
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
79 Chs

CHAPTER 47 - Nero's Attack

CHAPTER 47 - Nero's Attack

(Pov - Kei)

Well, well... Honestly, I feel good... My body is fine. My mind is fine... I'm doing very well... The fight with Cris was difficult, but after that, nobody bothered us anymore.

What happened with the tournament? Do I need to say it? Near humiliated and spat on me. She used me as a punching bag. I suffered a humiliating defeat... It couldn't be helped, she was too powerful! I surrendered before she killed me, to prevent Fravi from taking advantage of my temporary death to eliminate my soul. And as punishment for surrendering like a coward, my mother beat me up.

Double beating and humiliation in one day... Ahhhhhhhh! My luck is crap!

When I lost, I left the city. I needed to sort out some things with Terkiana and her granddaughter. Her granddaughter wants to join my harem, but I rejected her without hesitation. How can I have a grandmother and granddaughter in my harem?! It sounds disgusting!

I prefer to have Terkiana by my side. She tries to convince me to stay with her granddaughter and that she will help me in every way, but I told her I would think about it.

Nerka, Terkiana's granddaughter, is a too young elf, it will be difficult to make her powerful, and I don't know if she can handle the training. On the other hand, Terkiana has a lot of experience and can keep up with our training pace. I don't want to unnecessarily endanger Nerka, so I prefer Terkiana's help. I told her it's not necessary to be my wife, we could just be friends, but considering my luck, she'll end up falling in love with me... And I think I prefer that.

Yes, I want to have friends, but if Terkiana falls in love with me, Nerka will distance herself from us, and that would be best. I don't want to risk her life in vain.

But both of them are very stubborn. Nerka doesn't stop sexually harassing me by showing me her breasts, appearing naked in front of me when I try to talk to Terkiana, she even spanks me when she gets too close to me! Ahhhhhhh! I don't understand the courtship rituals of the Elves!

And Terkiana doesn't stop talking about Nerka's qualities, highlighting above all her beauty... Ah, Terkiana, it seems you don't understand that I don't care about beauty. Our enemy is a Goddess, beauty won't help us defeat her! What we need are warriors, not models.

I told Terkiana that I would give Nerka a chance if she can endure the training. They accepted and left me alone... Well, almost alone, because Nerka keeps sexually harassing me.

Ah, I don't understand women in this world.

Terkiana has a lot of potential, and thanks to Drin's knowledge of magic, she will become much more powerful, no matter if she has reached her limit that she would achieve training normally. I need to have her on my side.

Putting aside the topic with them, the school trip finally started.

School started again and now we are heading to the beach.

I would enjoy this trip more if my classmates were older than 15. Unfortunately, they are all 12 or 13. I am not a pedophile. I'll settle for watching the female teachers who accompany us. I'm a bit of a pervert, I can't help it. I think puberty is already getting to me.

"Look, Kei, the beach!"

Mei and I were on the roof of a carriage. Each student traveled in their own carriage. They're all rich, no one had difficulties traveling.

"The smell of the sea... Amazing."

In the other world, my country was small. It was like a huge island. Going to the beach wasn't that complicated... I really missed that smell.

Drin, in her cat form, climbed up to the roof and sat on my lap.

"You're awake, Nia."

Mei stroked Drin.

Drin just yawned... Well, she was pretending to be a cat. She couldn't say "Good morning".

"I can't wait to swim."

I hope to meet a Mermaid. If it's true that my magic power improves just by talking to them, I definitely have to meet one.

Although I won't go too far from the shore. I don't want some squid rapist to catch me or for some Mermaid to try to take me to the bottom of the sea... Huh?

I feel someone's gaze on me.

I turned around everywhere.

Hmm, hmm... The only people who are watching me are my classmates, but I felt a slightly stranger gaze a moment ago.

That's strange... I won't let my guard down.

Nero, who was watching Kei from afar, smiled upon realizing that Kei was able to feel her gaze even from the distance where she was.

"Perfect. It won't be as boring as I imagined."

And a dangerous enemy was about to appear in Kei's life.

"So, lackey, will you attack Kei Molfer?" asked a robot bee at her side, transmitting the voice of a certain boy.

The voice of Zero, one of the commanders of the Demon Queen Desmolfer.

"Tsk. Do you have a problem with that, brat?"

"Not really, but at least try to figure out how he managed to convince a demon to be his magical familiar. I highly doubt he did it with sweet talk."

"I'll kill him, I won't give him time to speak. Goodbye."

Nero crushed the bee and destroyed it.

Zero, who was in his room, closed his computer that lost the transmission signal and crossed his arms.

"A human capable of turning a demon into his magical familiar. A rather rare existence. Interesting."

He closed his eyes and took a breath.

"Ah... It's a shame I can't investigate his corpse. Tsk. Dammit, Nero. Why does she get to have all the fun?"

(Pov- Kei.)

Ah, the beach. Beautiful women in swimsuits. Children playing in the sand. The smell of the sea. Seafood. Delicious food... Where are they?!

This beach is empty! I don't want to see little girls in swimsuits, I want to see adult women in swimsuits! Where's the beautiful view I was hoping to see?!

Uwaaaah! There are only little girls in swimsuits! My eyes! That's too illegal for me!

"Where are the people?" I asked, somewhat disappointed.

"At this time of year, sea monsters appear. It's dangerous to be here," said the teacher.

Shit, I didn't know... I need to investigate more about this world.

... Wait... She brought students to such a dangerous place?! Yes, most of the students are considered prodigies, but that doesn't mean we should be treated like real warriors. Most of them lack real experience!

