
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
107 Chs

Chapter 2

"System, amazing!"

The praised system also replied with a mechanical voice.

[Everything is for the host service.]

Just when Feng Xu was about to ask something, a flood of negative emotions suddenly swarmed in, causing Fengxu to generate endless anger and killing intent out of thin air.

At the same time, the blackening value on the system panel also jumped rapidly.

[Blackening value +10]

[Blackening value +5]

[Blackening value +20]


Just when the blackening value jumped to 120, the negative emotions that swept through Feng Xu's heart finally dissipated.

Fengxu also panted slightly, frowning in thought.

"Could it be the time when Naruto went berserk for the first time and thrashed Mizuki violently with the Shadow Clone Jutsu?"

"No, if that's the case, there should be an extra Shadow Clone Jutsu on the ability panel..."

Before Feng Xu finished thinking, the originally dark surroundings began to brighten rapidly, as if floating from the dark depths of the sea.

His blurry figure appeared outside.

A scene appeared in front of him, a lonely figure wearing goggles and sitting on a swing with his head in his arms.

"That's... Naruto!"


Outside Konoha Ninja School, Naruto, holding his head, was sitting on the swing with a gloomy expression under the rays of the setting sun.

His small body looked lonely and forlorn, with his shadow stretching out on the ground.

In the distance, students and parents were gradually dispersing to go home. Even though he had come a long way, Naruto could still hear snippets of conversation.

"Don't get too close to that monster at school."

"I'm about to graduate, why hasn't this monster dropped out of school?"

"I really hope this monster dies soon."

"I heard that this monster has spent the afternoon on Hokage Rock; it's really disgusting and repulsive."

Whispers and curses like these were muttered behind his back.

Naruto, sitting on the swing, buried his head even deeper. Pain, confusion, and bewilderment were etched on his face.

He couldn't comprehend why he was despised and isolated by everyone, from childhood to adulthood.

Even if people scolded him, they made sure to do it behind his back, avoiding any superficial connection with him.

But these emotions came and went quickly, suppressed and concealed deep within his heart.

It was as if an invisible person dwelled within him, silently bearing the weight of his painful emotions.

In the depths of his consciousness, Naruto drowned in the dark seas of the past, ensuring he had enough emotions to face life with positivity and optimism.

With such thoughts in mind, Naruto quickly transitioned from a state of despair to being filled with energy.

The sadness and pain he had experienced earlier sank into the deepest recesses of his heart. Clenching his fists, he shouted with determination at the receding crowd, whose backs were no longer visible.

"I will definitely become Hokage!"

"Then I'll make all of you acknowledge me!"

However, the crowd had already dispersed, and no one responded to Naruto's declaration. After shouting, Naruto's attention shifted to the school gate.

"Why hasn't Mr. Iruka shown up? Didn't he say he would punish me by making me clean Hokage Rock?"

"Could it be that I made him angry by using the Transformation Jutsu in the afternoon?"

Since the ninja graduation exam was scheduled for the next day, Iruka had conducted a pre-exam ninjutsu test.

Naruto, who struggled with physical skills, attempted to use the Transformation Jutsu to bypass the test.

As a result, Iruka had a nosebleed on the spot, leaving him bowed down for a long time, unable to stand upright.

"It's just as well that he hasn't shown up. I'm too lazy to inform the janitor..."

Although Naruto spoke those words, disappointment was evident on his face.

Deep down, he yearned for attention and care, even if it wasn't always positive. It was better than being ignored, isolated, and subjected to whispers and curses behind his back.

In Naruto's limited understanding, he believed that his tricks could attract the care and attention of others, even if it wasn't genuine.

With this in mind, he turned his attention back to leaving, ready to move on.

However, Feng Xu, observing Naruto, furrowed his brow and pondered, "Just being cursed and abused by the villagers behind his back allowed me to temporarily leave from the depths of his consciousness?"

Feng Xu had initially expected Naruto's emotions to fluctuate violently before any release could occur. Yet, it seemed that even with just a hint of negative emotions, Naruto's stability returned.

"If that's the case..."

Feng Xu gazed at the surrounding void and called out, "System, I want to take control!"

[Personality switching...]

[Ding! The negative emotions of the main personality are not enough, and the host switching failed.]

"Failed huh..."

Despite the failed attempt at switching, Feng Xu wasn't disheartened.

It appeared that he had only gained temporary access to the outside world and the ability to communicate with Naruto.

In terms of dialogue authority, Feng Xu once again focused his attention on Naruto.

"Punished by Iruka to clean Hokage Rock? And used the Transformation Jutsu?"

Naruto had never cleaned graffiti from Hokage Rock...

Combined with the usage of the Transformation Jutsu on Iruka, Feng Xu could deduce the specific timeline.

"It must be during the early stages of the original anime's plot."

"Tomorrow night, Naruto will attempt to steal the forbidden scroll and run away for the first time."

The furrowed brows of Feng Xu gradually eased, replaced by a smile at the corner of his mouth.

The timing was perfect. It wasn't too early, ensuring he didn't have to wait too long, and it wasn't too late to miss the opportunity.

At this moment, Naruto didn't have many friends to rely on or trust. It was an opportune time for Feng Xu to make his presence known.

After all...

"Naruto is me, and I am Naruto!"

"If he can't trust or rely on me, then who else?"

Putting aside the smile on his face, Feng Xu had no intention of wasting any more time.

Naruto's emotions had stabilized for now and it wouldn't be long before he retreated back into the depths of his consciousness.

Therefore, Feng Xu needed to reveal his existence to Naruto swiftly, letting him know that he wasn't alone and providing an explanation for the disappearance of those negative emotions.

With Naruto's compassionate nature, he would surely feel guilty once he learned the truth. It was through this guilt that Feng Xu believed he could gain temporary initiative in their conversation.

With these thoughts in mind, Feng Xu raised his hand to touch Naruto before him, and he called out aloud.

"Uzumaki Naruto."


In the outside world, Naruto stood up, preparing to leave, when suddenly a voice echoed in his mind. The voice carried a sense of familiarity, causing him to halt and turn around.

"Who's calling me!?"

However, as soon as Naruto shouted, his expression shifted to one of puzzlement.

The voice he had just heard sounded exactly like his own voice, matching its volume precisely!


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