

What is Evil ? What is Bad ? What is Good ? For me, I just don't care. For I am just a VILLAIN.

lord_hades · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

CHAPTER 1 - Something that shouldn't have happened

A heavy storm raging outside the window. Thunder and lightning flashes like the heaven is out for blood, to strike the evil to dust.

In a clam and deserted street there exist a modest two story house. In its second floor a young boy in his teen was turn and roll around the bed. His expression is like he is experiencing a nightmare that he can't escape. His eyelids are twitching like they will open any minute now.

In the room where the teen is sleeping, there is a bea..... no there was a beautiful photo frame with a girl's photo, since it is broken into pieces and a clearly visible foot print mark was also on it.

There are several empty bottles of unknown kind with different kind of liquid left overs in it. On the table near the window there are lots of unclaimed and returned letters and bills. A knife stabbing a group photo in the wall above the table.

There seems to be some movements from the young teen on the bed. His bodies going through changes internally, some inaudible sounds escaping his mouth broke the solidarity of the room.

What no one knows and notice is that inside the body of his a literal war Soul war is going on with both parties who don't now what the hell is going on right now. The soul clash between the two parties happens just on instinct.

The instinct to survive.

The instinct to win.

The instinct to live.

The instinct to devour.

The instinct to be the one in control.

And the final stage of the Clash results with the win of someone unknown, Someone who doesn't belong here.

Someone who will fuck the shit of this world if he was given a chance.

The thunder and lightening outside seems reflect the same thought as the sky trembling with heaven's fury to stop what is coming, what that should not exist in here.

For something that shouldn't have happened

For he will bring chaos and bloodbath into the mortal realm.

For who will do anything to get what he wanted.

Now the body with new entity slowly starts to awaken.

"I am sorry neo, really i am."

Thunder clap! Thunder clap! Thunder clap! ! !! !!!

"I never know you are this kind of person, to think i trusted you."

the memories of the pervious tenant flashes in this very soul.

The eyelids of his trembles like crazy and then he awakens.


"My name is Daniel Hook and I died simple as that no truck kun or truck sama coming to reincarnate , flying into my 76 floor office building or chasing me to reincarnate or wrongly blasting me into meat pulp and some entity coming and says sorry and have these wishes as compensation or i died in an accident while trying to saving an Immortal god's Immortal saint daughter who don't need saving and the god says that it's their fault and the saint daughter saying big brother thank you here have these wishes and enjoy or died fighting some terrorist to save many innocents and racking up so much karmas.. no nothing

I just slipped on the wet office floor and strike my head hard on the tiles and boom darkness where i consciously thinking about all life shits and afterlife situation that i come across in the anime and novels manga even though i have no body or organic brain matter for that matters.

I am not any special force soldier or any secret talented assassin. I just code in the computer and sometimes eat pizza on my desk and have some drinks in the bar while picking up some one night stands, if not simply going home and sleep boom next day and the cycle repeats.

That's all .... yeah one simple missing details that is sometimes only sometimes when i have no other choice, where my above mentioned mundane life cycle threatened or if i am bullied so much in the office even though i have my hypercritic mask on my face 24/7 and always says Yes Sir! Yes Boss! will Be done! boss or whatever bootlicking words we use trying to make it up to the evening without being fired or suspended, i will let some dark thoughts in my heads let loose and pay them a visit in the night so that my normal life cycle will always remain normal and constant with no variation.

No sudden john from the head office who has a thing to make your life a hell in office as his only goal or a newly promoted colleague who thinks she/he suddenly grows some crowns and tries to boss around and mocked you daily and yells at you in meeting for no apparent reasons or the HR makes it his life mission to never give you your deserved minimum pay increase or boss putting you on weekend shifts every time with no incentive, or literally for no reason every time some one muges you and beat the shit out of you and broke your office phone or laptop, I may or may not stake them daily. Note down their activities with time and check for any cameras near or around and in their home and how to fuck up their power grid and enter their home in the night when they having some happy moments talking or watching movies, tv or some intimate moments blah blah blah and starts to plan out to knock everyone out and sometimes when the mood is set for some satisfying sweet torture or cu******* the husband or enjoying their teenage daughters in front of their own eyes where they shed bloody tears and slowly slitting the throats and watching their lives slip out of all of them in the home to make sure no loose ends because i am not some protagonist where plot armor protects every moves i make and saves me everytime with broken plot armor and empty the money and jewels in the locker or purse (i may use the extra money for self needs) and leak gas or set the gasoline to set the house ablaze to make it look like an accident or burglary gone wrong anything to not let the investigation come to office.

Even if they smelled something and shit hit the fan and office colleagues are investigated no one literally no one will suspect a coward, introvert small coding guy like me. My bosses will even vouch for me that i can't even able to throw a punch let alone kill a family, well devil is in the details.

What you say ? i am evil, that i am bad or i am a disgusting being or something, something like that.

well brother welcome to reality where everyone sees you being bullied, sees you mocked and laughed at, sees you being beaten up, sees your girl friend cheats and complains sexual harassment on you, where every one sees your colleagues jointly set you up for a fucked up error you didn't cause, or your own colleague/ friends/ brother from another mother shits tap on your own girl/ mother / sister and makes you fool and yet act like you don't know anything, you didn't saw anything and just ignore the pour soul so that your life will be smooth sailing with out unnecessary problems, even though you know if you just said a word of what you saw what you know, a support, a hand to help, a voice to discourage the bullying then their won't be suicides or unnecessary shooting in the school.

But we don't do that why is that ? some may say why the hell is his suffering my problem ? right. Then let you ask who the fuck are you to say? what is good, bad, evil, or as disgusting activities. You don't care bro, so you shouldn't judge.

Well let's get back to the matter at hand

what you think will comes after death"