
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
81 Chs

CHAPTER 54 - A Long Night.

CHAPTER 54 - A Long Night.

An unimaginable scenario was unfolding for Kei.

Seiya and Kei, completely naked, together in a room, with romantic music playing in the background, while Seiya touched Kei's member with her own.

Kei couldn't control his body; he was trapped, condemned to be with Seiya in that room and do "everything."

His heart was beating at a dangerously fast pace, and cold sweat drenched his back as his desperate cries filled the air.

"What is happening?! Ahhhhhh! I don't understand anything!"

Seiya's lips began to kiss Kei's left nipple, licking and biting it, and as this happened, Kei's member became even harder than it already was, filling Kei with terror and discomfort because Seiya was a boy, and his large member and testicles confirmed that. A member larger than Kei's, which was already quite large.

Seeing Seiya without clothes, despite having a feminine face and long hair, he couldn't see her as a woman, considering the size of her member.

For the first time in that world, Kei felt jealous of a man.

Seiya stroked the tip of Kei's member with her hand, and small moans of pain and pleasure escaped Kei because the tip of his member was sensitive to the touch, especially when being caressed.

"S-Stop, Seiya."

Seiya began to kiss Kei's chest and slowly moved up, trailing kisses along his neck.

"Come on, Kei. You'll like it."

"N-No, don't do it!"

Seiya caressed Kei's cheek and slowly brought her lips closer to his.

"It's just a kiss."


Seiya was about to kiss Kei, and he tightly closed his eyes, trying to stop Seiya with all his being.

"I'm not gay!"

And so, as if by a miracle, Kei woke up immediately after shouting that in his dream.

He was dreaming, but considering the erection he had, even if he tried to deny it, it was quite obvious that he had enjoyed the dream, or at least a part of him had.

Did he enjoy being with Seiya or being with a man? It's a question that Kei didn't even want to think about at that moment.

Kei's sexuality had always been confusing to him. He loved his childhood friend, then he loved his best friend, and he also loved his own cousin (a love he discarded because that was pretty sick of him). One part of Kei knows that he is bisexual, meanwhile, the other part of Kei, the more dominant part of Kei, refuses to accept it.

Kei is in the stage of discovering his sexuality. He is 13 years old, after all. The stage where hormones are racing began. He may be someone with the memories of a past life, but that doesn't exclude him from not suffering the consequences of puberty.

He was in his room. His date with Seiya had already ended hours ago, but Seiya's flirting and very feminine behavior, made Kei quite doubtful, and even his imagination was filled with somewhat bizarre scenarios, which include Seiya, wearing lingerie or in erotic poses, something Kei would never in his right mind imagine, for two reasons.

The first: Seiya is Kei's age, so it's pretty sick to imagine her wearing lingerie or in erotic poses. She may be a boy, but that doesn't take away from the fact that she is 12 years old. Kei may be a murderer, manipulator, thief and a maniac addicted to other people's pain, but he is not a pedophile. Kei is quite popular with the girls at school, hundreds, literally hundreds of girls have declared their love for him, but Kei always rejects them. It never crossed his mind to date a girl his age, because being an adult in mind, the idea of dating someone so young, just makes him nauseous.

And the second: Because Seiya is a man. Not even when he fell in love with Cris did he imagine something like that.

The entire situation with Seiya was very strange for him, and he couldn't even find solace in his dreams.

"I-it was a terrifying dream," he thought, so as not to wake up Drin, who was sleeping next to him in her cat form.

Lately, Mei would enter Kei's room out of nowhere at night to sleep with him, and even though Drin instantly transformed into a cat, letting her guard down was dangerous. That's why she no longer slept with Kei in her normal form, at least not as long as Mei continued to pester Kei at night.

He got out of bed and yawned. It was 2 in the morning, quite early actually, but Kei was afraid of dreaming about Seiya again, so he decided to start his day at that hour and go out to train.

"I need a glass of water and a roll."

Being able to transform food into magical energy, Kei could eat anything without following any specific diet, so he could even eat pounds and pounds of junk food and stay in shape, as long as he continued to exercise.

A roll wouldn't affect him at all because when Kei said "a roll," he meant a whole cake.

Kei always slept in his underwear, so his erection was quite noticeable, so he closed his eyes and prevented blood from flowing to his member, preventing it from staying erect. It's something he had learned to do with his [Seduce Women] ability to never have complications during sex. He could control his erections at will, every man's dream.

For him, sleeping in underwear was more comfortable than wearing pajamas.

