
I have a plan

Next day : at six o' clock in the morning. Anna was so tried and she was sleeping.

suddenly the landline on the gust room rang, Anna woke up and attended the call while closing her eyes, she was so sleepy,

" miss. Anna, you have to start your work today " Said miss. Sonia with the indifference voice.

" work ? what type work ? " said Anna, she doesn't know what type of work she have to do, she was so sleepy,

" miss. Anna, did you forget ? you are the personal maid of young master Adam " said miss. Sonia

Anna opened her eyes in a shock, then she got to remember everything, she got up from her sleep and told to miss. Sonia " I'm so sorry miss. sonia, I totally forgot about it, I'll be coming out with in twenty minutes " .

" yes miss. Anna but please hurry up, young master Adam will be angry if you are late " said miss. sonia,