
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
79 Chs

CHAPTER 53.5- Cris, a good friend.

(Extra- The heroes.)

(Pov- Drei.)

Hello, Capital! Your new hero has arrived! Now, everyone shout my name and start praying to me! The legend of the hero Drei has just begun!

I would shout it, but they would execute me for calling myself a hero, disrespecting the true heroes who defeated the Demon King and freed us from the demons forever.

Ah, I was born too late to be a hero and fight against the demons, but peace is beautiful too. It's better to live a boring life in a peaceful world where the only dangers are monsters easily defeated by adventurers, than to live in a world with demon rapists and murderers.

That Demon King raped my paternal grandmother and led both her and my grandfather to commit suicide because they couldn't bear that she had been defiled by the Demon King. They tried to hang my father with them, but he managed to free himself from the noose and escape, surviving.

My father trained to be able to protect his loved ones and prevent something like that from happening in his life, becoming one of the city's protective guards and gaining prestige.

My mother teaches magic at my school, as Elves are experts in magic. Elves and Fairies are the only races where everyone can use magic, except, of course, for hybrids like me, who are half Elf and half human. I didn't inherit my mother's magical talent. But to hell with magical talent! I don't need it to be powerful. My physical abilities are more than enough to kick the ass of anyone who dares to challenge me!

Pffff. Magic. Who needs it? I only cried when I found out I couldn't use magic because some dust got in my eyes. Don't think you're all that great.

Oh, speaking of grandparents, there they are. My maternal grandparents, whom I hate with all my heart. The reason? It's nothing out of this world, just something simple and stupid... Those bastards almost killed my mother for not obeying them! Ahhhhhhhh! Those bastards didn't want my mother to marry my father and left her almost dead because she refused to obey them! If it weren't for my father saving her, she would be dead by now. That's why I hate them, for thinking that Elves should only be with Elves, to keep their blood pure. Nonsense. We all have the right to love whoever we want, no matter what others think! Of course, following the laws.

But well, here I am, in the Capital, watching my grandparents train their grandson at this school's training ground.

I came to this school located in the Capital for two reasons. First: to watch the children of the heroes train! I've already surpassed and memorized the moves of the most powerful ones in my school, now it's time to level up.

Cristhela can keep up with me in training, so it's necessary to learn new things so that both of us can keep progressing and not stagnate.

I will watch the heroes' children fight and try to create moves to be able to at least dodge their attacks without using my celestial eyes. If I manage to improve my reflexes and speed without using my celestial eyes, using them will multiply the results by two or even three times, giving me a great advantage. Besides, maybe I won't always be able to rely on my eyes; perhaps someday, my master will take them away from me. I'll make the most of my eyes to improve.

The heroes' children have an excellent reputation... Well, except one.

"Is he really the son of two heroes?" I said disappointedly, seeing a girl beating up a poor boy on the ground.

Zei, the son of the hero Dreifa, by the way, they named me Drei in her honor because she saved my mother with her healing magic, and the hero Zeiker.

Zei is the son of two great heroes, but I think Dreifa cheated on her husband with a weak commoner or simply switched her baby by mistake, because that boy, Zei, is much weaker than me, even my past self before meeting my master could defeat him.

He's being beaten on the ground by the daughter of the hero Freiko, but she's using minimal force, I can feel it, and she's doing it to avoid killing him and to mock him even more.

There are many students watching the fight, or rather, the humiliation, and they just laugh at him, not wanting to help. They enjoy what they're seeing.

Yes, I can understand that feeling. Zei comes from one of the most important families in the world, but he's weaker than us. Even though he's more important than us in terms of social status, in terms of power, we are superior to him, and that makes them feel they are better than him. I don't include myself in that because I know perfectly well the feeling of being looked down upon by those who are more powerful than me. Mocking someone weaker would be hypocritical of me because I wouldn't like someone mocking me for being weaker than that person, and there will always be beings more powerful than me. Humility is something my master taught me to value because the higher I climb, the harder the fall will be, but if I always keep in mind that I'm not the most important thing in this world and that there could always be beings more powerful than me, the fall won't hurt me because I'll know it was bound to happen.

