
I am petty and I know it

Shadowwraith123 · Jogos
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Petty, that's what Nie Yan was known for. From the time he could think and reason, he was always known for being petty.

Maybe it was the fact that he was born without legs that made him petty, but who he was.

Staring out his window, Nie Yan looked at a group of kids playing ball on the Street.

A few days ago, they had used that same ball to break one of his house windows, but at that time he didn't say anything.

He only looked at them with a smile before giving them back the ball.

To others it looked weird, but unknown to them he already started planning his revenge.

He was already 35, but he still wouldn't allow some kids to mess with his things without paying them back.

With a smile on his face he called out

"Chen long!"

Hurried footsteps could be heard outside his door, before the subtle clicking sound of his door could be heard.

"Yes sir" a man who looked to be in his late thirties, wearing a butler's outfit answered.

"Proceed with the prior arrangements!" he ordered, his smile seemingly widening to unusual proportions.

"yes sir" with a subtle bow. The butler, already used to his master's behaviour left the room quietly to fulfil his duty.

"Haaa" he breathed out. "Another job well done."

Wheeling himself away from the window, Nie Yan headed towards a capsule plugged right beside his bed.

This same capsule was what gave his life meaning, and was his most precious possession in the world.

Nie Yan used his palms to rub the smooth surface of the capsule, feeling the curves on its body. He could remember it like yesterday when he used a large amount of his father's inheritance to buy the capsule, while leaving the rest for his siblings to share.

At that point in time, the company that produced the capsule spoke of a game that would change the concept of reality for everyone.

They spoke of a world that would give the crippled a second chance, and the chance for the poor to be rich. After releasing those subtle messages, they decided to go silent.

Reading between the lines, Nie Yan decided to buy it, and till now it had yet to disappoint him.


Screams from outside knocked him out of his remnance. "It seems like they liked my gift"

Happy that his gift was well received, he pulled himself into his capsule. once inside the, lid of the capsule slowly closed enclosing him in it's cool embrace.

Going through his normal login procedures, Nie Yan noticed something blinking at the edge of his vision.

Before he could look closely to find out what it was, he suddenly felt electricity go through him before everything went black.