easily by the whole world government.
The Prime Minister didn't reply. Instead he took the glass of water beside him and drank all of its contents in one gulp.
He then sighed deeply and looked at his advisor.
"I...send the cadavers after the initial autopsy was done. Let them leave, my hands are tied here."
The words of the Prime Minister deeply confused the advisor who just looked at hin with a confused face.
"W-what, do you mean by this? I-I don't understand." the advisor tried to peer more info but he was denied sadly.
"You'll know about it soon enough. But now, you must so what I say. Just do it!"
Meanwhile, on the cold peaks of the mountain ranges on Siberia, the whole complex has suddenly turned to something that resembles like a military fort.
It has advance 13th generation Fury Interceptors. These spacefighters are only 2 generations backwards from the standard Fury Interceptor currently in service for the Imperial navy, and at least 8 generations better than the auxiliary navy's own Fury Interceptors.
The top speed easily surpasses the speed of light by a really large margin and a Fury Interceptor has the capabilities to travel between galaxies easily. It is invisible to conventional radars and tracking systems. It can only be accurately detected using some really advance quantum positioning and tracking devices. Not just these two, but the weapons on board can easily slap any uncivilized, smelly barbarian's ship to oblivion if used properly. Also, an addition, they didn't needed crews now. It can operate with only the pilot or even the AI controlling it. This kind of feature has been only officially added since the 8th generation but some of the features was already widely used as early as the 4th generation.
The pilots of these starfighters has their brains substituted for some really juicy quantum computers. Not just that but they also connect to "cloud" computing devices across universes by using some sort of hyperdimensional "cable" system.
Right now, this complex has at least 5 squadrons, each with 20 planes. The pilots themselves are assisted by AI on board the plane for even more efficient fighting.
All in all, these 100 planes can conquer the whole galaxy quite easily, given that they have enough supplies and information, including plane repairs.
Right now, a lone Fury Interceptor is getting ready to be launched for a special mission.
The pilot who wouldn't look human at all due to all the augmentations he has done. Lucky for him, he can create his own body and transfer his consciousness there.
He is fixing something on his pilot's clothes that actually looked like some sort of mocap suit except it has all these weird ports that some wire will be connected later on.
"You ready for this test flight?" asked a mechanic who sat on top of the wing of the plane.
"As ready as I'll ever be." laughed the pilot as he climbed up on the cockpit and entered the plane.
Inside he saw the cockpit that has large dome glass. Then on the very center is a circular pad. It honestly looked so empty but the pilot didn't seem much to care as he just made his way to the pad and stood on top before uttering something.
"Link, start..."