
[Event] [Semester-Exam At Vanadias] [8] Bryelle

"Milady Bryelle!" 

Voices echoed as a group of elven knights appeared, their expressions extremely relieved. They rushed toward the young elven girl seated on a stone bench, cradling a small bear plush in her arms. 

These were the same elves who had been frantically chasing her mere hours ago, their anxiety now melting into profound relief as they saw her safe and unharmed.

"We have been searching everywhere for you!" One of the knights exclaimed.

"Thank the gods you're alright."

Another knight stepped forward, his tone gentler but laced with reproach. "Milady, please don't wander off alone like that again. Do you realize what could have happened if we hadn't found you?"

Bryelle glanced up at them, her expression nonchalant, and simply shrugged her shoulders. "I wanted to go there, but you wouldn't let me."