
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
79 Chs

CHAPTER 55.5 - A harsh reality. Part 2.

CHAPTER 55.5 - A harsh reality. Part 2.

(Pov- Kei.)

Death... I know that death is something natural. I've experienced it myself. I died, but when I died, I didn't suffer. I suppose my death was instant or the invocation had something to do with it.

There was a time when I was afraid of death. After my parents' death, I was afraid of death... No... I was afraid of being alone. I didn't want to be alone. I didn't want to lose more loved ones... I didn't want to... But death is inevitable.

"It's time for your bath, brother!"

An old man, or rather, Mei, who is using transformation magic, entered her brother's room with a long smile on her face (somewhat perverted as well), while holding a pair of sponges and a bucket of water in her hands, with the clear intention of undressing her brother and bathing him with her own hands, something she had already done several times while Kei was asleep, even more than necessary.

She also has several kilos of her own flesh in her stomach because she bit her arm so hard that she tore off large pieces of flesh and swallowed them out of desperation. Why did she do all that? For Mei, a girl who is going through puberty and showing interest in sexual things, Kei's naked body was like seeing the most delicious cake in the world. She bit herself to avoid losing control and committing the worst of crimes: raping her younger brother while he sleeps.

She settles for touching his whole body, under the excuse of bathing him. And yes, his whole body means everything, everything, absolutely everything.

Her mother forbade her and gave that job to an old man, an old man who was forced to travel to another country on the other side of the world because Mei forced him to go buy her a fruit, yes, just one fruit. A simple apple. And while he's not there, Mei impersonates him to bathe her brother. And as a Molfer, she knows how to act perfectly, and no one has suspected her.


But Kei wasn't in his bed at that moment, ruining her mood and making her sad because she really wanted to bathe her brother, but after a few seconds of sadness, she slowly realized what that meant and filled herself with terror, thinking the worst.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!! My brother is not here!" Mei screamed, using her true voice.

Her father, who was climbing the stairs, quickly entered the room to calm her down.

"Don't worry, daughter, Kei is already awake and... Huh?"


Upon entering, he saw the old man on his knees on the floor, crying his eyes out, and immediately realized what was happening, and upon realizing that, he only felt disgust and concern for his daughter's mental state.

"H-hello, father."

A vapor surrounded her, and she returned to normal.

"T-this is not what it looks like."

He blinked a couple of times and turned around.

"I will find you a husband."



Mei jumped on him to prevent him from leaving, but she exaggerated the force of her jump and not only destroyed the floor but also the walls of the mansion and her poor father's back with her head.

They ended up in the mansion's front garden, falling onto the fountain. And the water quickly turned red, scaring the maids taking care of the garden.

Mei simply smiled nervously and winked.

"My father had a fly on his back, and I tried to get rid of it using my head."

"T-the head?" They all thought, scared, not believing a word Mei said.

Bubbles came out of the water, a clear sign that Mei's father was drowning, but Mei didn't care. She got out of the water, shook her hair, and smiled with joy.

"My brother woke up! I'll go prepare his surprise!"

Happily, she skipped away, leaving a dying man behind her.

The maids quickly pulled him out of the water and tried to give him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, but they stopped when they remembered how jealous Sei Molfer gets when women dare to look at her husband, so they simply hit him in the stomach and chest to make him vomit the water.

"Enough already!" he shouted after receiving that second beating.

He slowly got up from the ground and sighed in pain.

"Girls, turn 15 already," he whispered.

He says this because when Kei marries his fiancées, Mei will officially have lost her tiny chance with him, and her father hopes that will make her more "normal."

And where is Kei while all this is happening? Well...

(Pov- Kei.)

Treka's grave... A simple and small grave, as the remains of the dead are burned to prevent them from becoming negative Undead.

No flowers or anything, just her name and occupation.

I would put a flower, but that is not done in this world, and it would be suspicious if I did. Don't worry, Treka, you will have an altar in your honor at the base, full of flowers and food.

Death is inevitable in this world too. There are no spells to revive people. And the Undead are just another race, they are born, not created. Only the negative ones, but those are monsters without the ability to reason.

... Ah... When was the last time I came to the cemetery? I think I was a few months old. My grandmother brought me to visit my deceased grandfather, although she only did it to introduce him to Mei, not to me, as she had no hope for a man.

But since that day, I hadn't set foot in one, to avoid feeling miserable, as cemeteries only bring me bad memories. The deaths of my original parents.

No one close to me has died, only some adventurers and warriors who trained with my mother and me, but that is so normal in this world that their deaths never affected me.

The closest thing was when a child from an orphanage I visited often died after falling and hitting his head on a rock.

I only saw his burial from afar, as I had grown fond of him, but as a Molfer, I couldn't show weakness.

But... here I am, grieving a death.

"My mother will kill me for coming and getting sad over a death, but don't worry, it will be worth it.

You saved me, Treka. I don't know how that stupid Slime did it, but it managed to infiltrate and attack us without us realizing. If it weren't for you, I would have definitely died.

"Treka... If you hadn't pushed me, Cris would have killed me..."

I'm useless. I couldn't save her. She had to save me... Am I really the protagonist? If so, I'm a terrible protagonist. I'm supposed to be a disgusting prodigy, everyone licks my shoes, they fear me, they respect me, they admire me... but I couldn't protect you. You had to save me... Damn it.

The heroines are more powerful than me.

A Slime is more powerful than me.

I'm not even handsome... What do I have that's special? Nothing.




What if I quit?

Yes... Maybe that's for the best.