He left his room and went down the stairs, still thinking about Seiya. It was inevitable because her existence could be useful to him.

"I consider Seiya a girl, but I don't want her to fall in love with me. I just want to be her friend," he thought, trying not to see Seiya in a sexual way, but curiosity got the better of him, and he ended up doing it.

He quickly shook his head, trying to get rid of those dirty thoughts.

"Ah, what's wrong with me?"

He sighed tiredly and entered the kitchen.

Upon entering, he saw Treka, his maid and companion, eating alone. She was still wearing her maid uniform, implying that she was still working, even though all the maids were resting, except for the night shift maids who worked at night, protecting the house from certain secret locations around the mansion.

"Treka? I guess you had a nightmare too."

"Good evening, Master Kei..."

"Just Kei, please."

"... Yes... I'm sorry."

"Don't worry. Good night, Treka."

Kei took a glass and filled it with his water magic.

He exchanged glances with her and realized that, despite her smile, her eyes reflected sadness, or rather, concern.

Kei hopped up and sat on the kitchen counter to speak more calmly with her.

"What's wrong? Can't you sleep?"

"Well... I'm somewhat worried... The hero Sepgrar died. A very powerful demon is loose... Will we survive? Will the demons win? I'm scared. I mean, after all, a hero was killed by a demon."

"And Nisei hasn't shown up; I'm worried about her too... But I have faith in my companions. In our companions. Drin and Terkiana defeated a demon today. A weak one, but it was a demon. We can defeat demons. Our strength is growing. The training is not in vain. All those hours of suffering are paying off."

Steam surrounded Kei and began to grow.

"Treka, don't lose hope."

The steam disappeared. Kei transformed into an 18-year-old boy to hug Treka around the waist and smile at her, to reassure her.

"Please, trust me. No, not just me, trust all of us. And most importantly..."

He placed his index finger on Treka's forehead.

"Trust yourself."

He stroked her head, and she watched him with admiration and love... A sweet expression of a girl in love.

Her fear of dying still lingered, fear of the uncertain future, but at least being with Kei gave her hope that everything would turn out fine in the end.

"We have 4 years to train. Our goal is the Useless Goddess. We will join forces with Desmolfer. But if she doesn't want to, we'll have to defeat her. Please, don't lose hope. We will win... I promise you, and I always keep my promises."

Kei usually avoids being so optimistic, as he prefers to be realistic. So, yes, at this moment, Kei isn't being optimistic; he's being realistic, but in that future he envisions, he always ends up dead.

He is determined to kill Fravi, even if it costs him his life, as he hopes that his sacrifice will be rewarded by the Supreme God or by Zius.


Treka hugged Kei tightly, and her tears stained Kei's bare chest.

Tears filled with happiness. Happiness for having hope in the future. A future where her family can live in peace, without fear of dying.

Treka came from a very poor family, but she was blessed with great magical power and a talent for stealth and agility that allowed her to catch the attention of Sei Molfer, giving her what she wanted most: the means to lift her family out of poverty.

Her family was so poor that they only ate once a day, and there were even days when there was no food.

She hated seeing her family suffer, so day after day, she trained, enduring a living hell, to be able to provide her family in the future with all the food they wanted.

Seeing Kei reminded her of her past because Kei was doing the same thing she did in her past. Kei trained every day, enduring a living hell, in the hope of having a chance to defeat Fravi, and if Treka could achieve her dream, he could achieve his goal too.

He simply hugged her back and stroked her back.

"We're going to Turger in 2 months. We have to deal with that demon. Maybe it's a commander. And the plan is progressing very well. Grisia is doing an excellent job..."

Treka interrupted Kei with a kiss.

That took him by surprise, and he blushed a bit, but seeing her so determined and calm, Kei set aside his shyness and kissed her back.

Treka was passionately kissing Kei. It was a lovely scene... And yes, it was...

[Enemy detected.]

Upon receiving that notification, Kei's eyes snapped open, and panic surged within him as he saw what was behind Treka. Considering that not even someone like Treka, who was the best at detecting danger, had sensed its presence, as she continued kissing Kei as if nothing were happening, Kei's panic escalated. This reflected how dangerous that monster was.

A Slime was behind Treka.

A small, adorable Slime that would become Kei's recurring nightmare for the next few years.

Quickly, Kei separated his lips from hers before panic paralyzed him.

"Watch out!"

Immediately, Kei embraced Treka tightly and moved away from the Slime. But it was already too late.

