
I Am Roboute Guilliman! (Warhammer 40K Self-Insert)

In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. An ordinary soul, within the physique of a demi-god. A mortal, yet not. In his hands, he holds a unique system, a collection of advanced and unheard-of inventions and tools, able to reshape the very basis of the Imperium, pushing it beyond its current, crippling standstill. Can he, Roboute Guilliman, wrest the fate of the Imperium from the claws of extinction? (SI reborn as Roboute Guilliman, but with a tech system. He has all the memories of Roboute Guilliman, and acts like Roboute Guilliman, but has the knowledge of the plot of Warhammer 40k) From: https://www.69shu.com/txt/45175.htm

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25 Chs

Chapter 14

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"They are quick," Guilliman remarked, sitting upright again.

"They were already on their way to support us. Your revival prompted them to temporarily abandon the pursuit of Chaos and turn towards Macragge instead," the low, powerful voice of Sicarius resounded from the communicator.

"They stated they can wait, but I thought it best to notify you."

"There are many pressing matters in this world, but receiving a group of loyalists who have come from afar is certainly an urgent priority. Let them come. I will be waiting for them in the reception hall."

"As you wish, my lord."

The hum of electricity filled the air as the communicator shut off, and the cogitator handling information fell silent once more.

Guilliman sat in his place, contemplating the future. The new technology had been given to Cawl, and the reform council was ready.

The remaining task was to eliminate the forces of Chaos on Ultramar and gradually push his plan forward. When the opportunity was ripe, he would go to Terra and take over the Imperium from the corrupt and greedy High Lords, continuing to push his plan.

The opening of the Great Rift not only strengthened the Chaos Gods, but also provided the Emperor with a chance to revive. He needed to gain enough power before the Emperor's revival to protect himself and avoid being disposed of once his usefulness had ended.

After ten thousand years of faith, no one could guarantee that the Emperor would still be the Emperor of ten thousand years ago. His revival might not be a good thing.

The spacious corridor of Hera's fortress.

More than fifty representatives of the war bands, guided by two Astartes, made their way to the reception hall.

The corridor was magnificent, adorned with ornate gold and silver carvings. Every few meters stood a marble pillar supporting the soaring ceiling. The floor was paved with interlocking black and white tiles.

"This matter seems incredible to me," said a warband representative, holding a scepter adorned with a golden skull and a spiked hoop, crackling with psychic energy that highlighted his status as a Librarian.

Librarians were Space Marines with psychic abilities. They generally had prophetic powers and could control elements, helping the war bands fight demons and various psychically-gifted xenos.

"Nothing is incredible. Everything is the Emperor's arrangement," said a Space Marine clad in black and white armor, his head covered in stark scars, adorned with two golden and one silver service studs.

This was a veteran of over a hundred years of service. Judging from the golden Aquila on his chest plate, he held a high rank.

"Let's not discuss this anymore. We're standing on the surface of Macragge; it's not appropriate to casually discuss a Primarch," Verano, leading the group, turned around and signaled to his two colleagues to stop discussing the matter.

"Discussing the awakened Roboute Guilliman on Macragge is seen as disrespectful among the Astartes," said Verano, who did not wish for this to sour relations between the chapters.

Those discussing fell silent. Verano turned his head forward again, surveying everything in his sight. Along the corridor hung cobalt-blue banners, adorned with silver-threaded patterns representing the emblem of Ultramar surrounding a crowned Imperial Aquila.

Statuesque Terminators in ferocious Indomitus-pattern armour stood guard along the path to the Great Hall. As silent as sculptures, they held powered weapons at the ready, their blue or white power fields would manifest once activated. The entire area was under strict martial law.

Verano had seen these Terminator veterans before during the several expeditions led by Calgar. These honour guards had marched with the legendary hero of the Imperium during grand triumphal parades.

With a sharp pneumatic hiss, the first door opened, revealing even more Honour Guard within. The air became stifling; these members of the Honour Guard were all seasoned veterans, hardened by battles with Chaos, xenos, and traitors.

An Astartes clad in a Captain's armor approached them. "Welcome to Macragge," he greeted.

"Sicarius, it's a pleasure to see you again," Verano saluted the Astartes as a greeting.

"I'm pleased as well, Verano. It has been twenty years since our last meeting, hasn't it? If you wish to reminisce, please wait a while. My lord is awaiting you. Please proceed to meet him immediately," Sicarius extended his hand, indicating they should move forward.

Verano and the rest walked down the corridor to the final door. The Honour Guard responsible for securing the hall stomped their feet in unison, producing a solemn sound. The grand hall door, carved with intricate patterns and adorned with a golden Imperial Aquila, was opened amidst the hum of machinery.

Representatives from various chapters felt a pang of nervousness. They removed their helmets, striving to maintain their composure as they stepped forward.

Their breath hitched at the first sight upon entering. On a pure gold throne encircled by hundreds of decorations sat a living miracle.

A giant warrior, clad in blue and gold armour, sat upright on it. His handsome and solemn face was wide; one hand bore a massive gauntlet, while a giant sheathed power sword rested beside his throne.

Verano thought he was prepared, but upon seeing that face, he realized he was not. He was so moved that he could not hold back his tears.

He had met this Primarch before. Their chapter had been summoned to assist Macragge against the threat of the Tyranids. They had held the line, repelling the extragalactic menace.

This is exactly why he had the privilege to see Guilliman in the sanctuary of Hera's Fortress.

He was placed within a stasis field.

The battle from ten millennia ago left him a second away from death, but the unique functionality of the stasis field infinitely postponed that imminent second.

Now, he sat there, alive and freed from the stasis field.

His robust body was pulsating with infinite vitality, his eyes were filled with wisdom and majesty.

Verano and the other Space Marines instinctively knelt on one knee.

"It's true what they say, you have returned, my lord," Verano's voice trembled, not out of fear but excitement.

Such a moment would excite any citizen of the Imperium to trembling, a living myth appearing in their world.

Guilliman surveyed them, descending the steps.

"Rise, all of you. You have defended humanity and the Imperium, you are heroes, no need for such formality."

Guilliman approached the nearest Space Marine, holding his shoulders and helping him to his feet.

"What is your name?" Guilliman asked.

"Verano, from the Raven Guard, Captain of the Silent Company."

"Nice to meet you, Captain," Guilliman said.

"The honor is mine, my lord."

"I hope so, I thought some of you might not accept me, that would be a real headache," Guilliman said humorously.

"There's no chance of that, we will fight for your cause," Verano affirmed.

"Haha," Guilliman slapped Verano's shoulder, "Soon, there will be a chance to prove it. I hope you won't disappoint me when the time comes."

Guilliman greeted each representative of the Chapter in the front row, these Space Marines coming from the Raven Guard, Space Wolves, White Scars, and some other recently established Chapters.

They all came for the Primarch's revival.

He asked for their names and tried to create a relaxed and humorous atmosphere, narrowing the distance between them through laughter.

Guilliman gave high praise to each visitor, appreciating their contributions to the Imperium.

After the casual talk, Guilliman was ready to get down to business.

"You've come a long way, and I should allow you to rest, but the current situation of the Imperium is extremely dire. The forces of Chaos and Xenos give us no respite. I urgently need to stabilize Ultramar so that I can implement the next plan. The fleet is assembling, and the troops are gathering at Macragge. I want to ask, will you honor your vows and join my forces?"

Guilliman surveyed the many Chapter representatives, inquiring.