

Mazaya Lavina Palavi is forced to disguise herself as a man, because she is trapped in a traumatized past. She works as the family's preferred bodyguard Vlodostok family. For the last 7 years Zay worked as a bodyguard without any problems, but when he was recruited by the Vlodostok family his life became a mess. Even Mazaya's existence divides the heirs of the Vlodostok family heirs, including Vern Vandyke, Abercio Roderick and Daren Vlodostok. Why is the Vlodostok family divided? What past did Zay go through? Can she make peace with her gender? There are many exciting questions that you can look for in each chapter. Keep following Mazaya's story. Kind reviews and support are very welcome with pleasure. Thank you. Cover by Yozora designer

Vellyna_Yari09 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
77 Chs

The Crazy of Nephew

Zay turned her head briefly, she who was the temporary leader in the car made a decision. Before that Zay gave a half-threatening direction, "Don't panic, arrange your faces. Just obey what the police says, but before that, quickly open the handcuffs!"

"D-don't listen to him," Ted stammered. He could hardly breathe as his neck was still pressed by Zay's legs. Sweat was pouring all over his body, if it wasn't removed soon he would probably suffocate.

"Shut up! Do it quickly, if you don't want your chief to die!" threatened Zay while jerking the foot on Ted's neck until Ted's head hit the glass which sounded quite loud.

The driver lowered his face while nodding quickly. He could see Zay thrusting her handcuffed hands in front of him.

"Open up!" snapped Zay angrily. She was tired of feeling uncomfortable in the car and wanted to get out. On the other hand, the police had knocked on the windshield again.

"This is the last warning for you, please get out of the car!" The police reprimand was harsher than before.

The sound of handcuffs falling on the floor of the car, Zay smiled broadly while rubbing both wrists that felt free.

"You've gotten your wish, please let our chairman go," the driver demanded with trembling lips. He had the courage to ask for something in return.

Zay lowered her foot from Ted's neck. Ted coughed, falling to his knees while inhaling as much oxygen as he could. Zay put on her fierce face again and gave a final order, "If the police ask, find a reason not to involve me. Got it!"

"U-understood," replied Ted's two men who still showed their fear to Zay.

The driver got out of the car first, followed by Zay, then the other bodyguard, and finally Ted. He was approached by the police who were watching his movements.

"Can you show me your driver's license?" the policeman asked with a wary look, then moved on to observe the other passengers who had already exited the car.

Zay put on a nonchalant face, stuffing both hands into her pants pockets. Zay looked around, and when she felt safe, she walked away.

"You in the shabby white shirt, stop!" the policeman shouted. The policeman still holding the driving license shown by the driver was aware of Zay's desire to escape.

"Shit!" sighed Zay as she closed her eyes. She had to let her desire to breathe free air go awry. Zay took a breath and made a stupid face at the police. Then she turned around, pointed at her own face and asked, "Me, sir?"

"Yes, get over here and show me your ID!" the cop ordered, waving a hand at Zay.

"I was just riding in their vehicle, he was driving the car and I told the driver to be careful. But he ignored my warning, sir. If you don't believe me just ask him directly."

"So, let me go. I have something important waiting for me," Zay pleaded with her heart full of swearing. She made a gesture of clasping her hands together on the chest.

The police still hadn't responded, their fierce gaze now turning curious. He asked the driver, "Is what he just said true?"

"Wait, sir." Ted prevented the driver from answering. He patted the driver's shoulder, not a pat obviously a firm squeeze and signaled him to move from his position.

"Hey, what are you waiting for. Just answer the questions from the police officer!" Zay shouted from the other side of the car. She clenched her fists, staring intently at Ted and wanting to hit him this very second.

Ted looked at Zay with a vengeful gaze, he smiled faintly. Ted said something, then he put his face next to the policeman's ear to whisper something.

"Bastard, there's no more time, I have to escape immediately!" Zay grumbled. She felt that something bad was going to happen after seeing Ted who did something awkward to the police earlier.

Within seconds, Zay no longer cared what the police thought. She turned around and ran with all her might from the scene.

"Hey, where are you going?" the policeman shouted in panic. He ran after Zay and took a communication device from his pocket to call for help.

"Damn it! What are you waiting for, you go after him until you get him!" ordered Ted to his two men. He was annoyed kicking the legs of the driver who was not quick to respond, his mind was chaotic if Zay managed to escape he would be doomed.

Zay was unlucky, she had only run a few hundred meters when a police car blocked him from the front. She was desperate to cross the crowded road, but failed after a few seconds when another police car came to block her movement.

"Damn it! What am I supposed to do? Quick, get a brain!" muttered Zay as she pushed herself to try hard to find a way out.

Suddenly the sound of a pistol shot stopped Zay's brain from working. Not only that, the sound managed to make all the motorists on the road shriek in surprise. Suddenly the atmosphere was even more tense.

