
I am not Cyborg (New)

Nathan is a young man who never imagined himself in the place of one of Earth's Mightiest Defenders. The keeper of the internet Informant of the Justice League Throw into a new world that he knows very little about, follow Nathan as he navigates this new world with his new power. Join him as he faces off against the Gods, Demons, Monsters and Man that populate this new universe ========= Note: This Fanfiction follows the New 52. It will touch multiple parts of it and based on my need, I may or may not boost certain characters based on how they should be. Or just reduce their power... Each time I do so, I will indicate that I have done so. Or use their power as exactly stated but DC refuses to show so their heroes can win... When I do so, I will indicate as well ====== The book is also on Patreon so if you want to support me, you can check it out patreon.com/5imply_lucid ===== Also you can join the Discord Server through the link in my bio Or you can check it through my patreon

Ink_Verse · Anime e quadrinhos
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28 Chs


"I think you are looking at the future a bit too fondly, Himon"

"Well you and I both know why that is, Metron" The man said as he looked at the New God on the floating chair.

Without any knowledge of this meeting, the infiltration team continued searching for and destroying any parademon facility they came in contact with as well as any facility they felt was important to Darkseid.

None of them truly knew what was important to Darkseid so for now, the plan was to destroy as much things as possible before returning home

[A total of 932,879 Parademon facilities destroyed and 18 billion lives saved, it is time to return] Nathan said to the team,

the team had completely rendered Apokalips into an apocalyptic planet with destroyed buildings here and there, fires but not even a single corpses could be seen on the floor

"Finally, I may be stronger now but the heat was getting to me"

"If Nathan is correct then Apokalips is some sort of sun so yes, it would get to you, Pack up and lets leave" Batman said as he held on to Flash and hovered into the air

"At this rate, it would take them at least 5 or so years to rebuild" Hal said as he looked around the planet

"If Lord Darkseid decides to fix it personally then it can be done in a second" An Elderly voice interjected making the team immediately got ready for combat

"Who are you?" Hal asked in a surprisingly serious tone

"Don't fret, if I wanted you three dead, you would be. Those were my facilities after all even if they were fowl and unbearable" the voice said again as an elderly man appeared out of nowhere

The team were completely shocked since even Nathan's systems or Hal's ring couldn't detect him.

Both couldn't detect him but they screamed danger as soon as the man appeared.

However, Batman found it hard to understand why such a powerful man would stand and watch his facilities be destroyed.

"I see, I am here for the one called Nathan…. give him this and tell him that the Highfather expects more from him" The man said as a small brick appeared from thin air and floated before them

"And who should we say you are?" Batman asked choosing to be wise in this situation

They didn't understand what was going on but two of the most sophisticated computers he had ever seen were screaming for them not to anger the man so he decided to play along.

"Tell him, Himon said so" The man said before disappearing

"What was that?" Flash asked

"I don't know but we need to leave now, Nathan should probably have some explanation for this" Hal said shocking the other two since this was the first time, they had seen him act logically

"Hmm" they both looked at each other and gave a nodded of approval before immediately flying off planet with Flash in green bubble made by green lantern.

You can read ahead on my patreon


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