
I am Harry Potter

when you are born you have to live on. Everyone waks the path to legend but only some are legendary . why? Because those who are legendary are leaders ,they have their identity . Remember crowd gives you strength but takes away your identity.

indianinkheart · Livros e literatura
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1 Chs


a black haired 17 year old Indian boy has just finished reading the 7th book of the harry potter series . he got up from his bed and looked out of his window the neighborhood was silent , moon high in the sky ,pale yellow ligh illuminating the surrounding.

he gazed at the sky with yearning wishing he could be like harry potter able to fly on a broom do spells "Oh! how I wished to be a wizard" he thought.

But he knew this was all wish full thinking which was never going to be true. Still the tempting thought of being a wizard , of being Harry Potter still lingered in his mind.

In a far away place billion of light years away was a very big black-hole.

A certain being watching through all the minds in the universe become interested in the thaughts of the boy. will the boy leave everyone he knew in his world for a chance to be Harry Potter ?

will he or will he not?Is that life tempting enough?

what an interesting question ? He could not know the answer until the chance came before the boy and how interesting will his other life be if he chose it?

The being became very excited after having this thought.

O! boy you luck gonna change, I wish you live in interesting times!

The same night in the boy's dream, he saw his family "his father ,mother,elder sister and his younger brother celebrating his birthday. All was merry when suddenly a delivery boy carrying a large bookey with red and yellow rose came in .he was very surprised , everyone quietened the delivery boy then said your birthday gift is a chance to be harry potter .his mother shouted Get out you Rajiv don't listen to his nonsence but Rajiv at that moment had a felling if he told yes then he would truly be Harry Potter ,he would have the life he wanted .His brother and sister began crying and telling him to not got his father tried to push the delivery boy out his mother was shouting at the delivery boy and telling him to go away it was all very chaotic only the delivery boy was fixed after some time Rajiv said yes .

His choice was strange even to himself but he felt he had made the right choice also last year he had promised himself he would never regret decision made by his own free will .His life in India was very boring and he wanted more from it, also the food in the stories was very attractive to him.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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