
I Am Frisk: An Undertale/Worm CYOA Story

After waking up in the body of the protagonist of Undertale, the newly named Frisk has some growing up to do. He wants to ensure everyone gets home safely, but how can he do that when he can't even SAVE himself. *Definitely Spoilers Below* The MC wakes up in frisks body but without the power of Determination. He will have to fight and outsmart Flowey who still has control over the timeline in order to get the good ending. Used Worm CYOA V6 to come up with the basic premise of the story. The first part will almost be 100% Undertale. Credit for the Cover goes to the game Undertale and me with a really bad Paint 3D job.

Tempest2077 · Videojogos
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26 Chs

Toriel's Magic Classroom

Hello readers. I released two chapters yesterday, so I'm just going to release a short one today. I might release it very late tonight, but it's not a guarantee. This will be a miniseries where I can explain the magic system I will use. It is totally not required reading, and most things should be explained through the story, but I do not know if I'm that good with exposition.

Glitchtale is an Animated AU of Undertale made by Camila Cuevas on YouTube. It is the heavy inspiration for most of the magic system (not the story) that I will be using. There will definitely be some differences, and those will be shown. If you want to go watch the videos, they are very cool.

This is also written in a different format for ease of use.

"Are you ready, my student?" Toriel pushed up her glasses and looked down at Frisk from her place by the chalkboard.

"Hai, Toriel Sensei!" Frisk responded, giving her a salute and readying his pencil to take notes.

"Very well then, let us begin."

TORIEL: If you want to understand what magic is and how to learn it, you first must understand the SOUL. The SOUL is the source of everyone's magical power; it acts as a generator and storage for all magical energy that living beings use. While there is some magic in the air, it is so spread out that it would be almost entirely useless. In fact, the longer you try to manifest a magical attack, the more energy it leaks into the air. There are some exceptions to this; however, they are rare.

FRISK: What are those exceptions?

TORIEL: Explaining those would make no sense without first explaining the SOUL. There are many different types of SOULS in all manner of beings that work differently. As an award, I will let you pick which one I start with. Monster SOULS or Human SOULS.

FRISK: Hmmm. How about Human SOULS first.

TORIEL: Very well then. Human SOULS are much stronger than their counterpart monster SOULS. This is believed to be because all Humans possess a small amount of DETERMINATION within them. However, this is mostly speculation, and we will save it for another time.

Human SOULS are divided into 7 traits expressed through individual Human actions. Every Human SOUL has at least some of the main 6 traits, but whichever one the SOUL contains the most of is expressed as the dominant color. The main 6 SOUL traits are BRAVERY (orange), JUSTICE (yellow), INTEGRITY (blue), PATIENCE (cyan), KINDNESS (green), and PERSEVERANCE (purple). The 7th SOUL trait is DETERMINATION, but little is known about it.

FRISK: But I have two different colors. Is that any different?

TORIEL: Yes, most Humans will only have a single trait, but in some circumstances, children will develop a dual-traited SOUL. This is rare for children and even more rare for adults. Before you ask, all traited SOULS have a chance to go GRAY and lose their magic. I will touch on how that can happen with each individual SOUL trait. You can ask more questions about this later because right now, I will go into each specific SOUL trait. But first.

Magicians are Humans who have learned to manipulate their magic power for primarily combat-based techniques. The kind of magic a Magician uses is mainly dependent on what their SOUL trait is. Do you have a preference for which SOUL trait I should do first?


TORIEL: I had guessed that you would choose that one. PERSEVERANCE is one of the more stable and powerful traited magic. It is highly dependent on the user's willpower to function and can be strengthened by having a goal in mind. However, suppose the mage loses the will to complete their goal or keep fighting. In that case, the magic will be reduced in power, possibly even lost.

Magicians that use PERSEVERANCE are more potent at close range, and their attacks are highly effective at cutting through defenses. The wounds left by their attacks are also tough to heal. They also tend to have very high stamina and get more potent as a fight goes on. Each mage manifests PERSEVERANCE differently, but they usually share these things in common. They are also more likely to manifest a bladed magic weapon.

FRISK: What's a magic weapon?

TORIEL: Oh, I must have forgotten to explain that. When a mage is able to completely sync up with their element, they can create a weapon made from pure magical power. Of course, this weapon might have special abilities of its own. Still, all magic weapons share the characteristics of the trait that formed them.

FRISK: So a PERSEVERANCE mage's weapon would be a close-range bladed weapon that is good at piercing defenses and leaves lasting injuries?

TORIEL: Correct that is about all that is known to us about PERSEVERANCE magic. Am I guessing you would like me to do JUSTICE next?

FRISK: Yes, please!

TORIEL: Justice is another SOUL trait that is more stable than most. It depends mainly on the morality and decisions that a mage makes. This means that a mage with a robust moral code who sticks to it with their actions will make this trait more powerful. On the other hand, if a justice mage were to do something that they themselves feel is wrong, their magic would weaken or even disappear.

Magicians that use JUSTICE magic are usually better at long range. Both they themselves and their attacks tend to be faster than other traits. They also do greater damage the more the enemy opposes the mage's morals. Like PERSEVERANCE, all mages manifest

their powers differently when they use JUSTICE magic; they usually share these things in common. They are also more likely to manifest a weapon that allows them to fire projectiles.

FRISK: Ok, so I have two very stable traits. Would this mean I have a higher chance of making it into adulthood with a dual-traited SOUL?

TORIEL: Yes, just make sure to follow your own morals and never give up! How about we take a small break? It seems like your writing hand is a bit tired.

FRISK: Sure.

Hopefully this was semi-enjoyable to read. Or at least explained some things. Thank you and Enjoy!

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