
I Am The Game's Villain

Reincarnation in a game as the Main Antagonist. It could be a novel itself, but that was what I dragged myself into. In the famous and successful game [Princess And Dragon] As if my life wasn't shitty enough, a bastard brought me in that hardcore violent Dating Sim Game and in the body of the worst villain and [Major Antagonist Edward Falkrona] If I want to survive, I have to become strong. If I want to be strong, I have to join the Academy and by joining the Academy, I will meet these guys... Yeah, I'm obviously speaking about the Protagonist, the Main Heroines, the Villainess and all the villains. Am I destined to watch that protagonist build his harem in front of me?! =========== For the illustrations and questions: Discord: https://discord.gg/h4DqD6ku *English is not my native language so please understand some of my mistakes. Don't hesitate to correct me, if you want!

NihilRuler · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
363 Chs

Jayden's Confession

[One Month Later]

"Are you still going to lie to me?" Simon's voice echoed through the halls of Falkrona Mansion in the Dorian Capital, filled with anger and frustration.

"What are you talking about, Simon?" Thomen Falkrona replied, his eyes fixed on the paper he was writing on with his quill.

"What am I talking about?" Simon repeated, a bitter laugh escaping his lips. "Ever since we left that dungeon, I've been asking you about my parents, and you still haven't given me a straight answer!"

"And you still haven't answered my question, Simon," Thomen responded, continuing to write without looking up. "I asked you one thing: What did you see in there?"

"...I met Uncle Conrad."

Simon had hesitated to speak about it for the past month, but now he couldn't hold back any longer.

"...," Thomen's quill halted on the paper, and he finally raised his gaze. "What did you say?" His tone shifted abruptly.