
I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group

I am in ATG, I have a Chat Group Current Members: Mu Xuanyin- Against the Gods Bibi Dong - Douluo Dalu Gu Yuena - Douluo World. Yun Yun - BTTH Ya Fei - BTTH, Yang Xin - ToDaG Xiao Ning'er - ToDaG Extra chapters on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · Anime e quadrinhos
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65 Chs

Intent and Bullshit!

Coming back to topi--Ahm!

After the celebration, they called off and went back to their worlds. Xiao Xianzhi, who was about to go back to his research about Darkness energy again received a call and opening it, he saw it was Mu Xuanyin.

Accepting the call, he saw Mu Xuanyin appearing in the place and looking at him, she nodded and said, "It seems you haven't been slacking off."

"Hmm? Can you sense it?" Xiao Xianzhi asked and wondered if she could sense his true strength, which he was sure was at Divine Origin Realm.

"Nah! I can sense that you have changed. The way you are moving and the vigilance you have, were you tempering under Killing Intent?" Mu Xuanyin asked as she appeared beside and before he could nod, he had to dodge back as she kicked him in his face and he narrowly dodged the attack.

"Yeah, I have been." Xiao Xianzhi said as he covered his fists with darkness energy and punched at her while Ice lotus appeared around Mu Xuanyin and they started to attack her.

His hand was caught by Mu Xuanyin and an Ice Shield appeared around her that shielded the ice attacks from the crystal and Mu Xuanyin poked his neck and said, "You are dead."

She released him and then disappeared from the place as a pillar of darkness fell on her place and looking at this, she narrowed her eyes and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I am not dead, am I?" Xiao Xianzhi said while grinning and seeing this, She understood that he needed a beating and a few minutes later, Xiao Xianzhi sat on the floor with his body aching, and Mu Xuanyin floated beside him.

"So, Zhi'er, what have you been doing?" Mu Xuanyin asked and Xiao Xianzhi didn't reply but he remembered the fight he had. Seeing his blank eyes, she stopped speaking and waited for him to come out of his thoughts.

She glanced at her side and saw Jasmine looking at Xiao Xianzhi with a weird expression on her face and seeing this, she chuckled but her eyes narrowed as she sensed her cultivation.

'Did she accept the deal or did Zhi'er help her without a contract? If it is later, I will be coming here and I will take him away.'

Xiao Xianzhi came out of his thoughts and saw Jasmine looking at him with a weird expression on her face. Shaking his hand, Xiao Xianzhi looked at Mu Xuanyin and asked, "How was the seclusion?"

"It was good! I have opened the two floors and I still have a lot of blood left. What happened between you and Jasmine?"

"Hmm? Nothing." Xiao Xianzhi said and Mu Xuanyin narrowed her eyes and asked, "Does that mean she had accepted the deals?"

Xiao Xianzhi nodded at her and a smile appeared on Mu Xuanyin's while she thought, 'Meh! If only he had helped her without thinking, I could take him away.'

"So, what have you been doing in the time I was in seclusion?"

Xiao Xianzhi looked at Mu Xuanyin and gave a summary of what happened in the past few months. While hearing everything, Mu Xuanyin's expression didn't change but she noted a few important points that she planned to look for.

'Reincarnation of Ancestral Goddess, A True Devil, Evil Infant Wheel, Dragon God, Gu Yuena's warnings, Miracle of Life and Primordial Seal of Death. Hah! If someone else heard about these things, they would be too shocked to even say anything.'

Shaking her head, Mu Xuanyin looked at Xiao Xianzhi and asked, "I did ask you to stay in this world for 5 years but I feel that it would be better if you would just come to my Realm. After all, you said that you have to free Shen Xi, take the Primordial Seal of Life and Death from Brahma Realm, and then there are those Wood Spirits I have prepared for you."

Hearing this, Xiao Xianzhi thought of something and said, "Yeah, me too! There really isn't anything left for me, except the Primordial Ark, which will arrive in this world years later and till then, I can just stay in Divine Realm."

"After meeting everyone three months later, we can just leave this world, what do you think?" Xiao Xianzhi asked and Mu Xuanyin thought of something.

She nodded at him and said, "Sure!"

"Also, Can you create something like this?" Xiao Xianzhi said as he explained the concept of the Flying Thunder God Technique to Mu Xuanyin. He had been thinking about it as he knew that only at Divine Sovereign, a cultivator could travel using Dimensional Cracks.

But what if he created the runes for travelling and one just has to protect his body from the damage in cracks, then Using the runes they could teleport the marked places and using it, Xiao Xianzhi could travel between Pole Star Planet and Snow Song Realm.

Mu Xuanyin looked at Xiao Xianzhi and said, "The idea is good and if you can create runes like this, you can travel. But did you forget that most of the cultivators don't have strong bodies and they cover themselves with energy."

"No one these days studies runes and they travel using Profound Arks. For this type of technique, you have to create a rune that could defend against the damage caused by cracks and that only would take a lot of energy."

"So instead of focusing on it, just leave these works to me. If you want to travel somewhere, just ask me, and I will take you." Mu Xuanyin said with a smile on her face and Xiao Xianzhi nodded at her.

"Now that we are done with this, let's talk about an important topic." Mu Xuanyin said in a serious voice and Xiao Xianzhi looked at her.

"How many girls have fallen for you?" Mu Xuanyin asked with a serious expression and Xiao Xianzhi was dumbfounded as he heard this.

