
I Am Never Leaving

Do we find our soulmates or do our soulmates find us? It's a question that still confuses me to this day because it is just cynical ,we find each other or sometimes each other finds us. Discover the heartwarming story of Seraphina and Octavia, two souls on a remarkable journey of connection and healing. Seraphina's world is burdened by inner demons, and her friend Mike can't fill the void in her life. But when Octavia, a cheerful newcomer, befriends her, everything changes. At first, Seraphina pushes Octavia away, but destiny has other plans. As their friendship grows with the addition of Mei and Angelina, Seraphina finds a glimmer of hope. However, tragedy strikes, shattering her world. Can Octavia be the one to mend her broken heart and bring back hope?

DaisyTalie · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Get yourself something else

"Seraphina, you can't go to school. You need some time off to deal with things," Ms. Bennett said, concerned. "I just need to be distracted for a while. I can't seem to function well," Seraphina said, taking her school bag and walking out.

Octavia was still asleep, but Seraphina woke up early because of a nightmare. She walked to school and went to the bathroom as she couldn't get herself to go to class. As she sat in the restroom, some girls walked in while chatting.

"Did you hear about the incident that took place by End street?" the first girl asked.

"Oh yes, I heard he was a druggie. He deserved to die. He did us all a favor and ended his life," the other girl said, laughing.

"Don't say that. He was good looking though, and apparently his name was Mich- no, Mike," the girl said.

"Good looking or not, he was a waste of a sperm and an egg. Druggies like him deserve to be in hell."

Seraphina became furious and walked towards them. She pushed the other girl and grabbed her hair. "Who the hell do you think you are to judge Mike? You think you know him? How dare you say such things about him?" Seraphina yelled.

"Let me go, you b**ch," the girl said, screaming.

"Let her go," the friends said.

"F*ck you," Seraphina said as she hit the girl's head on the toilet mirror, causing it to break. "Ahhh," the girl screamed as blood oozed from her head. She grabbed some glass and stabbed Seraphina on her thigh, "Help, somebody help," the other girl said, running out of the restroom.

"You should just die with him, you b**ch. Why don't you kill yourself like him?" the girl said as she held her bleeding head, determined to fight Seraphina. Seraphina punched her on the face, and she hit her head on the sink and fell unconscious. Seraphina just walked out of the restroom, limping as the glass was on her thigh and her thigh was bleeding. Students were looking at her in horror, and some ran into the restroom quickly, and there was chaos and commotion.

Seraphina walked out of the school premises without looking back.

"Octavia, is Sera here?" Mei asked as she stood in front of Octavia, breathing heavily as she was running to Octavia's house to check up on Seraphina after she heard about the fight. "Phinny? She didn't come home yet. School's not over, right?" Octavia asked, confused.

"She got into a bloody fight with Shalom in the restroom. Apparently, she was stabbed, but she left the school premises. I thought she would be here," Mei said, now getting worried.

"What?" Octavia asked, surprised as his heart beat fast.

"Let's go look for her at her house. She can't be left alone. Apparently, Shalom told her to kill herself, and I fear the worst," Mei said, almost crying.

"No, no Phinny would never," Octavia said, running out of the house, heading towards her house. Mei was following him, and when they got there, they rang the bell until Minnie opened the door for them, "Hey Minnie, is Phinny here?" Octavia asked.

"Yes, she is, she is upstairs in her room," Minnie said sadly.

Octavia and Mei ran upstairs quickly and entered her bedroom. They found Seraphina sitting by her bed with a bandage on her thigh. "Phinny!" Octavia said, going to hug her tightly. She did not hug him back but stared at him with blankness, "Sera, you are okay," Mei said, hugging her too.

"Can you leave my house?" Seraphina said coldly.

"What?" Mei asked, confused.

"Leave my house, I don't want you here," she said.

"We are not going anywhere, Phinny," Octavia said, holding her hand, but she yanked it away from his, "Okay then," she said, standing up and leaving the bedroom. "She must want some space," Mei said softly, "Yeah true, we will come and check up on her next time," Octavia said, walking out of the bedroom with a sad face followed by Mei.

Seraphina sat in the other bedroom as she tried to control her tears. She was broken, and she didn't want to be with anyone anymore. Everyone who mattered to her ended up dead. She didn't want to go through the same pain she was feeling again. That night when she fell asleep, she suddenly started screaming and shouting. Her father woke up and went to her room; he was shocked and worried and tried waking her up, but she didn't. Minnie walked in with some water, but Seraphina kept going for 5 minutes non-stop, this time she was sobbing.

"Let's take her to the ER. She is not okay, something's wrong," Minnie said, crying. Chris picked his daughter up and rushed to the car; he drove to the hospital as quickly as ever with Minnie trying to wake her up. They got to the emergency ward, and Seraphina was attended to quickly. After hours in the hospital, Seraphina finally woke up, looking dead. "You are awake," Minnie said, hugging Seraphina.

"What am I doing here?" Seraphina asked. "You had an extreme panic attack," Minnie explained. "You were screaming, shouting, sweating profusely, and you seemed to have difficulties breathing," she added as tears threatened her eyes.

Seraphina looked at Minnie and looked away. She closed her eyes, hoping to sleep and forget her pain. Sometime later, Minnie decided to go home to get Seraphina some clothes and food. Chris would come and check up on her in a few minutes' time. When Minnie left, Seraphina couldn't stand her aching heart and decided to get some relief from the one thing she didn't want to do. She discharged herself without anyone knowing and left the hospital.

"Seraphina Muller, I knew one day you would come to me," Madriguel said, smiling at Seraphina. "Just give me the stuff. I don't have time for chit-chatting," Seraphina said coldly. "Oh yes, you will get your stuff, but with something else too," Madriguel said, smiling as he went closer to Seraphina.