
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
79 Chs

CHAPTER 59 - Rejection.

CHAPTER 59 - Rejection.

(Pov - Past Kei.)

Sniff, sniff. Do you smell that, Cris? Take a deep breath and feel the scent of the sea dancing in your nose. I love this smell!

The beach, one of my favorite places. And it's not just one of my favorites because it relaxes me to hear the waves of the sea, but also because it's the perfect place to see girls in swimsuits! Hehe. As long as I avoid direct contact and discreetly look, I can enjoy this beautiful view. And for that, I brought my secret weapon! Ta-da! Sunglasses darker than my soul! Don't blame me for being a peeping tom, ladies, I'm a healthy teenager with hot hormones, and I'm ugly, I highly doubt any girl will fall in love with me, and therefore, I won't have sex for a loooooooooooooong time, so I have to settle for looking. It's not like I want to have sex, honestly, I didn't like what I felt the only time I masturbated, but I do like to look at women in swimsuits, I love it!

Looking, an action that women consider disgusting, but it's inevitable. Look and don't touch.

Ah, the beach. A perfect place for a pervert like me... Well, well.

Those men are flirting with those girls and... They're leaving together...

I caress my abdomen and arms... I have a better body than them, but the beauty of their faces is still very important to women. Oh, what an injustice. Why did you make me ugly, God?!

And besides being ugly, shy too! I'm not even like those ugly extroverts who get girlfriends thanks to their charisma. Why am I like this?!

Ah, I don't even dare to ask a girl out on a date, or at least invite her to do homework together! I stutter when talking to any girl! I'm a disgrace!

But... Is there any girl I like enough to worry so much about my boring and flat personality? Mmm... Well, I liked a girl, Darnia, but I wouldn't call it love... Yes, I was in love, but... I didn't really feel true love. I think I was just attracted to her, that's all.

At the same time, I liked two other girls, but not as much as Darnia... Ah, I'm a shitty person. I know I should only like one girl, but I couldn't help it. But if I ever go out with a girl, I would never cheat on her. After all, if I get a girlfriend, it would be a miracle, and I won't waste that miracle for lust!

Death to NTR! Except for revenge NTR, those are good and very satisfying.

"Uffffff. Such pleasant heat. Thanks for inviting me, Cris."

Your invitation came at the perfect time, boredom was killing me.

The sand between my toes, children playing with the sand, potbellied fathers resting, women showing skin, men trying to flirt. Yes, it's clearly summer.

"Coming to the beach alone would be too boring, so I thought: why not bring my good friend Kei to keep me company? Oh, what a good friend I am, right? Hahahahahaha!"

"How humble of you, "carnal.""

""Carnal"? Is that friend in Spanish or are you elegantly insulting me, refined sir?"

"It's friend, don't get mad, "guapa" (beautiful). Let's get everything ready! Let's go!"

I gave him a strong slap on the buttocks. Ah, the friendship between men... Uwaaaah! My future children!

""Hijo de pu..." (Son of a bi...)! Tsk. I won't insult your mother. But what the hell is wrong with you?!"

"An eye for an eye. Butt for butt." - Said this idiot, winking and smiling.

That won't work on you again, pretty face!

"But it wasn't butt for butt, it was butt for penis!"

Ay, that slap in the groin took years off my life!

"Oops, sorry, I got confused. Hahahahahaha!"

Breathe, Kei, it's not worth fighting. Besides, he got ahead of us! He's protecting his groin. Fufu. One day you'll let your guard down, and when that happens, you'll regret awakening my fury.

"Well, well. Whatever. Let's pretend none of this happened. Shall we sit down?"

"I'll follow you."

Yes, yes, you're following me. You'll let your guard down soon.

Sniff, sniff. Ah, the smell of the sea relaxes me... And seeing the girls lifts my spirits... And raises something else too. Hehe.

Calm down, little friend, calm down.

I'm shy, but also perverted. What kind of combination is that? I would have preferred to be charismatic and perverted, or shy and cute! What kind of abomination am I?!

"Hey, Kei, are you really a virgin?"





Cris, I was enjoying the beautiful view, but now my shyness is at 100%!

"W-what are you saying?! Don't ask weird things out of nowhere!"

"I just want to hear your answer. If you answer me, I'll answer too."

... Ah... Do you really enjoy humiliating me that much?

Well, well... Cris is my best friend, I guess he won't make fun of me. Maybe he'll try to help me get a girlfriend!

"Well... You know... Cris, I've never had a girlfriend... Yes, I'm still a virgin. And if you're asking, no, I don't masturbate. I'm not really interested in the pleasure of sex. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to do it. Yes, I want to lose my virginity, but with a girl who loves me."

"With a "yes, I'm a virgin," it was enough."