Ah, I'm sorry, Zei. I hate bullying, but she's the daughter of a hero, they would behead me if I tell her to stop.

... Well, well.

His uniform is torn, so I can see his abdomen and arms.

Despite being weak, he never stops training, huh? Zei has a good physique, so he might be strong, at least physically. What makes him weak is his mentality and submissive personality. He's not cut out to be a warrior, and from what I see, he'll hardly become one.

If this continues, he'll end up dead sooner or later. He should give up and change his appearance, his name, and start a business. Begin a new life. That would be the best. If he keeps torturing himself like this, all he'll feel is pain. He's not cut out to be a warrior, he doesn't have what it takes.

Well, whatever. His fight is of no use to me, so I'll move on to my second objective.

The second reason I came to this place was to show my shitty grandparents that despite being a hybrid, I'm not worthless.

Honestly, I didn't want to do this, but my master told me to. His exact words were: "Isn't it satisfying to see a masterpiece destroying itself? Defeat your cousin with your fists."

If it were up to me, I wouldn't get involved in this kind of revenge stuff, as we cut off all ties with my maternal family. We live quite happily, have enough money to indulge ourselves, and go on vacations every year. We live very well, so the thirst for revenge or the idea of revenge has never invaded my heart because, to me, my grandparents don't exist.

But well, I must obey my master. I'm pretty sure he's just doing this for his amusement. He gave me power and trained me, so this is my way of repaying him for what he has done for me.

Look, master.

My cousin is, in my master's words, a prodigy with ground magic. He's below the heroes' children, but he has an excellent reputation. If someone like me, a guy with no magic, defeats him, his reputation will suffer considerable damage.

Ground magic has disadvantages that I can use to my advantage. The magic advances through the ground, so I can tell the direction it's coming from by the vibrations and either move away or jump, depending on the situation.

My cousin specializes more in defense and long-range attacks using ground as spears, or so I heard when I asked some girls what they knew about him.

If that's all, pfffff, it'll be a piece of cake, but I won't be overconfident. I'm forbidden to be overconfident. My master ordered me to take all my fights seriously, even the most insignificant ones, as dropping my guard could kill me.

Ah... Grandparents, I hate you, but I'd rather not get involved with you. This will be the first and last time I speak to you.

"Hey, what are you doing here? That's not our uniform, young man."

Oh, a teacher. And he's huge. W-well, well. What a good physique he has. My respects, sir. I admire those who put effort into their training.


I handed him a letter from my school.

"I have special permission from my school, authorized by Princess Cristhela. If I get into legal trouble or cause any inconvenience, she'll take responsibility."

Thank you for your help, Cristhela, you made things easier.

I have to face my cousin in front of the students at this school to humiliate him, and this was the only way they would let me in.

It was tough to convince the principal, but when I told him I would defeat my cousin and improve our school's reputation, he accepted after I gave him a demonstration of my abilities.

"All right, everything's in order. Enjoy the tour."

"Oh, by the way, is that Elf named Kaimanka?" I said, pointing at my cousin.

"Yes, why? Do you have some business with him?"

"He's my cousin."

"Your cousin...? Yes, I see, you smell like an Elf, but also like a human. A hybrid, huh? Something rare, honestly. They are commonly aborted."

"Fufu. My mother had her way," I said, winking.

I crossed my arms and sighed.

"But, you know, Mr. Teacher, that Kaimanka doesn't seem so powerful. Even a hybrid like me, without magic, could defeat him without getting a scratch."

I feel a furious gaze on me. No, three of them. Fufu. I already knew they recognized me and were listening to my conversation with the teacher, enhancing their hearing with magic. Well, after all, Elves can recognize a hybrid when they see one.