"Put your hands up! If you move even a little, this bullet will go through your leg!" threatened the policeman using a loudspeaker, while his right hand held the gun very tightly.

Zay had no choice but to surrender, she was surrounded from all sides. There were four policemen coming towards her at once. One of the policemen handcuffed Zay's hands, not long after her hands were handcuffed again. Ted applauded the scene.

"Good job guys. Mr. Roderick must appreciate your efforts, thank you," Ted praised.

Ted walked over to the police with a big smile, he shook hands with the first policeman. Ted raised his head 45 degrees revealing his arrogance again.

"You're welcome. Please give my regards to Mr. Jack," said the police superior who was leading the patrol today.

"Of course, you don't have to worry," replied Ted whose smile faded. He hissed, feeling hesitant to say anything, "Um, can I ask for your help one more time?"

"Yes, tell me," replied the Police nodding confidently.

"Please take that bastard all the way to my car and one more thing, tie his feet." Ted said it in a half-whisper. He was quite embarrassed by the request, but he would rather be embarrassed than get hit by Zay again.

"No problem, leave that loser to me." The policeman turned to stare sarcastically at Zay.

Meanwhile, Zay was still insisting on saving herself when she knew that all the unfortunate events she experienced were caused by Roderick.

"Damn chieftain, I should have killed you first! Call your master, fight me yourself! I can definitely take his life!" Zay shouted in frustration. She was led by the police to Ted's car. Her body resisted, even her face wouldn't turn away from Ted. Zay rebelled, jumped, kicked, and did whatever it took to get out of the police's grip.

"Ha ha, you're finished. I'm not afraid of your useless threats anymore!" Ted mocked Zay, even showing his middle finger proudly.

After a few minutes of chaotic traffic, it was now normal and smooth. Just like Vern's ride was very smooth until he arrived at his family's main house. Vern got out of the car in a hurry, even ignoring the taxi driver's call.

"Sir, here's your change!"

Vern ran into the gate guarded by 2 bodyguards, he seemed to stop for a while and spoke to one of the bodyguards. The taxi driver watched from inside the car.

"Wow, what should I do? Do I go there and return the money?" the driver grumbled. He thought while scratching his head, occasionally glancing at the creepy bodyguards that made him shudder in horror.

And sure enough, after the taxi driver shifted his gaze from the main gate of the Vlodostok family to the road ahead, he was pleasantly surprised to see one of the bodyguards already beside his car window.

"Oh my, since when has he been here?" The shocked taxi driver shrugged.

The bodyguard tapped on the window to find out what the taxi driver was doing. The taxi driver clearly caught the bodyguard's intention, he rolled down the window and explained before being asked.

"I have no bad intentions. I just wanted to catch up to the gentleman to give him some change. Please believe me."

The bodyguard responded to the driver's statement with a flat face. Even so, it did not diminish his sinister face that clearly made the taxi driver's face pale.

"Take the money, then leave now," the bodyguard ordered firmly. He still looked down in astonishment as the driver remained speechless with his mouth agape. He was even more annoyed when he saw Jack's car approaching from a distance, he snapped, "Hurry up and go!"

"W-well," the taxi driver replied nervously. He immediately stepped on the gas pedal, then drove as far away as possible.

As the car carrying Jack stopped in front of the gate, the guards guarding the gate rushed to open it. The car entered the gate, from the front of the house was greeted by a shocking incident committed by Vern.

"Tell me where Roderick is hiding? Don't blame me if your friend gets hurt!" threatened Vern who stood next to the bald bodyguard. He squeezed the knife repeatedly trying to muster the courage to stab people, as he was not used to it.

"Calm down, sir. Please put the knife down first, let's talk nicely," persuaded the long-haired bodyguard.

"Answer quickly, why are you silent?" snapped Vern, not budging. He glared and occasionally swallowed his saliva.

The horn was pressed so loudly that all pairs of eyes searched for the source of the sound. They could see the angry face of Jack in the passenger seat.

"All you fools, get out of my way!" Jack swore in his trademark voice.

Vern lowered his knife, he ran towards Jack before the guards could stop him. He made it to Jack with a lot of emotion. Vern moved quickly, he pulled Jack's tie and pointed the knife at his uncle's face.

"Where's Roderick? Get him to release the bodyguard boss!" threatened Vern. He tried to hold back the fear that trembled violently throughout his body. It conflicted with his desire for revenge.

"Mr. Vern, stop!" exclaimed one of the bodyguards who had come to surround Jack's car with his partner. They were confused about which master to prioritize.

Jack's face was bright red, he held the base of the tie tightly trying to breathe. As he did so, Jack gave an order, "G-get me covered!"

"No, it's time for me to take my revenge. Go to hell, uncle!" shouted a furious Vern.

Jack saw his crazy nephew raise the knife high, clearly looking to stab him in the neck. Would Jack survive?