"It's so you can pity me and introduce me to one of your female friends. And if your mother gets divorced, well... N-no, wait, wait, just kidding...! Uwaaaah! Stop, please! I give up, I give up!"

"We're even now... Uwaaaah!"

"N-now we're even."

My sensitive nipples were pinched and twisted, but Cris' "huevos" (eggs. testicles) received a visit from my knee. I knew you would let your guard down soon.

"T-tie, tie."


"Well... Ahem... Getting back to the main topic. Ahem, ahem. Interesting answer. I'm also a virgin."




Wait... What?!

Are you telling me that Cris, the most popular and handsome guy I've ever met in my life, is a virgin?! That's unfair! Why was I born ugly?! Let's switch bodies, I would make better use of it!

"What? Surprised?"

"That was unexpected! Cris, you're popular and handsome! Why...?! No, wait... I was about to say something stupid."

The fact that he is handsome and popular doesn't mean he goes around seducing any girl, having sex with her, and then moving on to another one. That would make him a trashy person.

The fact that he is still a virgin and doesn't have a girlfriend means he's waiting for the right one. Beauty hasn't corrupted his heart.

"Cris, I respect you even more now."

"You're exaggerating."

"Well, well. We're a couple of virgins with no girlfriends... At least we're together to share our misery." - I said, joking.

"Have you had your first kiss?"

"Why do you enjoy humiliating me?"

"Come on, there's trust. I won't tell anyone."

"Well... My cousin is the only girl who has kissed me on the mouth."

"Y-your cousin?"

Don't look at me like that! It's not what you think, I swear!

"Without tongue! It was without tongue! She was trying to kiss me on the cheek and I moved because she tripped and pushed me. It was an accident."

"I see. I was about to call the police... I haven't kissed anyone either, although I admit I'm curious to know what it feels like."

"Me too, bro. Me too."

We both sighed. What a pathetic life we have.

In my case, I don't have a choice, I'm ugly, but I admire that part of you, because you're waiting for the right one and not wasting your first kiss on a random girl who only cares about your looks and popularity... Although I admit that if I had your looks, I would kiss any girl who wanted to kiss me. Ahhhhhhhh! Why am I such an easy guy...?! Oh, right, because my options are almost nonexistent and I'll take advantage of any option I can.

Yes, I'm an easy guy... Ahhhhhhhh! We're supposed to be here to have fun, not to humiliate ourselves!

"We didn't come here to get depressed! Let's have fun!"

I do a handstand and a push-up.

"I feel full of energy."

I stand up and smile.

"Come on, help me bury you in the sand!"

"Let's go...! Huh? Why me?!"

"I have crotch and nipples. You only have crotch. I don't think it's a tie."

"You're so resentful."

"Alright, alright, get everything out."

Disgusting! Get everything out, Kei, get everything out! I almost choked!

Oh, my breakfast. I'm sorry for wasting your food, auntie! Bleh!

"I told you not to open your mouth under the water."

It's not my fault that my foot stepped on a sharp rock! The pain made me scream underwater!

D-damn it, I swallowed too much water. Disgusting. People pee in the sea... And poop... And I read on the internet that each whale releases 20 liters of semen when reproducing, so we're swimming in... semen-filled water... Bleh! I don't want to keep vomiting!

... Ah... That's it. How do I know? Because I'm starving, I have nothing left in my stomach!

"Cris, if I die, I'll leave you my books. I'll leave my room to Nia. And I'll leave all my fortune to my aunt."


"I started saving two weeks ago. It's not much, but it's my little fortune."

"Don't be funny. Let's go eat."

"Yes, yes, let's go!"

I'll eat until I burst!

Cris and I sit together on the sand and take out our food from our backpacks.

Come to daddy.

"Do we really have to wait after eating? Wasn't that a myth?"

"I don't know. I guess it's true."

I'm too lazy, I won't wait... Huh? My shyness is kicking in. Why? Those two girls are approaching us! Noooooo! They're coming to flirt with Cris and I'll feel uncomfortable! I just wanted to eat peacefully without my insecurities ruining my existence!

Two girls approached us... Oh, they're the first-year girls. They're in our club.

The girls in the club treat me well because they respect me as a swimmer, so I feel calm. They're just coming to say hi.

Ahem. Hello. Hello. Hello, girls. How should I greet them? I always greet them with a "good morning". I guess that will do.

"Hello, captain." - They both said.

... Yes, they ignored me. They didn't even greet me out of politeness... I guess in school they only treat me well because I'm the vice-captain.

Ah, I wish I were popular too.

"We were wondering if..."

My smartphone started ringing. My salvation from this awkward situation!


I took my smartphone out of the backpack and answered.

"Hello, Nia."

"Brother, you forgot that you were supposed to help me study!"

S-she sounds angry.

"Huh? Wasn't it tomorrow?"