"I've been watching him, and honestly, he trains in such a simple way that it's laughable. Even I, who can't use magic, could defeat him in a matter of seconds. Are hybrids really inferior to Elves? I doubt tha-"

I took a step back and dodged a huge ground spike that was about to hit my face. Spike, lance? I'll call it a spike. It doesn't matter.

"Well, well. Trying to scratch me to threaten me? How cute."

I turned to look at them and smiled.

"That attack was so predictable, it's even funny. Trying to make yourself look cool? How pathetic."

He's coming closer, just like my grandparents. It's time to move on to the next phase.

I turned to the teacher.

"Excuse me, professor, I understand that duels are allowed here, as long as they're not to the death. Can I challenge my cousin to a duel?"

"If he accepts, it's allowed, but you must follow the rules."

"I know, I've memorized them already. And don't worry, I won't use weapons, just my fists."

I walked towards him and shouted, so that all the students who were training would turn to look at us.

"I, Drei, a hybrid born of the relationship between an Elf and a human, challenge my idiot cousin, Kaimanka, to a duel!! What about it, cousin, are you afraid of being humiliated by a hybrid?!"

Immediately after my declaration of war, the shouts of "Fight, fight, fight" began to be heard, demanding a show.

They stopped training and surrounded us, forming a circle around us, the perfect size for our fight.

"Tsk. How dare you...?!"

I activated my eyes, time slowed down, and I covered his mouth with my hand.

I deactivated them, and time returned to normal.

For him, it was as if I had teleported, but for the others, it was as if I had simply moved at a great speed in a second.


"Listen, let's finish this, don't start screaming like an idiot and complaining. Don't embarrass yourself and let's get started."

I activated my eyes and moved away from them.

The advantage of my eyes is that no one can see the sudden change of color. When I activate them, my eyes turn gray, but others see them the same color as always, so my speed seems natural to them, not magical.

"Those Elves over there are my grandparents. Yes, they have a hybrid grandson. Oh, what a disgrace, doesn't it seem so?"

They maintain a cold expression, but they're furious inside, I know it. Trying not to give me the satisfaction of seeing them angry? Don't worry, I'm not doing it for you, I just defeat my cousin and leave... huh? Is the hero Freiko's daughter looking at me?! Drei, we must make a good impression if we want to join her father's clan in the future!

"Well, cousin, let's begin. But first, I just want to add an extra rule."

"Fufu. What? Are you so afraid of me?"

The students laughed, mocking me, but I laughed too.

"You wish. You don't scare me at all. The rule is simple: don't get angry or complain. I know arrogant Elves like you, and when they lose, they get angry and complain. 'This can't be happening! You cheated! I'm the great Kaimanka, I'm invincible! You cheated! I'm a crybaby who can't accept defeat! Grandpa, grandma, I'm a crybaby!' Please, don't embarrass yourself when you lose."

Yes, I made him angry. Mission accomplished.

Ah, what a nuisance, but oh well.

I closed my eyes.

"Let's begin. I'll defeat you without receiving any damage. Not even a scratch."

I approached him, walking towards him.

"We'll see about that, you hybrid piece of shit!!"

Vibrations. Feel the vibrations in the air and the ground.

... Here it comes.

I took a small jump to my left and dodged a sharp spike, even with my eyes closed.

"Wow, almost. Better luck next time..."

I crouched down and avoided the spike that emerged from the spike. Aiming for the head, huh? Are you really trying to kill me?

"Stop, that's enough!" yelled the teacher, realizing my cousin is trying to kill me.

"Don't worry, teacher. He won't kill me because he won't even manage to touch me with that."

"We'll see about that!" shouted Kaimanka and put his hands on the ground.

Ah, he's in the perfect position to kick and defeat him, but the master said to humiliate him before doing so.

Let's do it.

More than 15 spikes emerged from the ground, but I easily dodged them, jumping and crouching.

They started following me, creating new spikes coming out of the existing ones, but I jumped and avoided them, not letting them touch or graze me.

