
I am Jose (Football)

---MTL alert--- Under the huge pressure of relegation, the team actually invited a rookie coach to direct the game! However, the result was unexpected! Yes, it is him. He looks like a rookie but has a mind to see the future. He plays with the whole world In football, turn your hands into clouds and turn your hands into rain, accumulate strength bit by bit, rely on strength to fight, and finally achieve the glory of Mallorca. God is the greatest, and under God, it is me! I am Jose!

Alexxz · Celebridades
Classificações insuficientes
101 Chs

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Alemani began to think carefully about Jose's words, and then he had to admit that if Jose can really get the shares of the Mallorca club owned by the Asensio family, then the possibility of wanting to control the entire club is indeed true. It's huge—the Mallorca Club is a joint-stock company, but it's not listed on the stock market. The right to speak is all in the hands of shareholders. The more shares, the greater the right to speak. When more than 50% of the shares are in the hands of one shareholder At the time, he can make any decision, and others can only listen. This is also where Grande was dissatisfied before, but his shares are not as high as Asensiodor's - and now, it is replaced by Jose If not, maybe he will do even more...

"If you owned the entire Mallorca club, what would you do?" Alemani couldn't help asking a question.

Jose laughed: "Father, this is your business... Don't forget, you are the executive chairman of Mallorca Club, and I am just a head coach..."

"You kid! Do you want your father to work for you?" Alemani couldn't help shouting.

"Don't say that, father, I don't have so much energy to take care of the two positions of head coach and chairman... The specific executor will still be you, I will just put forward some opinions at certain times, you do The same thing as now... I believe that the surname Alemani will definitely leave a strong mark in the history of Mallorca! In the future, when people talk about the great Mallorca club, it is like talking about Madrid. Athletic is talking about the Hill family, talking about Inter Milan is talking about the Moratti family, talking about Manchester United is like talking about the Edwards family!" Jose said with high spirits: "And this is why I chose to leave the United States and return to the United States. Biggest factor to Mallorca!"

Alemani looked at Jose, and then sighed: "Jose, I really didn't expect you to have such great ambitions... Now that you said that, how could I, as a father, not help you What about the things you just said, maybe I can't help you, but in the position of chairman, at least, I won't hold you back. But I have a question, Juan, he will really agree to share Is it transferred to you?"

"I haven't asked yet." Jose gave an answer that surprised Alemani.

"You..." Alemani really didn't know what to say—he had heard Jose analyze a lot just now, and he thought that Jose had already prepared everything... Feelings are just empty words!

"That's why I'm only willing to be a firefighter." Jose carefully explained: "Mallorca's performance this season is not good, and it is estimated that there will be a deficit in the finances. If you don't get the bonus, I'm afraid you still need to spend money to fill the deficit...Mr. Asensio didn't care about this before, but Juan doesn't necessarily care about it now. When he knew that the shares of the Mallorca club might be a burden, he proposed to me , I should be tempted. At that time, I can get shares at a cheaper price. However, in the next season, Mallorca may tighten money. Do you think it is wise for me to continue as the head coach? ?"

"...You actually think so far..."

After finally figuring out what Jose meant, Alemani also began to feel that his son was really thoughtful-throwing all the time that might damage his honor to other coaches, and then he himself became the savior. It seems that he did not agree to be the head coach of the first team half a year ago, and he also considered this detail...

"In this case, father, then you are ready to let me be a firefighter... But no matter what, my salary must be paid. If I succeed in relegation in the next six months, I will be given a bonus of 500,000 U.S. dollars. Divide up." Jose said with a smile.

"Bonuses? What do you need money for?" Alemani was stunned for a moment.

"If you spend more, the club will spend more." Jose laughed, and Alemani thought for a while before he understood what his son meant, and he couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

"By the way, don't forget that if Gomez can win against Real Madrid, he will continue to be the head coach of Mallorca." Looking at his proud son, Alemani couldn't help reminding .

"Don't worry, father, that guy Gomez, how could he win Real Madrid at the Bernabeu? Although our performance against Real Madrid was quite good last season, it was under the leadership of Coach Cooper! If he can lead Marlo If Ka wins Real Madrid, then Mallorca won't be what it is now..." Jose said indifferently.

"Well, what you said also makes sense." Alemani nodded: "However, if we lose this game, we may be entering the relegation zone... You have the confidence to restore Mallorca to its original state ?"

"Entering the European competition next season, that's hard to say, but if it's about leading the team to avoid relegation... then it's not a problem!" Jose replied energetically.

Although Gomez worked hard and Mallorca's players also performed very hard, the gap in strength prevented them from retreating from the Bernabéu stadium-the loss of 1 to 2 is not shameful, but it is already. Mallorca's three-game losing streak, the endurance of the Mallorca people has reached the limit.

After returning to Mallorca, the management of Mallorca immediately announced that Gomez was dismissed. After receiving the news, Gomez just sighed. Lorca's head coach was really a mistake, but he was not worried about where he would go. His old friend Cooper left him an assistant coach position in Valencia.