"No, it was today! You promised me!"

Oh, I feel worse now. I won't break a promise! My parents didn't raise a liar!

"Well, I've been at the beach for 4 hours, I've had enough fun." - I said, looking at Cris.

He nodded.

"I'll be there soon."

"Thank you!"

I hung up and put the smartphone away.

"I'm sorry, Cris, I have to go. I'll help Nia study. Thanks for inviting me."

"I'll accompany you."

"Don't worry, I can go back alone. Besides, the girls were probably thinking of inviting you out or something. Have fun. See you."

I grabbed my backpack and left.

... They only treat me well in the club because of my status, not out of respect... Seriously, why am I like this? I wish I were charismatic.

Kei left and Cris sighed in relief, although on the outside he seemed disappointed.

"Well, I guess the plan failed."

"Why am I such a coward?!"

"I didn't dare to talk to him!"

Cris got up from the ground.

"You didn't even say 'hello'. Girls, if you really want to win Kei over, you need to be nicer to him. Kei is easy to conquer. Too easy, in my opinion."

"It's just that he's too cute! He's cute and kind. He's so cool!"

"Yes! When I'm near him, my heart beats so fast that I don't know what to say."

"Yes, I understand... I feel the same way," said Cris, smiling.

The plan to get Kei a girlfriend failed.

Defeat and victory for Cris.

(Pov- Kei.)

Ah... Okay... Just breathe, Kei. You're doing fine, keep it up. It's not worth continuing to think about it, life must go on. Just, please, don't give up now. Keep moving forward, don't let the pain destroy your progress. Keep going... Just keep going.

"Months of waiting, for this. I hope the wait is worth it," said Nerka.

"I engaged two girls so I could move this plan forward. It will be worth it... I hope so."

"It's hard to believe that two Dark Elves can become powerful, but let's not lose hope," Terkiana said, stroking our heads.

"Yes, you're right, grandmother. I mean, after all, if Kei managed to tame a demon, it's not hard to believe that he can also achieve this."

"I... Ay... I better not comment on that."

Nerka, Terkiana, and I were standing in front of the entrance to a huge slave shop. This is where the slaves are delivered.

Behind that door are the Dark Elves I've been waiting for. To make inferior and weak girls powerful. Something very typical in the fantasy stories of my world. Please, Supreme God, let my intuition be correct.

"The first impression is the most important. Don't be rude. Nerka, they are just like us. I don't want any offensive or discriminatory comments. Terkiana... Well, you are kind, I trust you."

"Hey, I'm also a kind and pure girl!"

Nerka pouted and crossed her arms.

Kind and pure? According to my research, you are the most racist of the group, or at least you were in the past. I don't know how much you have changed since then.

"Pure? Are you sure about that, Nerka?" Terkiana said, smiling.

Nerka blushed and looked down, embarrassed.

"D-don't say such embarrassing things, grandmother!"

S-shit, I feel my face getting hot and my heart rate increasing. Timidity? No. Then why? Because I remembered how she lost her purity. She raped me!

"L-let's just go inside."

Y-yes, it's not worth remembering that.

We entered the shop. Well, well. The shop, well... It's normal. There's nothing extraordinary to highlight. The slaves are in the basement, so on the main floor, there are only torture objects.

I approached the employee, who greeted me with a smile. He was about to speak, but I spoke first.

"My name is Crisfa. I'm here to pick up the slaves I bought."

"Yes, I was expecting you. Please wait a minute."

The employee left, and I sat on the floor.

The wooden floor feels cold. It's pleasant.

I looked at the things around me. So many torture objects, both physical and sexual.

People buy slaves to relieve stress or simply because they enjoy the suffering of others.

I feel sorry for some of them, as there are cases like the Dark Elves who were falsely accused of a crime they didn't commit, but most of them deserve the fate they have. If you kill an innocent person, you deserve to be punished... I don't know how to feel about it.

I started thinking about the slaves to have a reflective moment, but I don't really do it for them, I do it... for myself...

No, Kei, no... Don't keep doing this!

"Well, well... Ah... Remember, what I'm going to do is necessary. If they insult me, don't say anything, please. Everything is necessary for the development of our friendship."

"Yes, okay."

The employee returned. The slaves were behind him, being pulled by their chains.

The timid one is crying, trembling with fear, while her sister just growls and looks at us with so much hatred that I can feel the heat in my body. My Molfer blood demands that I hit her to teach her to respect me, but my Edna willpower restrains me.

"Here they are, sir."

I got up from the floor, and he handed me some papers with information.

"The information about the slaves. Their abilities, their lives, etc. Are you ready for the magic contract?"

"I'm ready."

I would refuse to do it, but it's mandatory. I'm a Molfer, my family is used to breaking the laws, but this is a law that we can't break. The slaves already have a mark on their souls, this contract only transfers the ownership to me. If we don't do it, they will still be slaves of the owners of this place. And slavery cannot be abolished. They will always have those marks on their souls.