Can I really defeat a Goddess? I can't even defeat a simple Slime.

In this world, men are treated like garbage... In this country, they are treated a little better thanks to my father, who convinced my mother to convince the Queen to create laws to protect men, but women still see men as inferior beings. And it's inevitable, because men are truly inferior to women in every way, all because of a disgusting childish Goddess.

Can I really change this world? I don't know.

It would be best to give up. Live a peaceful life... Oh, no, I can't live a peaceful life in this world... What if the heroes lose? What if Desmolfer wins? Humans would die... But if the heroes win, the demons will die, and even though I'm human, I understand that they are just victims of Fravi.

I don't know what to do... I'm so useless.


Ah... I lost the strength in my legs and fell to the ground, kneeling.

My tears fell onto my legs.

Tears... Kei, tears won't bring back life.

"Yes, I know."

Then... why are you crying?

"It's inevitable."

Yes, I know.

Peace has already ended for me.

The demons know my identity.

Treka died, and she might not be the only one who will die.

A hero has already died.

And soon my family will find out my identity.

Everything will get worse.

"I'm useless... What do I have that's special? I'm just an idiot... I'm not handsome... My life wasn't difficult... I didn't suffer from poverty... When I was fat, people made fun of me, but I managed to overcome it... My life was peaceful... Why did this happen to me? I didn't want this."

I'm the least suited for this. My personality doesn't match at all with being a guy with a harem. I'm not interested in having a lot of sex. I'm shy... Why me?

"Day after day, I have to train until I can't anymore... The girls use me as a sex toy... My mother and grandmother are crazy... Mei, I love you, but you're turning into a Sei Molfer 2... Aunt, Nia, I miss you, but I can't go on like this. Cris, I miss competing with you. Lizma, I miss playing video games with you... I miss my world... But I can't defeat a Goddess... I can't defeat the demons... I'm useless!"

It would be best to kill myself or join one of the two sides.

Killing a Goddess is impo...

"Please, don't break it!! I beg you!!"

The cry of a child... A crying child... It can be heard in the distance.

"A child..."

I'll go investigate what's happening. The smile of a child must be protected. I won't allow a child to cry.

Ah... Kei, move.

I left the cemetery and headed to a nearby school.

Well, well. Two girls were bothering a boy. They took his stuffed bear.

Well, well. The boy has dog-like characteristics... How adorable.

My whole world is crumbling. Ah, I hope helping will make me feel a little better.

"Bullying will never end in this world."

I approached them from behind.

"Kiss our shoes, you idiot!"

"Do it now!"


With tears in his eyes, the boy knelt down, but I grabbed his arm and created an earth arm that emerged from the ground and lifted him up.

The boy screamed in fear, as did the girls, as they didn't expect that to happen.


"Don't humiliate yourself."

The girls are around 11 or 12 years old. My ability can work.

I want to solve this peacefully.

I gently stroked their heads, and they immediately moved away from me.

"Who are you?!" - The two said, crying.

Do I scare them that much...? Ah, I think my bloodlust activated and their instincts warn them of the great danger I represent to them. I'm sorry, I'm feeling somewhat sensitive right now, I can't control myself as much.

I smiled at them and activated my ability on them, managing to calm their tears and make their faces blush.

"Beautiful girls, stealing is bad. Please, return that."

They can't stop looking at me, and their faces turn even redder. Well, well. I guess it worked.

Ah, using my ability on young girls makes me feel so sick. I hope there isn't a similar ability to mine in other worlds, let alone in the hands of some pervert, because if someone sick has it, thousands of women would be violated... even young girls.

A simple ability like making women fall in love and giving them pleasure can cause so much pain.

I approached them and gently stroked their cheeks, trying not to vomit.

"You're beautiful. Being naughty doesn't suit you. Please, leave the boy alone."


"We will!"

"Well, well. Thank you."

The girls returned the stuffed bear. Well, let's finish this.

"By the way, my name is Kei Molfer."

"Molfer?!" - The two said, frightened.

"Yes. If you keep bothering that poor boy, you will face the consequences. Fairy magic: wings."

Two pairs of red wings sprouted from my back and I flew away. I'm sorry, I have to go back home.

...I feel the same. I thought helping would make me feel better, but I feel the same.

Despite being useless, I can be helpful sometimes.

"Ah... I'm useless... But I must try to overcome it."

Death is inevitable. I'm sure I will die. Maybe my companions will die... But it's a price we must accept. If the demons win, we will die, and if the humans win, the demons will die. We must try to achieve peace between both races, and if not... well... Survive. Humans are millions and demons are fewer. If I have to choose, then I will choose to save the humans.

I can't let the girls down. If I give up, I will disappoint them.

Zius trusted me. I must not fail him... I must try to win... I can only promise that I will try.

If I give up, I will die. If I decide to move forward, I will die too... But my death will be more fulfilling.

I will die again. I have accepted it... I will enjoy the time I have left.




What a pessimistic thought.

"But realistic."

Treka, thank you for saving me. You opened my eyes. I'm useless. I couldn't save you, but your death won't be in vain. I will kill Cris... And I will kill Fravi. And yes, they will have different deaths. I will kill Fravi as quickly as possible, to avoid mistakes, but with Cris, I will take my time.

That Slime will have the worst of fates.

Ah... In the future, there will be more deaths.

More suffering.

I will suffer too much... But I won't be the typical protagonist who loses hope and causes a disaster because of being an idiot. I know I'm useless, but at least I will try to win.

I will keep fighting no matter the pain I feel.

Why? Because that's my destiny... And I have accepted it.