
I am Spider-man, I am, The Gamer

Warning I guess for those who it might bother, I do use Chat gpt to help me convey some ideas when I struggle to put them into words, but overall it is my idea, hell, I even got a really good idea from one of the readers and not opposed to others assisting with ideas. If you don't like that, don't read it. A young man, who has suffered a lot, finally takes his last breath due to an incurable disease. But this isn't the end, he finds himself on a journey to another world, A world he once thought was pure fiction. Not only that, he awakens as one of his favorite comic book characters, Spider-Man, the morning after poor nerdy Peter Parker gets bitten by a radioactive spider will be the start of this new Peter's journey, but he doesn't come alone, a great power followed and merged with him, how will he use his newfound powers. I've decided to do a little something different when it comes to Uncle Ben as this Peter Parker doesn't need a reason to become Spider-Man. Don't be picky about stuff like this, this is a fan fiction in an alternate universe, I will try and keep up with research when it comes to certain stuff, if you just don't like what I am doing with this, nothing is stopping you from not reading it. Can't exactly say this is my first time writing a fanfic, because that would be a lie, but it might as well be my first since I wrote the last one in early high school. Once again I am trying my hand at something I probably shouldn't because, once again, I am bored af with too much time on my hands. I am mostly writing this for myself so that I can read it myself, but also to give me a little challenge when the days are long and I need a distraction, while also seeing how far I can go. Don't expect anything great, and don't expect super uploads, I will write when I feel like it. I hope it doesn't happen, but if I do get to the point where I either want to take a break from writing or want to drop this, I will try and inform you all instead of ghosting for months on end with not a peep. Ok, enough rambling, if you do decide to give this a try, I hope it's not another trash fic on this site, all constructive criticism will be appreciated, and pure haters will be ignored as I don't find replying to stuff like that worth my time. Welp, have fun a guess if that is even a possibility with this fic.

ThatDudeGoku · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 1: Is this the end?

Here we find, a young man, who has suffered so much more than he deserved, lying in a hospital, succumbing to an unidentified, incurable disease. His family and friends surround him, providing comfort in some of his last moments.

The sterile white walls of the hospital room closed in on Jake as he lay in the bed, his body frail and weak. The weak steady beeping of the heart monitor was a haunting reminder of his deteriorating condition. Surrounding him were his loved ones, their faces etched with worry and grief. His mother held his hand tightly, her eyes filled with tears, while his best friend, Sarah, stood by his side, offering silent support. It was a somber scene, a gathering of souls intertwined by love and the impending loss.

Jake's raspy breaths echoed in the small room, each exhale a struggle against the invisible enemy ravaging his body even this very moment. He glanced around, taking in the sorrowful expressions, the whispered prayers, and the unspoken farewells. He felt an overwhelming surge of gratitude for the people who had stood by him throughout his life, their presence a source of solace in his darkest hours.

His mind drifted to memories of moments they had shared, stories untold, and dreams left unfulfilled. The weight of regret settled upon him, knowing that his time was running out. There was so much left unsaid, so much left undone. But in the depths of his sadness, a flicker of determination ignited within him. To the regret of his loved ones, visiting time was over, and our protagonist needed some rest, unfortunately, it will be his final rest.

Jake, alone in his room, reflects on his life and the impending end that he can feel creeping towards him. He lies there, regretting not being capable of leaving this jail that is his hospital bed. Regretting not being able to experience life as he should.

Alone in the silence of his room, Jake's thoughts swirled like a tempest. Fragments of memories, dreams, and regrets danced through his mind. He yearned for a life less confined, a life filled with excitement and purpose. The monotonous routine of his existence had always gnawed at him, only keeping sane for his loved ones using media ranging from games to fan fiction, and now, faced with the inevitability of his own mortality, he questioned the choices he had made.

As he gazed out of the window, his eyes fixated on the distant horizon, a glimmer of determination flickered within him. He refused to let his final breath be a mere exhale in the face of mediocrity. In this introspective moment, he vowed to embrace the unknown, to seize the fleeting moments of life and make them count.

With newfound resolve, Jake reached for his phone on his bedside table. His hand trembled as he typed up a list of dreams and aspirations, a map of the life he wished he had lived. He wrote of far-off lands and daring escapades, of friendships forged in the fires of tribulations, and of a legacy that would transcend his mortal existence.

As he continues to type, his breathing gets shallower and shallower, just as he types his last period, the room grew hushed, A profound stillness settles over Jake. His breaths became shallower, each inhalation a struggle against the inevitable. The weight of his mortality finally pressed upon him, and with a final exhale, he closed his eyes.


A shrill sound breaks the silence in the room, signifying the end of a life, the door is quickly swung open and intruded upon in the attempt to get to him as fast as possible.

Invisible to the nurses rushing to his person, something extraordinary happened. A brilliant light, gentle yet all-encompassing, bathed the room in an ethereal glow. It emanated from within Jake, spreading outward until it enveloped his entire being, was completely covered, the light left his body. His consciousness, condensing into a golden ball floats above his still body, saying its final farewells, then proceeds to float to the ceiling, signifying the true ending to this life, and yet, it's only the beginning for this young man, for fate has other plans for him, beyond what he thought was truly possible. 

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