The Slime attacked Treka with a tentacle made of Slime, an extension of its own body.

Kei tried, he really tried, to prevent that tentacle from harming Treka. He instantly activated his red mode, enveloping their bodies in the most powerful fire magic, even though it was hurting Treka with his magic. However, considering the speed of the tentacle, it was impossible to dodge it in time, and his only option was to melt the tentacle.

He couldn't jump, step back, move left or right. No matter where he tried to go, it was impossible to evade the tentacle. It was as if the Slime had launched that tentacle using all its magical power, making it impossible for Kei to dodge it.

That's why Kei took the risk with the fire magic option, even if it almost killed Treka. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough. The tentacle melted a bit but continued its path, heading straight for Treka's back.

Kei failed.

When Treka felt her back pierced, she pushed Kei with all her strength and saved him. If she hadn't pushed him, the tentacle would have pierced him too before completely melting.

Seeing the tentacle piercing Treka's body, Kei felt overwhelmed with helplessness for not having been able to protect her and sadness because the tentacle had pierced her right through the heart.

If the heart is destroyed, it means certain death.

His chest bled a bit because the tentacle had managed to hurt him slightly in the chest. Blood dripped from his chest, right where his heart was. If Treka hadn't pushed him, they would have shared the same fate: death.



Treka's heart was destroyed, and the woman named Treka would soon depart from this world.

The tentacle returned to the Slime, and Treka fell to the floor.

The Slime grew and turned into a human, revealing its obvious identity... Cris, Kei's former best friend, but officially, she had become Kei's worst enemy and the only one so far to have killed one of his companions.

"Hehe. How romantic. She saved your life in the last moment of her life."

Kei returned to his normal form and prepared to fight. Unfortunately, his vision was slightly blurred at that moment.

It was nighttime, and his eyes were moist from crying. Treka was a great friend to him. He knew her very well. They had been together practically all their lives.

He trusted her too much, as she was one of his best friends... and she saved him.

His best friend had been killed in front of his eyes, and he couldn't do anything to prevent it.

"Cris... Cris, Cris, Cris, Cris, Cris, Cris, Cris, Cris, Cris... Cris!!! I won't forgive you!!!"

His cry of anger woke up his mother, who immediately came out of her room.

"Tsk. I was unlucky. I failed. I admit I lost control. And don't mention my name; you're not worthy of saying my beautiful name."

Why did she lose control? The answer was simple.

"Damn it! Cris, he's not Kei. It doesn't bother you if he kisses another girl... Damn it, I made a serious mistake!" she thought, nervous and panicked, as she had wasted a valuable opportunity to kill him.

She had been planning that attack for months, but now that Kei knew about it, it wouldn't be easy to use it anymore. Now that he knew about it, he could plan ways to avoid or detect it to prevent mishaps in the future.

This was a unique opportunity to kill him, and she had squandered it due to a jealous attack.

Kei's body, surrounded by fire, began to ignite the kitchen, while his inner self filled with rage, increasing the number of lightning bolts emanating from his body, exceeding the limits of his current red mode.

Currently, Kei can only activate a certain limit of his red mode without suffering serious damage, but if he surpasses that limit, the damage would be catastrophic. He had used the maximum power of the red mode only once, but that time alone was enough to leave him in a coma for a month.

Kei knew it was dangerous to exceed that limit, but he had lost control of his emotions.

"You bitch!!!"

He attempted to attack her, but she immediately backed away, and his fury temporarily dissipated when he felt a bad premonition.

[Unknown demon magic.]

Immediately, Kei retreated further and looked in all directions.

"Demon magic..."

Kei's mother, who was observing from a distance, immediately approached him because she expected Kei to confront that strange Slime. However, when she saw him distancing himself and showing concern, she worried for him, as his behavior only meant that something worse was about to happen.

"Kei, are you okay?!"

Sei Molfer entered the kitchen, and Cris was filled with fear because having two Molfers, one from the front and one from the back, meant certain death.

"Mother, it's a demon! It killed Treka! Help me!"

"She defeated Near. I don't want to die here, so I'm leaving."

With no chances to escape from the front or the back, Cris created her own exit by destroying a wall with her body and attempted to flee.

"You're not getting away!"

Kei tried to follow her, also destroying the wall with his body.

A pair of wings grew on Cris, and she flew away.

"Fairy magic..."

"Kei, be careful!"

Kei was about to fly after her, but his mother's warning stopped him, as well as the presence of certain beings above him.

