
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
79 Chs

CHAPTER 38- Crisfa, the God.

(Chapter translated with an AI, please comment if there are errors.)

CHAPTER 38 - Crisfa, the God.

Throughout the history of the Gods, there was one particular God who cared more for humans than any other God. A God who gave humanity something to enjoy in their lives. The God who gave humanity "entertainment."

Crisfa, the ancient God of games.

He was a fun and friendly man with everyone, but he was also annoying and unbearable... Well, they considered him annoying because he always bothered the supreme God. He didn't treat him with respect and always tried to play with him. The Gods considered him disrespectful. Crisfa was a God who gave secondhand embarrassment for his behavior with everyone. Always telling jokes and with a smile on his face, unlike the seriousness of the other Gods, who considered that behavior childish.

Crisfa was hated by the Gods for his behavior with everyone, including the supreme God.

"How can he talk like that?" "Is he an idiot?" "Does he want to be eliminated?"

The Gods thought Crisfa was an idiot... But the truth is that Crisfa was very intelligent.

He invented thousands of games and entertainment objects, among which stand out the telephone, video games, and the internet. He also invented pornography, although it is his most hated invention, mainly by the Goddesses.

His philosophy was: "Everyone deserves to have fun in their lives. A life without fun is boring, slow... and painful too." He believed that living life seriously was not life. He believed that if people had fun, they would be happier, just like he was.

He wanted humans to be happy, at least a little. Before Crisfa became a God, humans behaved like wild animals, only eating and reproducing. Humans only served to keep the world of the Gods alive; they were not interested in making humans intelligent. But Crisfa thought it was sad that humans were treated like farm animals, with no purpose other than being destined to die without having been happy.

Crisfa asked the supreme God to make humans intelligent, that it would make them more interesting. The supreme God accepted, as it would not affect him at all if humans were intelligent or not. Besides, he was very interested in the result that could have.

Thanks to Crisfa, humans managed to evolve, develop their own inventions, religions, politics, science, and so on. Thanks to Crisfa, humans are what they are today.

And while they were developing, Crisfa was creating inventions for humans to entertain themselves.

Crisfa invented video games, comics, manga, anime, board games, the internet, and even pornography... Although the latter enraged the Goddesses, and they brutally beat him when he boasted about his invention.

And among his inventions stands out: "the world of clichés." A world created by the supreme God, but designed by Crisfa. In that world, all possible clichés of anime, television series, and novels are developed, and while they are developed in that world, those situations happen in other worlds, in series, novels, and anime. That is, the world of clichés works as a basis for creating stories in alternate worlds. It is his second-best invention.

He created all of that so that humans could have fun. The gods mocked him for caring so much about mere "pets," but eventually they realized the potential of humans. By giving them intelligence, they became not only more interesting but also more dangerous. The latter interested the gods, as humans showed them things that they found interesting, such as wars, fights between humans and demons, anime, novels, and countless other things. Crisfa's inventions not only made humans happier but also made the gods realize how boring their lives were. Thanks to Crisfa, their lives became much more interesting and fun.

Humans enjoyed Crisfa's inventions, and the gods not only enjoyed Crisfa's inventions but also enjoyed watching humans, who used to seem boring to them as they behaved like farm animals and were now much more interesting.

In the worlds, Crisfa's inventions were created by other people, but it is because a game god's power is to give inspiration to other people so that they can create something.

Thanks to the game god, writers can create incredible stories. Artists can create beautiful and great drawings.

Thanks to the supreme god, humans have fun.

His second-best invention is the world of clichés, but his most important invention is called "Imaginary Worlds."

Basically, he created artificial worlds so that people could live an adventure. If a person died and their life was boring and sad, that person reincarnated into an artificial world and was given unique and incredible powers so that they could have an adventure. Obviously, only good people had that opportunity to live. In other words, Crisfa created artificial worlds in which humans became the protagonist of an isekai story.

That great invention drew too much attention. Why does a god try so hard for humans? Why go to such extremes?

When asked "Why did you create that, Crisfa?" He replied: "The answer is simple. I want everyone to be happy. Everyone deserves to have fun in their lives. A life without fun is boring and slow... and also painful... My dream is to live a great adventure... and I want others like me to fulfill that dream... I want everyone to be happy." He said it with a moving smile, as it was the most sincere words that came out of his mouth and didn't end in a joke, as Crisfa's dream was genuine.