"And you brought us to such a dangerous place?"

"Don't worry, we're here," said the teacher.

Yes... 5 teachers are accompanying us... To be a teacher, you must be intelligent and strong enough to match or surpass a class A adventurer... I suppose the others will be fine.

I'm not worried about Mei or myself, after all, we're Molfer, we're used to this kind of situation.

"Okay... Mei, let's go!"

"Let's go, brother!"

I take off my shirt and pants.

I take off my shoes and socks... Well, fortunately, I didn't forget to wear my swimsuit. Ah, I feel so free. This is what I needed, a little rest! A day at the beach doesn't hurt anyone!

"Let's go!"


Drin jumped on my crotch... Huh?! What the hell is she doing?! Drin, don't get horny in such a public place!

"Nia, get down...! Huh?"

I feel a chill run through my body. A chill that warns me of danger.

This feeling...

[Enemy detected.]

An enemy... Drin was warning me... I need to get away from this place, the students will be in danger if I fight here.

[It's a demon, darling. You have to act carefully and quietly. If the teachers find out that you knew a demon was nearby, they'll suspect you. It's impossible for a normal human to distinguish demon magic from fire magic. They'll suspect you're the hero Kei.]

That's right, I can't warn them about the enemy, it would be too suspicious, and if I tell them it's a bandit or a monster in human form, they won't take it as seriously as they would with a demon.

That demon is coming for me, it's the person who was watching me. I won't risk the lives of the students. I'll go fight alone.

[You're right.]

Mei approached me and took my arm.

"How do you like my swimsuit?!"

Let me see... She's wearing a red swimsuit... Cute color... She's flat, so there's not much to see.

Yes, she looks very adorable.

"If you weren't my sister, I wouldn't be able to take my eyes off you. You look beautiful and adorable."

"B-beautiful?! T-Thank you!"

Grisia approached us... With her, I have to be romantic and kind.

She's wearing a white swimsuit... It matches her body. Besides, her body is already developing. Her breasts are a bit small, but they're big considering her age.

In a few years, she'll have huge breasts.

"Wow! Grisia, you look very pretty."


"Y-Yeah... Sorry... I have to go to the bathroom. I drank too much water."

I ran away and Drin tried to follow me.

[Drin, stay. Protect my sister. We don't know how many enemies there are. There could be more.]


[Please, trust me.]

[Okay... Be careful, darling.]

[I will.]

Drin stopped and I continued on my way.

I can't allow the demons to kill the students. They are the hope of the country in the fight against demons. If they die, the chances of victory for the demons would increase, decreasing the chances I have of achieving an alliance between humans and demons.

I won't allow the morale of the country to decrease. I won't allow the students to die... And I won't allow them to harm my dear sister.

I'll solve the problem personally.

"Well, it's time for action."

Near the beach, there is a small forest... What was its name? Dark Forest or something like that.

I was investigating in this place... The demon is supposed to be here. I felt its presence in this place.

Does it want to catch me off guard? Fool, I would never let my guard down in a situation like this.

"I know you're here! Come out and stop wasting time!"

"Fufu. Great, you didn't escape and came straight to me. You have my respect as a warrior, hero Kei."

I sigh... The demons already know my identity... Great... How long until my family finds out too? My life is about to get worse. I must prepare for when that happens.

For now, I won't think about it. I have an enemy to defeat.

"Let's fight."

I drew the fake Dragon sword from my [Magic Storage]. It feels like it's absorbing my energy, like the sword is merging with my body, but it doesn't matter. I still don't know if using the sword is dangerous, but I have to use it. I can't take this demon lightly.

"The teachers are wearing swimsuits and I want to see them. Let's finish this quickly."

I feel it approaching... Huh? What?

A small red slime bounces towards me... Another slime? Seriously?

"Are you a friend of Cris?"

"I don't know any Cris."

"I guess it's just a coincidence."

"My name is Nero. I am the one who will kill you in the name of Desmolfer."

N-Nero?! A demon commander?!

I barely defeated Cris! And now I have to face Nero, a demon commander?!

...No...Kei, don't be scared...You can't escape...Fight. Don't be afraid. Your only option is to fight. Fear will only make you weaker. Fight with all your pride, Kei...Yes...I won't run away or be afraid. That won't help me avoid my death.

I can't use my ability on her, since she's a slime...Talking won't work...I have no other option.

Dialogue won't work. Nothing will work. I can only fight.

"Let's finish this," Nero said.

The slime takes on human form... Wow...Great. A tomboy.

Short blue hair, blue eyes, pants that are too torn, revealing her legs. Her clothing itself is too torn. Is that a fashion statement in Hell?

Her abdomen is visible... Wow...She's really hot and beautiful.

Hey, Kei, I don't know if you remember, but she wants to kill you! Stop admiring her body and get serious!

"I've seen you fight. You know the weaknesses of slimes, that's why I'll fight in my human form."

"Human form? You just changed shape, you're still a slime."

"No, my human form is perfect. I don't have the weaknesses that slimes have. Your cheap tricks won't work on me."

Hey, that's not fair! That's cheating! You've practically taken away all my winning cards! What I used on Cris won't work on her.

But I won't give up. I won't die without a fight.

"Well, well. I see...It will be difficult."

I smiled.

"But not impossible."

A sword appeared in her right hand.

"Shall we begin?"


I immediately approached her and tried to attack her.

She used her sword as a shield and we both smiled.

"Let's begin."

This day would change my life forever, but I still didn't know it.