
I Am Become Death Incarnate

I am become death incarnate. All will fall before me. None shall get in my way

Lucarian · Fantasia
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Welcome to my fucked up origin story

Hello everyone. My name is...well my name doesn't really matter. Not in this life, and not in the one after that. To be honest was just your average run of the mill guy living on Earth. Nothing to it really. I was someone who had his first job the moment he graduated from high school, but from that point to two years after that, it was all downhill from there in all honesty. I had already gone through 4 different jobs. May not seem like much right? Well that ain't exactly true. It was after that, that the world said fuck you. At that point I had gone through even more jobs. At that point I had gone through another 5 jobs, and was working on my next one. Yeah that's right, I couldn't hold down a job worth shit. I didn't know what it was. All I knew, was that I had gone through 9 different jobs, and was currently working at my tenth. But in the end, I didn't last long there either. But this time, it wasn't cause I got fired, or cause I had quit, because honestly, where I was living at, the pay was pretty decent overall, to be quite honest with you. Nope, I didn't last long cause a truck came out of nowhere when I was crossing the street one night as I was heading home, got basically TKTFO'd (totally knocked the fuck out). So I thought, okay, maybe this was meant to be, maybe I was meant to be hit by truck-kun, and I was meant to reincarnate in a world of fantasy and magic, and the sorts. Well, I was sort of right...I guess. Kinda hard to explain. The world I "transmigrated" to, was exactly that. There were warriors of all types, summoners, necromancers, mages of all types, priests, all the races of creature you could imagine in a fantasy world, and the main course of this dish, dungeons. I was born into a semi decent family, with a good mother and father, and I was taught how to fight by the sword from my father, and how to cast, learn, and fight with magic by my mother. Sounds like a total cliche of a fantasy world in of itself, am I right? Well...after I had turned 16, there was a bad accident...by the way, it wasn't no accident. My parents had died. No, I didn't murder them. this isn't one of those types of origin stories. Someone else had murdered them. Come to find out, my Mother wasn't just any woman, and my Father wasn't just any man either. So apparently, my Father was actually the first born son of the previous King, before he was killed by his brother for the throne, and my mother, was actually the next line as the Queen of the elf race. so yes, I'm half-elf, half-human. Which also means I'm the true heir to both thrones by technicality. That's the real reason I was taught the sword, and the will of the world. However, I never came to learn of this until after they were both murdered. So in a rage, I went looking for a being. A being who could help me obtain what I truly desired. I simply wanted revenge. But not revenge on the current human King, or the current Elf Queen, who is technically my Aunt. I'm sure you can see where this story is going. No, I simply wanted revenge against the world itself. I wanted revenge against the people of this world, who turned their backs on my family. It matters not to me, whether they were directly or indirectly involved in the death of my family. They took that which was most precious to me, so if they truly feel that there life is more important to them, then I will simply take what they hold the most dear from them. I will reap the lives of everyone here on this world. No matter the cost. It wasn't until later that I realized that I was blinded by my revenge, that I didn't realize I was pissing off the very being who I was looking for. I was pissing off the Goddess of Death. See, apparently, the only way for her to gain more power, is if her own creations are the ones who reap the lives of the living. Although, if I'm to be honest, I didn't really care. I knew what I wanted, and it's not my problem if she gets more powerful or not. If she was against me, then I would have to take her life as well. It was with this revelation, that I had created a name for myself. I dubbed myself a title of sorts. A title that caused her to hunt me down, and kill me. Yeah, that's right, I died in the most cliche way possible. I died by the hands of the Goddess of Death herself. So this is my story. This is the story of how after my death, how after I was raised as one of her own undead, I became the very thing she hated, yet never realized she wanted. For all shall know and fear me, for I Am Become Death Incarnate.