Crisfa's dream was to have a great adventure. He admired adventurers and wanted to be like them... Unfortunately, he never could fulfill his dream... A god killed him.

Nirfa, Crisfa's wife, was the goddess of love. They were the perfect couple. They loved and enjoyed each other... But Crisfa and Nirfa died together... When the hell god named "Markarc" attacked Crisfa, Nirfa tried to protect him and died. And seeing his beloved wife lifeless, Crisfa stopped smiling and burst into anger... After an intense battle, he killed Markarc and committed suicide... His last words were: "I never had the great adventure I dreamed of... But I had a good life... Nirfa, I hope we meet again... I love you."

Why did Markarc attack Crisfa?

He loved Nirfa... And when Nirfa fell in love with Crisfa, he became enraged... At that time, there were 179 parallel or alternate worlds... In most of those worlds, there was very advanced technology and humans lived happily, because Crisfa gave them entertainment. He created television, video games, the internet, videos, etcetera... Crisfa was proud of what he had done. He worked very hard to achieve it... And Markarc ruined his dream... He destroyed most of the worlds. That's why there are only 63 worlds currently.

Crisfa died a long time ago... And when he died, his soul disappeared.

The God in charge of souls didn't know why it disappeared.

Who stole his soul? Why did it disappear?

The answer is simple... The Supreme God.

He stole his soul. Why? Because Crisfa was his best friend... His only friend... And he wanted his dream to come true.

Crisfa reincarnated thousands of years later... And his adventure began.

Where is Crisfa? What is his body like? Has he already had his adventure?

Well... Maybe he will.

"Ah... How relaxing!"

Kei was bathing in water so hot that it would cause serious burns to a normal person with just one second of contact. Kei is not burning, as he protects his body with magic. Kei feels the water a bit warm, but not as hot as it actually is. He even trains while bathing, as he doesn't like to waste time.

Kei was bathing in a huge pool. The bath is elegant and enormous, a typical rich person's bath in a magical world. Kei hates nobles, but enjoys being one, as it has its advantages.

"Well, after bathing, I'll sleep. I'm not hungry, so I won't have dinner."

[Darling! Be careful, darling!]

Drin was using [Thought Communication], an excellent way to communicate from a distance. It's like a telephone, only the price is magical energy, and the price goes higher when the distance is greater.

[Is a demon trying to kill me?]

[No. I heard that the heroes are here... All of them... I have a bad feeling. Maybe they found out about you.]

[... Oh... I see... Don't worry, I'll think of something... Luna, "the hero of the bow," can detect magic attributes. If you come, she'll realize you're a demon. Don't come back and do what I told you, please.]

[But it's very dangerous!]

[Don't you trust me?]

[I trust you, but... I don't want to lose you, darling... I love you... I don't want to lose you.]

Upon hearing that "I love you," Kei remembered what happened between him and the maids.

He had sex with them... He cheated on Drin and Eris. He felt too guilty about it. He felt like a worthless man. He felt sorry for himself.

He started to cry... He really felt guilty, and although he knew this would happen, he couldn't help his heart being filled with guilt and hatred towards himself.

[Drin... Trust me... And one more thing. My friend cheated on his girlfriend. He slept with another girl... Drin, you have experience torturing people... I want you to torture him. His girlfriend cried... It made me feel sorry for her... I want to punish him for what he did.]

[You want me to torture him?! Thank you! It'll be a pleasure to torture a cheating guy!]

Drin loved torturing humans. Kei knew that, but he didn't care how painful it was going to be, as he knew he deserved it.

[Yes... Cheater... Goodbye, Drin.]

[Please be careful... Goodbye, darling.]

The communication ended and Kei wiped his tears.

"Even though she's a demon, she can't know I'm lying because she's my familiar. Being her master is a great advantage. I can lie to her without fear, she'll never realize... No... I'll receive my punishment... But my ability went out of control... It wasn't my fault... But I cheated on them... I have to receive my punishment," he thought.

He sighed and closed his eyes.

"Nia, auntie, I've become a worthless man."

The bathroom door opened and his grandmother entered the bathroom, along with two more women.

All three were wearing only towels and Kei turned completely red, as even though those two women were wearing towels, their bare legs were very visible.

"Oh?! Grandmother?! What are you doing?! It's occupied!"

"There's my lovely grandson!"

The two women were 20 years old and Kei knew them perfectly.

Reima Molfer's adopted daughters.

