
I Am Chaotic Destruction

Within a desert, an army stood while looking at the coffin that had appeared before them all. a coffin that was sent flying, and from within, a handsome young man stepped out of the coffin while looking around. "... Lord Help us all," Onoki said as horror swallowed him seeing the person who had stepped out of the Coffin. out of any Shinobi to be brought back to life... why him? Just why? Were they fated to lose? "I'm alive? This is funny, after going all out to kill me, you bring me back to life... Onoki, you brat. you have become so old." He said with a smirk while looking around, his eyes landing on the only person in the army he knew. Onoki, out of the hundreds of thousands of shinobi who went to war with him to kill him... Onoki was someone he remembered thanks to his skills. "R-run!" Onoki didn't think for a second and ordered everyone to run. this was a monster that badly injured those 2 powerhouses, a man who stood on a level of power that could destroy the world. they were lucky to kill him last time, but even then, he took out over 60k shinobi all by himself. this was a monster.

itachi1010 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs


"Just who are you?" Esdeath asked her face turning slightly red as I held her lightly.

"I'm a traveler from afar... but from the moment I saw you, I knew I didn't want to travel alone. So join me, explore the endless numbers of worlds with me." I said lightly, making Esdeath's heart start racing to a scary degree.

"worlds?" She asked lightly, too shy to look me in the eyes. At her words, I stopped cupping her face and went on to wrap my hands around her, pulling her into my arms and going on to pick her up into a princess carry.

We shot into the sky, and we quickly reached heights she could never reach with her flight capability. She looked at the large blue earth below her, looking beautiful. but they kept going up, and soon we were looking at the solar system, then the galaxy, and before long she was seeing the whole universe, and the multiverse. 

"This is your world. I go from world to world, collecting stuff from different worlds to sell into other worlds... call it me sitting back and relaxing due to how powerful I am." I said with a smile. 

"There are many tiers in strength, those who can defeat simply humans than those who can destroy buildings, city blocks, towns, cities, mountains, islands, continents, moons, planets, stars, solar systems, multiple solar systems, galaxies, multiple galaxies, universes, multiverses, and things only get more complex from there... you are around the continental level." I said while Esdeath looked around her, a blank look in her eyes. 

"... what are you?" She asked in a light soft voice.

"My strength doesn't determine how powerful I am. Even those stronger than me will be defeated by me... Just call me a god of destruction." I said with a smile, stunning and confusing Esdeath as she didn't know what that meant.

"Oh... by the way... I plan to have a harem." I said softly, making Esdeath look at me, she was overwhelmed by the sudden flow of information she was taking in. First, she found out just how small she was compared to the universe, she was less than an ant. being the humble gentle man I was, I was quiet and let her comprehend everything before she went on to speak.

"... am I not enough?" She asked weakly, to which I smirked slightly.

"Oh? A harem is something only the strong could have... of course, if you defeat me in bed, then I will do whatever you want." I said with a smirk, making Esdeath blush slightly. but after a moment, her eyes burned with determination as she nodded lightly, although she was still shy.

With a thought, I teleported back to Earth, where I created a small house where we went on to have a nice time in bed. the cries of moans and pleasure went on for hours, Esdeath trying her best not to lose. but after going to heaven and back nonstop, she finally fainted with her tongue hanging out, completely out of it.

I left her with a small note and went on to go to Night Raid HQ. I suddenly appeared on top of a round table where the group sat around, in deep talk. Instantly, they all of course jumped up seeing me, but they relaxed somewhat seeing it was me.

"Mission complete. now we have the strongest woman in the empire at our side... well, Akame would have defeated her." I said with a smile while looking around.

"how would I have done that?" Akame asked stunned by my words.

"that trump card of yours," I said with a smirk, everyone's eyes narrowed. being too powerful and mysterious made them uneasy about me.

"You're powerful... why don't you just go kill the emperor?" Akame said softly, making me look at her with narrowed eyes. I seem to have underestimated her instincts, with a thought the dangerous feeling she was getting off me suddenly disappeared, leaving her horrified as I just looked like some extremely handsome young man.

"Who are you?" She said sweat covering her forehead. I looked at her with a helpless look, before shrugging.