Huh? This vibration. Interesting.

An ground Golem emerged from the ground behind me and attacked me with its enormous fist.

According to the vibration and sound, it must measure at least 15 or 20 meters. Perfect.

I jumped and dodged the punch, and my jump had enough force to reach the Golem's head.

I destroyed the head with my left elbow, and the Golem's chest I destroyed with a kick.

When I landed on the ground, I immediately jumped back towards Kaimanka.

A huge wall of rocks emerged from the ground, and I feel he put on his rock armor.

Well, that won't be enough.

My foot touched the ground, and taking one last impulse, I jumped towards the wall and destroyed it with my body, not before piercing the wall with my right arm, aiming my fist at his face.

I destroyed the wall with my fist, and also his armor.

I feel his teeth breaking against my fist before he flew away from the impact.

The rocks turned to dust as he fainted.

I opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was the disbelieving faces of my grandparents.

Yes, he may be powerful, but he is weak against opponents whose speed surpasses his attacks. He should focus on improving the speed of his attacks, or at least work on enhancing the resilience of his rocks. They were easier to destroy than I imagined. From what I saw, he is focused on increasing his magical energy instead of improving what he already has. A fatal mistake. Cristhela made the same mistake, and that's why she was so weak. The more magical power a person has, the harder it is to improve it. That's why it's better to have low magical power and enhance it, and when you feel it's no longer improving significantly, then increase your magical energy.

Believing that having a lot of magical energy is better is simply foolish, or at least that's what my master told me. I don't use magic, so I don't worry about it.

I dusted off my hands and smiled.

"And with my eyes closed."

Huh? Someone put their hand on my shoulder.

"Have a duel with me."


The hero Freiko's daughter?!

Oh, my face. I was at least humiliated by the daughter of a hero! Does that make it less humiliating? Ahhhhhhhh! I don't know!

"Hahahahahaha! You had an excellent victory, but you were defeated in 5 seconds by that girl! Hahahahahaha!"

"I-I didn't know her speed was so incredible. I apologize for disappointing you, master."

"That girl is powerful, so this was predictable."

I couldn't see any of her attacks, and when I activated my eyes, I didn't have enough speed to dodge them! She defeated me with three punches to the face! I was unconscious for two days! Ahhhhhhhh!

"I still have a long way to go. Her fire magic was simply incredible. My current self is no match for her, not yet."

"Do you know the weakness of fire magic?"

"The weakness?"

CHAPTER 53.5 - Cris, a good friend.

(A while ago.)

Kei had two different thoughts about the poor, specifically the poor who had children.

He wondered to himself when he saw children asking his aunt for leftovers and money on the street: Why do the poor have children? It's inhumane. They only condemn them to a life of deprivation and pain.

But he had another thought, one that was not so cruel and very human: Everyone has the right to have their own family. The joy of being parents, regardless of social status, people have the right to choose to be parents. Being poor does not take away their right to have children and love them.

These two thoughts struggled to prevail in Kei's mind. When he saw a child helping his mother clean a car, he smiled because in that child, he saw someone willing to help his mother to move forward with their lives, and as he saw the mother or father doing the same, he didn't feel like they were taking advantage of the child. In those kinds of situations, where Kei felt the child was helping their parents willingly, the positive thought took over him.

But the opposite happened when he saw children begging for money on the streets, clearly malnourished or wearing dirty and smelly clothes. Seeing them in such a pitiful state, he could only feel pity for them, and the negative thought took over his mind.

Kei considered himself poor, as his aunt supported him, so he promised himself to only have children when he was financially stable.

Although there is also a third thought in him, and the cruelest of all: The poor should die.

"Quick, the wallet, cute boy!"

"Give it to him, Cris, it's not worth dying for money."


Cris clicked his tongue and handed his belongings to the vagabond who was threatening them with a knife, just like Kei.

After receiving their wallets and phones, the vagabond ran away, and Kei sighed.