Taking the remaining half-year salary and termination fee from Mallorca, Gomez left Mallorca with ease, but what he left behind was a mess—the bottom of the ranking with only 12 points, The whole team is panicking...

On January 19, 2000, the day after returning from Madrid, the Mallorca club announced the candidate for a new head coach.

"In view of the poor health of the head coach Gomez, he submitted his resignation to the club. The club respected the ideas of coach Gomez and agreed to his resignation. Jose Alemani, the head coach of the second Mallorca team, served as the interim executive. Manager, until the end of the season."

No press conference was held, and the news was only announced in the local "Mallorca Daily". However, as soon as the news came out, there was an uproar immediately.

"The youngest head coach in La Liga is freshly released! Twenty-six-year-old Jose Alemani will be the temporary executive head coach of Mallorca!"

"The new head coach of Mallorca is actually the son of the executive chairman of Mallorca. What is the reason why the father and son are in charge of Mallorca together?"

Logically speaking, it is normal for Mallorca, a team already in the relegation zone, to change their head coach and have the head coach of the youth team. However, Jose's age and his identity have become the focus of media attention. Focus.

At the same time, some things about Jose began to be dug out by the reporters - he went to the United States to study at the age of 18, dropped out of school and returned to Mallorca two years later, started to study coaching courses at the age of 20, entered Marlow at the age of 23 At the age of 24 and a half, he became Cooper's assistant. At the age of 25, he became the head coach of Mallorca's second team after the former second team's head coach Francisco retired. Roca's second team has achieved 12 wins, 6 draws and 7 losses, ranking seventh in the second division.

"Judging from the results achieved by Jose leading Mallorca's second team in the Second Division, he is indeed Mallorca's best candidate at this stage, but due to his young age and his special status, Jose wants to quickly It seems that it is not easy to build people in the team. You must know that Mallorca has a lot of veterans in the team. Nadal and Ngonga are both veterans over 30 years old..."

While the outside world was wondering what Jose would be like next, Jose started his work quietly.

January 20, at 9:00 am, at the Doral training base in Mallorca.

"Vicente, we have changed coaches."

Fernando Nino yelled loudly in the locker room that this is a tall player. Although he is not particularly tall, he has a strong body and a straightforward temper. He is a mighty player in Mallorca's defense.

Vicente Ngonga tied his shoelaces silently. This black player born in Equatorial Guinea was already thirty-five years old. He played in La Liga for the first time when he was twenty-six. He played for the Spanish national team for the first time at the age of 12. He is also the first black player to play in the Spanish national team. After transferring from Valencia two years ago, he has been the main midfielder of Mallorca He and the captain on the field, he and another 33-year-old former Spanish international, Miguel Nadal, who just returned from a free transfer from Barcelona this season, are the most respected players in the team.

Nadal is a defender, and his performance this season is not bad. Mallorca rarely loses a lot of balls when they lose. However, Ngonga is one of the organizers of the midfield. It is hard to shirk the blame. He came to Mallorca with Cooper, so he also supports Gomez, an old friend of Cooper. Now that Gomez is out of class, Ngonga is guilty on the one hand, and worried on himself on the other. position on the field...

"Let's go, go to the training ground...the new coach is going to meet us today, don't be late." After tying his shoelaces, Ngonga straightened his waist, and then said something in a low voice.

Jose was standing on the sidelines of the training ground, chatting easily with his assistant coach Antonio Natal. Natal was also an old courtier of Mallorca. He was 20 years older than Jose, 35 years old. Just worked as a coach in Mallorca, until now he is forty-five years old, and has been in Mallorca for ten years.

"Antonio, how is the usual training arranged?" Jose asked.

"It's almost the same as before..." Natal replied: "In terms of training, Gomez did a good job, basically the same as what Coach Cooper did before, and the discipline is also very strict...The players' status is very good. no problem."

"Hmm..." Jose nodded slightly. He worked as an assistant coach for the first team for half a year last season, so he naturally knows how well Mallorca's training is. Cooper is a head coach who pays attention to training effects. , quite severe in this regard, and this was one of the biggest reasons why he fell out with Ronaldo in Inter Milan later on. From this point of view, there should be no problem with the discipline and state of the players, but a team always fails to win If it is not, it is also very painful. Most of the players' morale will drop very badly, and the games that can be won will not be won.

"It must bring a victory first." Jose thought in his heart.

While Jose was thinking about what to do next, the Mallorca players had come out of the locker room one after another. After all the players had come out, Jose looked at his watch and nodded in satisfaction.

Except for the injured Biagini, all the other players were present, and none of them were late—José didn't want to give them a bad impression. He had been in the first team for half a year last season, and he knew most of the players. , and everyone knows that he has done a good job in the second team this half of the season.

At this time, Jose's advantage as a native of Mallorca came out. Although he was young and he was the chairman's son, no player thought that he should not be the head coach—of course, whether he could be a good coach The executive head coach depends on how he does next.

There is no black clothes, black pants and black sunglasses to pretend to be cool, and there is no thorny head for Jose to show his authority. Jose just waved his hand, and then simply said: "Start training."