
I am Over Powered in Douluo Dalu [Haitus]

Undefined Haitus. Join Zeng Xin in his adventure with his op powers in Douluo Dalu world. Based on DD1 plot ……………...................... Check out my other Fan Fic as well

wheretonow · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
99 Chs

Chapter 15: I have a big sausage.

"Then, is there a problem with sausages? Why can't we eat it?" Tang San asked curiously again.

Everyone looked at Dai Mubai for the explanation. Dai Mubai didn't say anything and turned to look at Oscar.

"Oscar, you can make a new sausage and show it how you make it?"

"Boss Dai... isn't this inappropriate? No one will buy my sausages in future?" Oscar looked embarrassed and said.

Especially the girl in the light green dress, if she saw how he made it, he believes it will be hard even to talk to her later.

"Oscar, hurry up, they all are going to be students at the academy in near future, do you still want to hide it?" Dai Mubai said.


After Oscar shouted, and stretched his hand, two yellow spirit ring rose from his feet rotating, his spirit concentrated on his palm, and sausage-like martial spirit turned into a real one.

Hearing the weird and ambiguous incantation changed the expression of all present.

The cold girl behind Tang San also frowned.

Zeng Xin looked at the sausages with an intrigued look and took one and eat it.

To be honest he didn't care about Oscar's weird incantation at all. He knew that it was made from spirit power and tasted quite good.

He walked towards Oscar and said while giving him 5 copper coins, "It was good"

Everyone looked at Zeng Xin in surprise.

Dai Mubai coughed and brought everyone from their thoughts and said:

"You all can go to the last test without any problem. Come with me."

"Go directly to the last test? Is it appropriate?" Tang San said as he looked at the several people standing and waiting in line.

"Don't worry." Dai Mubai said and walked towards the teacher, who is responsible for the second test and whispered a few words.

The teacher looked at them with a smile and said, "No problem, you can take them directly to the last test."

"Teacher, why can they go to the last test directly, but we have to pass all test one by one?"

At this moment a boy said dissatisfiedly. " Why are they receiving different treatment than us."

The teacher looked at the boy and said with a faint smile, " Yes they are being treated differently. If your spirit power is above 25th level at the age of twelve, you too can go to the last test directly, without being tested one by one."

The boy immediately stopped speaking but still looked at Zeng Xin and other's suspiciously, " I don't believe it, they have level 25. I have never seen a spirit master with level 25 at twelve years of age."

"Do not believe?" Dai Mubai sneered and took out a white crystal ball and passed it to Tang San and said, " Tang San, Xiao Wu, you two show your spirit power...."

Tang San nodded and walked over directly and put his spirit power in the orb.

In an instant, the white orb started shining very brightly. Seeing this scene, the boy looked stunned. The white orb can specifically measure spirit power up to level 30.

And it shines so brightly can only mean that the spirit power is very near its limit.

In other words, this person spirit power is at level 29.

After that Xiao Wu stepped forward and also inputted her spirit power which showed the same result as Tang San. Her spirit power is at level 29.

Ning Rongrong too took the white crystal ball in her hand and poured her spirit power which showed she is at level 26.

At this moment, a figure flashed by took the orb from her hand and also poured her spirit power. The orb shined brightly too. And her spirit power is at level 27.

The person was none other than the Zhu Zhuqing.

"It seems there is more and more monster in the Shrek this year..." the teacher said with a little emotion and joy in his voice, " You all can proceed to the fourth test directly."

Zhuqing passed the orb to Zeng Xin. He poured his spirit power and the orb started to shine very brightly even surpassing Tang San and Xiao Wu brilliance.

Suddenly the white crystal ball cracked and then shattered into pieces.

"How could this... what is your spirit level?" The teacher in charge of spirit level evaluation asked Zend Xin.

"I am level 37." Zeng Xin answered.

Everyone present was shocked, they were douting their talents now. What is his age, only 12 years old already level 37? The cold queen showed an expression as well but Zeng Xin was still without expression.

"You are a Soul Expert, Brother Fan", Xiao Wu again asked Zeng Xin. He again nodded in his response but this time Xiao Wu was not pouting like before.

"Mubai, you take five of them to the fourth test." The teacher waved at Mubai again.

On the way to the last test, Dai Mubai explained to the five people :

" In general, there is four tests for enrollment in the academy as you have heard before. The third test is to test the degree of application of their martial spirit. Only the level of spirit power and rarity of martial spirit cannot fully prove the value of a spirit master. They had to know how to use it efficiently. And the last test is related to combat." Dai Mubai explained slowly.

"Furthermore, the higher the level, the harder it is to control the spirit efficiently."

"The last test is the combat test, where it is tested that if you have any combat experience or not. To be precise it tests your actual combat ability and whether you can use your spirit ring in combat comprehensively."

Dai Mubai slowly explained the basic idea of the academy to all of them.

Zeng Xin nodded slightly. Dai Mubai's words and Shrek Academy concept are relatively advanced compared to the other academies.

"The requirements are so high, how many students can the academy recruit in a year?" Xiao Wu couldn't help but ask and muttered,

"No wonder the college is poor and that's why it is located in the village outside the city."