

In the infinity realm, there are three echelon,mount Olympia where the Divine gods dwell, Mount Lyrota where the Celestial gods who take on roles to help the Earthly realm, and The underworld where the demons and banished gods reside. Each Celestial gods have their roles on the Earthly realm except one god, Santaliel. Santaliel was a god who has never felt among other gods and the only god who hasn't discovered his role yet, he decides to go to the Earthly realm and try to discover his role and then gets entangled with a human who changes his fate. And with each new encounter he learns a little about himself and gets closer to discovering the truth about his origin. *The names used in the story has no relation to the original owners of the name *Add the book to your library,sit back and enjoy the story

Anni_Senpai · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs


" what do I do Orly" Santaliel asked as he paced back and forth in his Chambers while Leo sat and watched him from a corner, its eyes fixed on its new companion.

" Concerning what Master" Orly asked

" You know Orly,the Celestial Exams, how am I going to pass when I don't have any celestial Force"

" You should train and study for it, as per your father's instructions I will assist you" Orly suggested

" I did that for the last exam I took and it didn't help,I need a different approach" Santaliel responded as he continued to Pace back and forth

"How about going to someone with more knowledge for advice and to help train you Master" Orly said

Santaliel stop and smiled " That's a really good idea Orly and I know just who to meet"


" As much as I would love to help you, I can't. His Lordship just sent me on a very important mission" Deran Declined as he stood in the training ground while putting on his armor and preparing to depart with Santaliel and Orly as well as Leo standing next to him

"You're the best of your set during your Exam, who else am I going to find that's as good as you" Santaliel pressed

Deran apologized, "I'm sorry. Perhaps your siblings could aid you, they were also the best of their sets with really high potential 

"Yea right " Santaliel rolled his eyes " speaking of my siblings, I haven't seen Cupid in a while and the others"

" Reach out to one of them,Maybe one might come to your aid,you're their younger brother after all" Deran added before proceeding to leave " I should get going now Master"

" Stop calling me that" Santaliel said and Deran smiled before he opened a portal and entered it leaving Santaliel and Orly as well as Leo in the training ground

" Well that didn't go as planned" Santaliel said and Leo gave a quiet growl

" What next Master" Orly asked 

" Let's go meet Cupid, maybe he could be of help to me" Santaliel said and they all left the training grounds and headed towards a pavilion in the Mansion,it was surrounded by heart shaped flowers and tiny fairies that flew around with their fairy dust dropping in the air, giving the pavilion a golden serene glow

At the pavilion's center stood a grand apartment, adorned to reflect Cupid's personality. Santaliel and his companions entered the pavilion and opened the apartment door, revealing a red painted room filled with heart-shaped statues and Cupid's portraits.

"I remember why I hate coming here" Santaliel whispered under his breath as he made his way into the room with his companions

" Brother!!" Cupid exclaimed as he saw Santaliel and flew towards him giving him a tight hug " you're not mad anymore right,it broke my heart seeing you angry"

"I'm not mad anymore" Santaliel smiled as he broke the tight embrace

" Who's this little guy" Cupid asked as his gaze fell towards Leo, and Leo lets out a growl at Cupid's remarks

" This is Leo,my new friend and I don't think he likes being called little" Santaliel said

" But he's so fury and cute,can I keep him" Cupid says as he proceed to rub Leo's black fur, 

" No you can't" Santaliel decline

" Tch, always a fun sponge," Cupid scoffs "so what brings you to my beautiful abode"

" I need your help" Santaliel said

 Cupid looked at him surprised " you need my help?, That's rare"

" I'm taking this year's Celestial Exam which is in 3 months and as you know I've failed it 3 times so I need help" Santaliel explained

" I see,you coming to me for helps makes me feel nothing but more love for you brother but sadly I have to turn you down" Cupid says

" Why?" Santaliel asks

" Well you see I have to go to the Earthly realm and play my role or I will be punished as I've been ignoring my duties and Father has specifically warned me to return to my duties" Cupid explains

" Urgh, why is Father sending away all my source of hope" Santaliel shrugs 

" Well my departure will be after the family dinner" Cupid adds

" Family dinner?" Santaliel asks

" Don't tell me you've forgotten brother, the only time the whole family gets together every year that dad made compulsory" Cupid says

" Oh that, I had forgotten about it," Santaliel recalled "speaking of family dinner I've not seen Eris in a while"

"After her showdown with you, she has been unseen and quiet which is scary " Cupid says

" Well I guess we'll all see during the dinner, it's going to be one hell of a dinner" Santaliel said, his tone laced with sarcasm. " Since you're of no use to me I'm off"

" Huhh?, that's so harsh, stay a little longer and play with me" Cupid cries out

Santaliel declined, "Nope, all the gold here is blinding." He mocked, shaking his head as he turned to leave, his companions following closely behind.

"I won't mind your harsh remarks,all the gold here illuminates my beauty" Cupid scoffs

Santaliel continued to tease, "Of course it does," his voice dripping with sarcasm as he exited the apartment and headed back to his chambers.

Santaliel takes a deep breath, exhaling slowly as he pondered his next move. "What am I going to do now?"

Orly who had been quiet finally spoke up

" Don't give up yet Master" Orly Encouraged

" I won't give up Orly, taking this Exam and passing is the only way I can learn about my mother and the seal of enchantment, I can't give up" Santaliel said, determination plastered on his face 

Orly's face broke into a warm smile, her eyes shining with pride in her master's determination.

" You're smiling more often these days Orly" Santaliel smirked as he notices the smile on her catlike face

" I have no idea what you're talking about Master" Orly denied it, trying to maintain her usual stoic demeanor

Santaliel chuckled, remembering their time in the Earthly realm. "You said the same thing the day we met Leila. I wonder how she's doing, will I ever see her again?"

" Better if you never see her again" Orly responded sternly

" Don't be mean, I'm sure I'll see her again" Santaliel said and Orly rolled her eyes while Leo looked at them confused at their discussion and they all continued to stroll back to Santaliel's Chambers.