"Worthless trash," he muttered, looking at the thief with disgust.

When a poor person stooped so low as to steal, Kei thought they should die instead of harming others.

However, that thought disappeared when his anger subsided, and he felt disgusted for having thought something so cruel and inhumane.

"Fufu. That idiot will soon have his ass behind bars," said Cris, smiling, not caring that they were just mugged.

"Does the wallet also have a tracker or just your phone?"


"The advantages of being wealthy, huh? I envy you."

Cris hugged Kei with his left arm and caressed his cheek.

"Fufu. Don't get jealous, my love. Hahahahahaha!"

"I-I already told you not to call me that! Four girls have asked me if I'm dating you because you call me 'my love' as a joke. If you keep up with your jokes, more girls will stay away from you, thinking they don't stand a chance with you. Think about your popularity! Or give it to me, I want to be as handsome as you! Ahhhhhhhh! Life is unfair!"

"Hahahahahaha! Don't worry, girls are the last thing I care about. Family comes first, and then friendship, in my priorities. Let's go to school."

"Oh, yes, let's go."

"Shall we walk hand in hand?"

"Of course not!"

"Hahahahahaha! Your face is so red! You blush so easily."

"As easily as your sister," Kei said, winking.

Cris blushed, but he disguised it by patting Kei's head.

"I wish I had a sister, so you could be my brother-in-law."

"Don't even think of that as a plan B. Nia is too young for you, cute boy."

"Nah, she's not my type."

"I hope so. So, what kind of girls do you like?"

"Mmm. Maybe I'll tell you later, in a few years."

"How mysterious, huh? Come on, tell me."

"It's a secret," Cris said, winking.

A blush appeared on Kei's face, and upon seeing that, Cris also blushed, and his heart rate increased.

Weird thoughts entered Kei's mind, so he immediately ran away.

"Last one there is a rotten egg!!"

"Hey, that's cheating!!"

Cris and Kei walked together through the school corridors, talking to each other.

"No, no, no. Remember. I have 49 wins and 48 losses. I'm winning!" Cris said with pride.

"Tsk. I remembered. Damn it."

Cris patted him on the back.

"Fufu. Even when you cheated, I defeated you."

"Tomorrow I'll win! If I win, it will be a tie."

Cris and Kei were best friends and rivals. They always competed in everything. "I'll finish my food first!" "I'll get to school first!" "I'll get better grades!" "I'll swim faster!"

Competing with each other was the best for them. They had fun, and they never got angry when they lost. They accepted defeat with dignity. They were the perfect pair of friends.

Once, Cris said to Kei, "I challenge you to give me a kiss! I bet you won't dare..." Kei didn't let him finish and gave Cris a kiss on the cheek.

That took him by surprise, and Kei raised his arms excitedly. "I'm winning!"

Kei considered it an easy victory, and Cris also considered it a victory because Kei gave him a kiss.

Kei is too innocent and trusts Cris too much, so he never realized that Cris took advantage of his naivety.

After a long day of classes, they left the school together, but three guys were waiting for them.

"Aren't those the guys you beat up, Cris?"

"Yes, they are."

Previously, they had tried to bother Cris, but he punched them and defeated them, thanks to his physical abilities. Violent delinquents couldn't stand a chance against Cris, but then again, they couldn't do anything against him, considering Cris' physical skills developed from years of going to the gym and fighting against those who tried to bother him, jealous of his popularity with women.

Kei had also gotten into similar troubles, but he believed they did it because he was Cris' friend, although the real motives were similar to Cris'.

"Do you want to fight again?"

"You caught me off guard before! Today, I'm ready...!"

Of course, unlike other boys with low self-esteem, Kei knows how to defend himself. He himself felt inferior to most people, but that didn't mean he would let himself be intimidated.

Kei took advantage of the guy talking and kicked him in the groin.

He then stepped back and punched another guy in the groin with his right fist.

Cris took the opportunity to knee the last guy in the groin.

