

The male child Is deemed as important in the family, no need for a female child right ?? But now Kate's twin brother meets a tragic fate making Kate now important and made to act as the brother unless the company falls...

MEGACO · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs



" You better not mess this up " dad said when we were in my office

Bad news ..I became chairman . You might think I'm over exaggerating but trying being a chairman of a big company and having no clue what to do on how to run the company. Nate had studied business so it only made sense he run the company despite him being the only " male" heir and dad's favorite but I studied fashion designing. Nothing I know or had studied would add up to what I'm to do with this company and I know that when things start turning up for the worse , dad is just going to talk about how " I'm badluck, can't do anything right blah blah blah"

" Answer me !"

" Ah, sorry. Yes , father. I won't mess it up. You can trust me ".

Dad looked at me with discontempt" you would be sent a body guard and an assistant later in the day " and he left the office .

After dad left , I let out a huge sigh that I didn't know I was holding .

I quickly booted on the system and searched ; how to run a company

The door opened and I looked up thinking it was dad but it was mr An so I proceeded with my search.

" You look good on that seat " Mr an said " but don't get too comfortable there , Nate "

" Yeah, yeah. Thank you for the warm welcome . As you can see I'm quite busy so if you are done " I gestured to the door .

Mr An laughed " being chairman has made you cheeky , huh ? Don't forget I'm watching you , you little brat. Just because you studied business abroad doesn't mean you can do a good job running the company. Frankly speaking, your twin sister could do a better job more than you but too bad she's dead "

Oh, that's right, I forgot to tell you guys something earlier , after that news of the Nate's plane crash people did believe it was Nate that died but you know how parents would be called to check the dead body of their child to confirm who it is ....yeah, you could guess what happened. They confirmed it was me and not Nate . Apparently, I went abroad and ...I'll stop here, thinking about it gives me headache.

I scoffed " you really think my sister would have done a better job than me?"

" Of course, everyone here knows you are chairman because your dad favors you more . We are watching you. One mistake and you are done for"

" Mr an, If this Is about me rejecting Trisha, then keep your emotion . We are at work not a playground. You said you were watching me to make a mistake?" I smirked " then watch me closely"


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