A group of demons were floating above them, making Sei Molfer smile with excitement but filling Kei with terror and helplessness, as Cris was getting away.

[Enemy detected.]

[Enemy detected.]

[Enemy detected.]

[Enemy detected.]

[Enemy detected.]

There were a total of 6 demons, but only 5 warning messages.


Cris observed that scene while flying but decided not to pay it any attention.

"Demons? Kei is going to try to kill Sei Molfer... Should I stop him...? No... He'll kill me... I need to escape."

She ignored the demons and quickly flew away.

Sei Molfer noticed that her son was trembling with fear and placed her hand on his head to try to comfort him.

"Son, go."

"I won't leave."

"It's an order."

"I don't care."

Sei Molfer was somewhat surprised to see her son disobey her so coldly, but when she saw Kei's determined and serious expression, it made her smile, as it meant that Kei was willing to fight them to the death, completely ignoring his fear.

The fire disappeared, and he took his Dragon sword out of [Magical Storage].

"I will fight."

A demon landed in front of them... Gabrielku. The only demon who posed no threat to Kei.

"That boy seems interesting. I will fight him. Attack Sei Molfer!"

The demons headed towards her, and Gabrielku moved towards Kei.

As Sei Molfer began to fight, Kei approached him and tried to attack.

Gabrielku easily stopped the sword with his right hand and smiled at him.

"Hero Kei, I'm not here to fight. I have a message for you. Please follow me," he said quietly to avoid Sei Molfer hearing.

Gabrielku quickly ran away.

"A message?"

Kei decided to follow him because he didn't have a bad feeling about it. Besides, at that moment, it was his only option.

Sei Molfer didn't see them leave; she was too focused on her fight and trying not to die.

"You ruined my romantic night with my husband!"

Kei heard her and felt nauseous.

"They're married! It's normal... Damn, this is too awkward!"

Although they weren't actually having sex. Sei Molfer considered sleeping while cuddling with her husband romantic, which was odd behavior coming from someone like her, actually.

Gabrielku and Kei stopped in a secluded place by a huge lake. A perfect place to talk without fear.

"No one will hear us here."


"Her Majesty, Tinia, the Queen of Turger, is interested in meeting you."

Kei reacted to this information and covered his face with his hands, trying to calm himself and not lose control of his emotions again.

He took a deep breath and sighed.

"For me?"



"I don't know."

It was too suspicious... Should he go? Kei was wondering the same thing.

"If you don't go, the Queen will reveal you identity. This is a warning, and the only one you'll get."

"... When?"

"In a month."

"... In two months. I'll agree to go in two months. Is that okay? It seems fair to me, considering the Queen wants to see me. I'll go when I want, and she knows me. A win-win."

"... I suppose that's fine. Anyway, time is irrelevant. Goodbye, Hero Kei."

Gabrielku quickly ran away, leaving Kei with a feverish headache from the intense negative emotions.

So many negative emotions had taken a toll on him.

Kei lowered his head and clenched his fists tightly.

"It's a trap... But I have no other choice."

["Mind Communication" activated. Mio, come, please. I'm at Grija Lake. Just you, come alone, please. And don't tell anyone about this, please.]

A few seconds passed, and he received a response.

[Did something happen?]

[Yes... Listen.]

After a few minutes, Mio, in her animal form, arrived with Kei.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes... Sorry for this."

Mio returned to her human form and began to hit Kei in the face mercilessly, although her face only showed pity and sadness for doing so.

After searching for several minutes, Sei Molfer found Kei in a terrible state.


Kei was on the ground, completely injured, without eyes, and his arms and legs were completely destroyed. His ribs protruded from his chest, as did a lung, and his jaw was shattered, along with some parts of his skull, and his nose had been bitten off.

He was in such a terrible state that if Sei Molfer had been ten minutes later, even someone like Kei would have died.

With tears in her eyes, Sei Molfer hugged her beloved son because she could treat him like trash, but after all, he was still her beloved son, and even she could cry for him.

Sei Molfer won her fight. She had a few wounds, but nothing serious, reflecting the quality of the demons they sent, demons who only served to buy time for Gabrielku to talk to Kei.

And where was Drin while all this was happening? Fast asleep. Why didn't she realize what was happening? Because of a certain person... or rather, Goddess.

Fravi was watching Drin sleep, and a small laugh escaped her, a laugh filled with satisfaction.

"How will you feel knowing that your dear Kei nearly died while you slept so peacefully? You're so useless, huh? Hahahahahaha!"

Kei had lost one of his companions.

Treka was officially dead.