

The male child Is deemed as important in the family, no need for a female child right ?? But now Kate's twin brother meets a tragic fate making Kate now important and made to act as the brother unless the company falls...

MEGACO · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs



I didn't say anything Infront of dad when we got home but when I got to my room with mom, I couldn't hold it in anymore

" is dad doing drugs ?"

" Kate, how could you say such a thing about your father ?!"

" we wants me to be my brother ? that's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Regardless of the fact that I would be an imposter , I don't know anything about business. putting me as the chairman would mean epic fail for the company. isn't he seeing that ?"

" Kate ,calm down "

frustrated ,I went towards the mirror and touched my hair. I can't believe it was all gone now.

" I'm sure your father just said that in the spur of the moment, I'll talk to him "

maybe there was still hope. surprisingly, dad listens to mom .

" there's nothing to talk about" dad said entering my room" you , get prepared for the chairman appointment meeting tomorrow. why are you even complaining? you are finally going to be useful in this house. shouldn't you be actually thanking me ?"

" honey !!"

" you've always wanted what your brother had , didn't you ? that's why you hurt his leg 25 years ago to stop him from going to school so you could go to first and now this ! Aren't you tired if being a bad luck ?! you are going to that meeting tomorrow and that's final "

Dad left my room and mom followed suite.

I looked around me and blinked my eyes plenty times trying to keep the tears from falling but they came anyways .

That night I wished I had died instead of nate.


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