
I am James Kent (New)

A repost to my new account. Will be based on the New 52. I know a lot will complain that it is the same thing but please there are small changes made even now Synopsis loading

Ink_Verse · Anime e quadrinhos
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17 Chs

Escape from Planet Krypton

   Thirty(30) minutes later, Jor-El stepped into the room injured but was somehow ignoring the existence of the wound as he immediately got to work 

  Looking at the deep and life-threatening wound, The family was compelled to speak but kept quiet as they knew it was useless, the man was set on allowing his family to survive and he would do it

   Seconds after Jor-El stepped into the room, various shouts could be heard from the outside

"What do you think you are trying to do Jor-El!!" An angry voice shouted from behind the door and accompanying the voice were sounds of the door being blasted with the high-tech guns in the man's possession 

"I will kill you Jor-El, you shall watch your family die before you!!, you traitor!!" The man shouted as he continued shooting

  Meanwhile, in the room, Jor-El paid no attention to the door as he immediately placed the codex on the already prepared apparatus and seconds later, an exact copy of the codex appeared

"Get the children" Jor-El ordered and Lara and Alura immediately placed the twins in the arms on the pedestal 

"Commence transfer" Jor-El said and immediately after, a golden line was seen coming from the codex and its copy into the body of the children

"I know this is the last time I will set my eyes upon you, my children... Kal-El" he said as he touched the face of one of the twins and immediately James' heart calmed down. 

It was finally confirmed, he isn't the future Superman 

"Rao-El, I name you after our sun, may you both shine bright, I am sending you three to a world where you would be seen as gods but I hope your power doesn't blind you. The yellow solar radiations will strengthen your bodies allowing you to achieve the impossible. I want you to use that power to guide them and I hope they do not turn out like us" Jor-El said as tears fell from his eyes

"And never forget, we, your parents will always be with you and love you" He did as the others step up to him

  A few minutes later, the children were already strapped into their various space crafts and the parents stood ready for them to take off

"The door can't hold on much longer" Zor-El suddenly announced but Jor-El just smiled and then walked to a secret compartment of the room 

   Reaching into the compartment, Jor-El grabbed two battle suits, these were new model exoskeletons that were being developed for the military but now it was being used against the military.

  As their parents prepared to probably end their lives while trying to protect their children. James was inside the spacecraft feeling extremely confused

"Aren't the Kryptonians under the red sun, just normal humans?" James asked himself surprised

  Ever since they arrived at this surface hanger, James had felt strange as though he was being charged up by something

  Despite the strange feeling, it wasn't exactly hard to guess what was going on considering that James knew the effect of Solar radiation on Kryptonians so he guessed that his body was absorbing the radiation from this massive red sun

"Perhaps this is my wish in action" James asked as a smile found its way to his face.

His original wish had been to be the best version of himself but whatever being who had reincarnated him had modified the wish.

Though James didn't know the exact extent of this modification, he could at least safely guess that it made it possible for him to absorb energy from the red sun.

  As James marvelled at his new development, The El brothers had already worn their battle suits, ready to face the angry soldiers behind the door

"We'll hold them off, you two send the children out of here," Zor-El said as he and his brother walked toward the door with the prototype blasters in hand

   The two mothers tried their best to remain calm as they prepared the space crafts for take-off and made sure that the two had everything they needed when they landed on the planet.

All under the assumption that Jor-El had laid down the necessary preparations for the children's landing on the designated planet but knowing Jor-El as well as they did, he probably did.

"This is the council, All soldiers of Zod are hereby ordered to lay down their weapons and all members of the El family are hereby under arrest," a loud voice said as a large aircraft appeared in the skies above the hanger, Jor-El and family was in

"Hahaha!! Zod you foolish man, you actually tried it Hahaha!!" Jor-El laughed when he realized why Zod and his men too were to be arrested

"It matters not, you shall die anyway!!" Zod replied from behind the door 

   Minutes later, the door was broken down and shots were fired but amongst all this chaos, the spacecrafts were already in the air and about to leave the planet

"Shoot them down" Zod ordered his men as he faced Jor-El who was now on his knees with a smile on his face, his mission had been accomplished 

   Along with Jor-El, Zor-El and their wives also gladly surrendered after all their missions had been achieved 

"Do you know what you have done?" Zod shouted in anger as he smashed the butt of his gun on Jor-El's face

   Meanwhile, in the mini spacecrafts, James managed to push himself up enough for him to see what was happening on the planet before his departure.

As he looked on, James saw multiple anti-aircraft guns or whatever these could be called, shooting at them. Multiple missiles were fired but somehow none of them hit them

"For a very advanced society, your aiming and weaponry accuracy is terrible" He commented but James knew clearly that this was because of his brother who was still sleeping as though nothing was happening

"All hail plot armour," James thought as he sat down to calm down

Earlier his heart nearly found its way out of his body, all due to the fear of one of the missiles touching the spacecraft but somehow they all seemed to hit empty air and exploded as though there was a being out there watching over his brother

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