"I'm a traveler was the multiverse, at your pleasure," I said with a deep sigh, this might make things harder for me to get my harem... well, I guess I might have to be shameless... but I'm not used to being shameless. this would be a first for me.

"What is a multiverse?" They were confused, with many of them here never leaving the continent, they had no idea of just how huge the world truly was. Being too lazy to speak, I just sent the information into their minds, leaving them all stunned at just how small they were compared to the world.

"I was stopping by to study the unique treasures of this world. I planned to start a multiversal store... that was until I saw that noble family's actions. I'm not someone who goes around the multiverse saving people, but this place kind of disgusted me. so I plan to step in and give you all the chance to change your fate... and also see if you can join my harem, and follow me around the multiverse." I said lightly,

"... if you're so powerful, why can't you stop emperor? With all that power, what is stopping you?" Akame asked in disappointment, I looked at her for a moment before speaking.

"I will not interfere with mortal matters unless given a good reason. I will admit, that I was planning on just destroying all of the evil in this empire, but I would have to go about it without using my own powers. this would have happened within a few days, but since I saw you all, I changed my mind. I wanted to join you all and work together with you... I will admit, you all did charm me." I said with a deep sigh,

"I guess watching your futures made me have some kind of unique attraction to you all, and seeing you all up close. I wanted to protect you all... but this goes against my nature. as a being of destruction," I said while I held out my palm, the power of destruction gathering at my palm,

"Consider me a god of destruction, a Neutral party in existence that keeps a balance... I destroy, yet I love you all. I should only destroy, yet here I am... wanting to protect you all." I said with a deep sigh, making everyone stunned.

"But I can't use my power to protect you... but I have found a way around this. Buy my use and I shall be able to aim my powers towards your target." I said with a nod of my head,

"buy?" they were caught off guard by my words

"You see, although I'm a destroyer, I find a good interest in creation. This takes the form of me wanting to be a store owner. I traveled the multiverse, collecting stuff to sell... well, at least copies of things. If you buy me, and depending on how much value it holds in my heart, it would depend on how much power I can use without conflicting against my nature. that way, pay enough price and I can just snap my finger, and the emperor and all of the bad eggs are gone. I can even destroy the fact he ever existed, allowing the past to go through great changes," I said stunning everyone

"You can do something like that?" They were of course shocked, as the meaning of my words was huge. to destroy the fact someone has ever existed, leading the past to go through great changes, that was huge.

"Of course, everything in creation can be destroyed by me. facts, ideals, dreams, and so on. It's all within my power to destroy.... well, so long as I follow my rules when using it." I said pridefully, sending chills down everyone.

"So, what is the price for your power?" Najenda asked with a heavy heart.

"Well... marriage," I said stunning everyone. what happened to the whole date thing? this caught them off.

"Who? And why do you want to marry?" Mine asked with a frown,

"Marriages is when two humans who love each other very much come together, swearing to be together till death due them part... I want that. but I can't pick one of you, I love you all equally. so I want to marry you all." I said with pure innocence to my words, which made everyone's heart melt at how adorable that sounded... how dare you say I used my reality-warping powers to make my words have the impact on them that I wanted? That would just be a miss use of my powers, and completely shameless

"Then, I will marry you," Najenda said calmly, stunning Lubbock who had a crush on her. I looked at Lubbock for a moment, before shaking my head.

"I can't marry you... when someone already loves you. it feels wrong because I would be hurt in his shoes." I said while looking towards Lubbock... see, I wasn't a scumbag. I was thinking of others, I was a good father, and I was now thinking of others.

"..." The air went quiet as no one had expected my words. this showed I cared for others, making their impression change.

"I will marry you then... is that enough?" Akame asked to which my eyes brightened slightly, but I froze while giving her a weird look.

"You're not doing this because you think you don't have another choice right? From my research on love, that type of marriage isn't healthy... now that I say this, the building block of our relationship is rocky. So, I should go on a date with you and see if we are suited. If not, then I should find another way... but to be safe, how about I go on a date with everyone, a person a week? if it doesn't work, then no harm." I said with a nod of my head this was indeed the perfect plan... and they would have no choice but to agree since I was too handsome, how could they say no to someone as handsome as me?