

The male child Is deemed as important in the family, no need for a female child right ?? But now Kate's twin brother meets a tragic fate making Kate now important and made to act as the brother unless the company falls...

MEGACO · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 8


I heard screaming inside and rushed in , someone was pulling Mr Nate's collar. I tried to break them off but they were engulfed in their argument.

" Kate ...is ..dead " the woman said crying" you should have just died instead "

I dragged the woman off the chairman" I won't allow you speak to him that way , ma'am. He is the chairman of this company "

" Hey! " Mr Nate shouted at me" stay out of this " he turned to the woman" and you , acting recklessly is never the option "he pointed up " that CCTV recorded everything. This could go out and what do you think ? In a jiffy, your father's career would be over . Not only did you slap the chairman of this company but also did you threaten me "

The woman looked shocked " you are simply the devil. I hate you !" She screamed turned around and walked away .

After she left Mr Nate fell on his seat and said " hey, that camera isn't really recording anything right ?"

I looked up . I was new . How was I to know that ?" I'm not sure "

" Confirm that . If it did wipe off the clip from it . Is that taken ?"

" Yessir"

"How's my schedule? Do I have anything planned ?"

I scratched my head " I...don't "

" Then what do you know ?!!" He shouted " if you are not going to be useful anyway , just go home!" He picked up his keys " I'm taking the rest of the day off. You are to blame for this because you didn't tell me my schedule , is that taken ?"

He walked out of the office and slammed his door. Being a bodyguard was so difficult, maybe I should just have studied more in school and used my grades to get a more decent job.

I sighed . So much for learning busniess in school.



Everything was too much.

Pretending to be my brother alone was one thing and yet having a hard time alone was another .

I drove as far as I could and when I parked my car ,I cried .I've never felt alone because even when it looked like my family wasn't always supporting me. I had Trisha . But now I couldn't even meet her .

It broke my heart when I made her cry because I know what she's been through because of my brother.

" Hey, what are you doing here under the rain ?" 10 years old Kate asked Trisha .it was raining that day and Kate had just arrived home from lesson .

" I'm waiting for Nate"

" Are you stupid Trisha ? Why wait outside ?"

" Nate doesn't like it when I enter the house without his permission" .

" How long have you been standing there ?"

Trisha thought long and hard about it " Since morning? "

Kate dropped her lunch box on the floor " then if you are going to wait out here for my brother looking like stupid , why don't you try and look less stupid ?"

" How?"

Kate stretched out her hand to Trisha , Trisha took it and both played under the rain , Laughing.

When they got tired of playing , Kate said " can I ask you a question?"

Trisha nodded her head.

" Why do you keep on liking my brother when he doesn't like you back ?"

Trisha smiled " because I'm alone.dad is too busy with work and mum travels alot and besides it's just a little crush , who knows Nate might end up liking me back "

" What if it doesn't happen ?what if you end up sad "

Trisha picked up Kate's hand and squeezed it tightly"Then....I know you will be there for me . Just like today "

Kate squeezed Trisha's hand back " then I promise to never make you cry "

Trisha's smile broadened as she stuck out her pinky finger " promise "

" Promise "

Kate feeling stuffed came out of her car .

" I'm sorry , Trisha "


check out "Not alone " too please.

thanks for reading so far

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