I took a small knife out of my [Magic Storage] and made two small cuts on my thumbs.

"The contract magic is ready. You may proceed."


I placed my thumbs on their foreheads.

Terniak is very scared and crying too much. Hearing her crying makes me feel guilty, but the fate I will give them is the best considering their almost nonexistent options.

Nirkat is devouring me with that expression of anger. If she hadn't been forced to do this without complaining or resisting, she would have tried to attack me. Well, well, her gaze is too scary... It's perfect!

Both of them are perfect. One is a crybaby, and the other refuses to be afraid of me.

"Done, it's over."

"Huh? What about their slave marks? They didn't appear."

"They're on their buttocks. Do you want to check?"

This... Ah... Act like Crisfa, Kei. Act like Crisfa.

I don't want them to think that... Well, in this world, men are not perverts, but I don't want them to feel humiliated.

I won't look at their buttocks.

"Nah, it's fine like this, I don't have time. Let's go."

We left the store and the slaves followed us.

Well, let's put it to the test. If they're intelligent, they'll choose me, but if they prefer to hold onto their pride, they're idiots and not worth it.

"Well, this is the Capital, I suppose you know it. It was a pleasure to meet you, ladies. You can leave."

"W-what?" Terniak said, confused.

"Go and enjoy your freedom."

"What kind of joke is this?!" Nirkat said, furious.

"Listen. I bought you because I need your help, but I'm not a son of a bitch. I'm not a crazy lunatic. I won't take advantage of you just because I bought you. Listen, if you leave, you can start a new life, but if you steal, you won't have the chance to be slaves again. They will kill you if you steal again. But if you come with me, I guarantee you food, a home, friends, and health. I will also give you money to buy whatever you want. Do you accept to come with me or will you leave?"

"Tsk. Do you think we're stupid?"

"A-are you serious? C-can we really leave?"

See? You should have more faith like your sister.

"Of course. But consider what I told you. With me, you'll have a home and food. If you leave, people will take advantage of you... I suppose you already know what I mean."

Both of them lowered their gaze.

It's very likely that they will be blamed for something they didn't do and end up dead. They know better than me that it's very possible if they leave, and they can't survive alone in a hidden place like Nem and Mio did, because they are very weak, even Slimes could kill them.

Their only safe option is to follow me. They risk that I'm just playing with them, but it's the best option they have... In quotation marks.

If they leave, they will have my protection and I will get them a safe job. They will have Molfer's protection. But I won't tell them that because I want them to come with me. I will risk their lives, but it's for a greater good. I hope that when they find out what I've done, they will understand me.


Nirkat hardened her gaze.

"We will..."


Terniak took Nirkat's hand.

"Sister, he doesn't seem bad. Those Elves haven't looked at us with disgust either. They seem like good people."

She doesn't dare to say no to her sister, I can see it in her eyes. Three possible futures in her mind. They leave and die, they come with me and die because I deceived them, giving them false hopes, or they come with me and live happily because I turned out to be a good person.

Unfortunately, if they come with me, there will be a fourth fate: they will live, have food, friends, a home, but they will suffer a lot because of the training I will give them. It's for the sake of the world, and for you, dark Elves. We will all be equally important and powerful if we win. No one will be better than anyone.

"Sister... I... It's okay... We will go with you."

"You've made the best decision of your life."

I extend my right hand and smile.

"It will be a pleasure to work with you."




She ignored my hand.

Hey, hey, what's wrong?

"Don't touch me, inferior."

... Are you serious? Ouch. That hurt. We had a good start.

Really? Even a Dark Elf mocks me for being a man? Even among those considered inferior, there are social classes.

"Don't make fun of...!"

Terkiana covered Nerka's mouth. I knew she would do that. Thank you for the help, Terkiana.

And thank you for insulting me, Nirkat. Why? Because I want more friends, not girlfriends.

"Inferior? Well, well... Tell me, would you fall in love with someone like me? With an inferior?"

"Yuck!" she said, sticking out her tongue.

She spat on the ground.

"Disgusting! I'd rather die!"

Lesbian or why so much hatred? Either way, it benefits me.

"I see... Fufu."

I smiled and approached her.

"Promise that you'll never fall in love with me. You'll never ask me out. You'll never kiss me. You'll never have any kind of relationship with me... Our relationship will only be as friends. Do you promise?"

"Of course, I promise. It will be a pleasure to promise that. In fact, order me to obey that promise."

"Nah, it won't be necessary. Besides, you're not my slave, I won't give you orders. Well, don't forget! Let's go."

Yes! This is perfect! I got new companions without the need to make them fall in love! Thank you for being a bad girl, Nirkat!