All three fell to the ground and started crying because they were hit mercilessly in their most sensitive areas.

"Well, well. Cowardly blows, but effective," Kei said, smiling.

"You're quite savage, Kei."

"They were going to hit you. I had to defend you."

Kei squatted down and smiled at one of them.

"I feel sorry for your millions of sperm. That blow must have killed most of them... Well, anyway, they were going to die soon in your toilet... You know... When you masturbate to pornography and clean up with toilet paper."

Cris grabbed his arm and started running.

"Let's go, we'll get in trouble!"

"Yeah, okay."

When they were far enough from the scene, they stopped, and Cris started laughing.

"What was that last thing?!"

"I-I thought it would look cool saying that. Was it bad?"

"Didn't you think of something better? For example: I feel sorry for your kids. I hit you so hard that even your future kids will feel it."

"No, that sounds a little bad."

"Let me think... 'I'm a coward for hitting you in the groin, but at least I won. I'm the winner, and you're a nasty loser.'"

"Too cruel... But it sounds good."

Cris ruffled his hair.

"Do you want to play video games in my house?"

"Sure! I must get my victory!"

And so, Cris and Kei enjoyed their time together. Kei enjoyed playing video games, and Cris enjoyed Kei's company.

When Kei and Mei celebrated their 10th birthday, Cris was getting ready to leave the forbidden continent, along with Sline.


"Ready!" Sline, her companion Slime, replied.

"Food and water?!"


"Will to live?!"

"In our hearts!"

"Let's go!"

Sline was storing the suitcases inside her.

Unlike Kei's [Magic Storage], Sline and Cris can only store a few items inside themselves.

They left a small house, and a large number of people were waiting to say goodbye to them.

Hundreds of people gathered to bid farewell to the adventurer who saved them so many times.

"Safe travels, Cris!"

"Take care!"

"Come back soon!"

"I hope you find what you're looking for!"

The applause from the people made her smile.

Unlike Kei, Cris was always admired, and her life was easier. Being a woman in this world was very beneficial for her because it allowed her to easily earn the affection of people, unlike Kei, who gained people's respect through fear.

She became an S-class adventurer on this continent. Everyone treated her like a hero. All the queens tried to stop her from leaving, but they couldn't convince her.

Cris gave up her life as an adventurer and all its luxuries and decided to leave everything behind.

She was already powerful enough.

She could already leave the continent.

On this continent, she was treated with respect and admiration... but she gave it up for love... She chose to search for Kei.

Unfortunately, when she found him, Fravi used her power to make Cris not believe Kei's words... Cris loves Kei Edna, but she considers Kei Molfer an enemy and hates him.

By the way, Fravi also loves Kei... Too much... Her love turned into more than toxic love; it became a sick obsession.

"Oh, darling! My dear! My love! My sweet Kei!"

Fravi was hugging a Kei-shaped pillow, kissing it.

Before, in her room, she had photographs of Kei. Drawings of Kei. Plushies resembling Kei. And even a huge pillow shaped like Kei and identical to him.

Now she has more Kei-related items, such as Kei figures, mugs with his head's shape, a dildo with an exact replica of Kei's member, as well as objects used by Kei, like his toothbrush, his underwear, tissues he uses to clean up his semen when he masturbates while experimenting with his ability, among other personal things of Kei.

She was a true stalker. If Kei saw this, he would probably think, "No wonder Zius left her." And anyone with common sense would think the same.

"Why don't you die?! I want to have you by my side already! I want to kiss you! I want to have your children! Zius could never impregnate me, but you're better than that useless guy!"

She couldn't get pregnant from Zius because he asked the Supreme God to make her unable to conceive from him. Why? "I don't want my children to have a crazy mother!" Those were his exact words. Nothing more, nothing less.

(Author's note: Follow me on Twitter: @HectorAngelAlv2 and leave comments. On Twitter, I'll share "Curious facts about my characters," "Drawings," and important announcements. :3)