"Pff! Hahaha! Look at your face, Was my question that unexpected?" Mu Xuanyin laughed as she looked at his dumbfounded face as she gave a mischievous smile. Seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi shook his head and nodded at her.

Mu Xuanyin chuckled as she saw this and said, "Tell me, How many girls are there now, the one you plan to marry later?

"Let me count for you, Me, Yao, Bingyun, Qingyue, Ling, Jasmine, Chat group members, Shen Xi and...."

"Wait! Wait!" Xiao Xianzhi interrupted in between and asked, "What are you saying? Why would you count others except Yue'er and Ling'er?"

"Ara? What did you say, My disciple? Are you rejecting me?" Mu Xuanyin said with a 'smile' on her face and seeing this, Xiao Xianzhi's expression changed and he said, "No."

"Good! Apart from you, no one is worthy for me, or just imagine, how would you feel if you saw me in another---"

"Shut up!" Xiao Xianzhi said before Mu Xuanyin could complete her sentence and his killing intent was released. Seeing this, Mu Xuanyin laughed and said, "That's right! So before something like that happens, do whatever you can to make me yours or you will lose me forever."

Xiao Xianzhi's expression changed as he heard her words and understood that she was just teasing him.

'Hah! Just don't blame me when I will do that.'

"13 women already, tsk! Tsk! What a womanizer you are, Zhi'er." Mu Xuanyin said as she clicked her tongue while shaking her head.

"Hmph! Tease me however you want, I just hope you will be ready for me in future."

"Pff! Me? Ready? Haha! Little guy, you have to make me ready. After all, with me, you will be getting Yao to as she will feel everything I would. Oh right, I forgot of the nine witches she has. Tsk! 22 women, what a womanizer you are." Mu Xuanyin said with a laugh and as she looked at his annoyed face.

(Author: Sweatdrop, I wonder how I will handle it.)

After the banter and teasing, Mu Xuanyin left after giving him the Buddha whatever lotus so that he could use it on himself as it could help him in his future cultivation.

Xiao Xianzhi knew that she had grown it for Nine thousand years for herself and she had given this to him.

When he asked why, she just looked at him as if he was an idiot and left without explaining anything.

Xiao Xianzhi took out the lotus and before he could eat it, Jasmine appeared beside him and with a stunned expression she asked, "How did you get this?"

"My Master gave it to me." Saying this, under her envious eyes, he ate the Lotus and started to cultivate as his meridians started to strengthen, making him reach the advanced stage of Meridian Strengthening in his Divine Saintly Physique.

It would have been impossible considering that he hadn't reached the Intermediate Stage in all Realms but as the lotus is an item left by Gods, he could do it.

After his cultivations, Xiao Xianzhi could sense that he could now absorb Profound Energy at a faster rate and he could even use the Fourth Gate of the Seven Gate for a longer time.

Since that day, a month passed by and nothing new happened in it. Every day, he would chat in groups, comprehend Miracle of Life, use Darkness Energy to its fullest, and experiment with it.

He didn't know that he had been getting closer to Darkness Laws by using Darkness Profound Energy and a month later, he learned a new trick.

He could now use Darkness Profound Energy and decay anything. Even though his intent behind using Darkness Profound Energy was destruction, he could now use Darkness Profound Energy to decay plants, animals, and their bodies.

He also noticed that his Decay Intent carried a hint of the Law of Time as the plants and animals didn't decompose but they grew old and wilted.

Seeing all this, he was stunned and excited at the further prospects of using Decay Intent, by decaying emotions, space, time and even matter.

But like what happened, his soul, and energy didn't allow him to progress further and his mood offed.

Now he couldn't study runes or decay intent, and he had to focus on his other Elements.

In the month, his cultivation increased from Peak Emperor Profound Realm to 2nd Level of Tyrant Profound Realm due to his focus on cultivation.

Not only that, but Yue Mo had also progressed in the month and after resurrecting his son, whom Xiao Xianzhi named Yue Mosu after his father Yue Mo. His strength increased to Peak Sovereign Profound Realm and Xiao Xianzhi used the Hiding rune and asked him to strengthen his body and used Darkness Profound Energy inside his body to enhance his strength and fight.

With this, no one could know that he is the Devil as his Profound Energy will be hidden using the rune. But if he releases energy outside his body, then he will be caught.

Xiao Xianzhi also placed a slave seal on Yue Mosu and he used his Darkness Profound Energy to slap madness out of him. He noticed that the reason why the Devils went made by using Darkness Profound Energy was because of tiny extra energy present in their bodies.

After matching it with You'er's energy, and Xiao Xianzhi understood that it happened because Jie Yuan made every Devil her subordinate and, in their descendants, her energy was transferred, and it corrupted their minds.

While noticing all these things, he had to say that Profound Energy was mysterious and everything that was called bullshit using Science was true with Profound Energy.


Read 10 chapters on P@treon: p@treon.com/Kaoski

-------First mission started------

[Mission World: Seer and Snow Song Realm King]

[Mission Details: Conquer Flame God Realm, Heaven Mystic Realm, Holy Eaves Realm and Glazed Light Realm.]

[Mission Participants: Everyone]

[Mission Rewards: Origins Crystals, World Travelling Unlocked.]

[Mission Time limit: None]

[Time will stop in the participant's Universe, except the Mission World.]