They were twin sisters. Both were identical. They had red hair like blood, red eyes, and were very beautiful. They only had one flaw or virtue, depending on people's tastes. They had exaggeratedly large breasts, which even someone as shy as Kei couldn't help but look at because of how monstrous they were. And their long legs stood out, just like their breasts.

"Shit, the crazy sisters," he thought nervously.

They almost forced him to marry them, but he always rejected them.

Why? They belittle people. They treat them as if they were objects and trash.

When he met them, they were using two elderly people as chairs.

Seeing that, Kei decided to stay away from them. Besides, he despises and fears them, which is why, even though they are powerful, it never crossed his mind to make them his companions. Kei doesn't want to use his power to change women's behavior because that would be completely abusive of them. That's why he doesn't use his power to make them kinder people.

"Oh, Kei, you're still so handsome," they said at the same time, giving a little jump so their giant breasts bounced.

And they achieved what they wanted. To attract Kei's attention. He moved his eyes to see those giant bouncing breasts. Kei is shy, but that view was exaggeratedly erotic, as well as rare, that he couldn't help but look.

Seeing Kei staring at them, they both smiled and removed their towels, standing naked in front of him.

Kei, seeing the nipples and private parts of these two women, blushed completely again.


"Do you like them?" they said while playing with their breasts.

Kei is shy, and although he is getting used to seeing naked women, he couldn't help but feel shy at a sight like that, of two women with exaggeratedly giant breasts.


He got up and left the pool. Seeing him naked, they both smiled even more and whispered to each other.

"It's big."

"It will definitely be ours."

And while they whispered, Kei dried himself off with the towel as quickly as possible.

"I-I'll leave the bathroom! I-I have to go!"

He tried to leave the bathroom, but his grandmother took him by the arm.

"Kei, we'll have important guests tomorrow. Be careful."


"We have a mission. We won't be here to protect you... Be careful and don't talk too much. The heroes will come. They want to talk to your mother... I've heard rumors about them. Don't look them in the eyes. Ask for permission to speak. You must kneel before them. If they ask you to do something, do it... You must treat them as if they were Goddesses."

For Kei, hearing this made him angry. He knew Near felt superior, but this was too much. If his grandmother, one of the most respected Molfer, was asking this of him, it meant two things. Number 1: the heroes were excessively more powerful than the Molfer family. Number 2: Near wouldn't hesitate to kill a Molfer if he didn't like them.

Kei knows how proud his family is, but he also knows that he is a man. If he were a woman, his grandmother wouldn't ask him to treat them like Goddesses, but because he is a man, she asked him to treat them as such, as being treated without respect by a man would be very humiliating for them. Kei knows his grandmother is only asking him this because she won't be there to protect him, so he felt grateful.

"Goddesses? Yeah, sure... I'll do as you say... Goodbye."

Kei left the bathroom and clenched his fists in anger.

"Goddesses? Damn, I knew power changes people! Would I have changed too? Would I be the typical powerful character who sleeps with many girls? Or the typical character who thinks he's superior? I don't know... Thank the Supreme God, I'm a cliché character, but kind. I'm grateful for that... Although I like to think I'm the protagonist... Yes, I'm the protagonist... I hope." He thought.

Kei was so focused on his thoughts that he didn't realize he was walking naked. He didn't put on a towel when he left the bathroom.

"Ahhhhhhh! Kei!"

Mei's scream startled him, and he turned to look at her.


Mei was completely red and trembling too much, as if she was freezing cold, and her gaze was focused on a certain lower part of Kei.

Kei was worried and approached her.

"What's wrong? Were you attacked again?" he asked.

He put his hand on her forehead.

"Do you have a fever? You're a little warm."

"You idiotic exhibitionist!" Mei shouted.

She hit Kei in the face and he flew out, crashing through a wall and destroying it almost completely. Since Kei was caught off guard, the punch hurt him more than a typical Mei punch would.

"Damn, that hurt!" he cried, getting up from the ground.

He cried from the pain, and also because he was releasing the tears that he had kept inside for deceiving Eris and Drin.

"Why did you hit me? My nose is very sensitive!" he protested.

"Put on some clothes, you idiotic brother!" Mei yelled.

"Huh?" Kei realized that he was naked and blushed completely with embarrassment, as three servants besides Mei were staring at him.

"Damn... Shit!" he cursed, quickly entering his room and burying his face in the pillow.

"I'm an idiot!" he thought to himself.

Mei, on the other hand, had impure thoughts all night, and Kei prepared for the heroes' visit.


Three in the morning. Kei's grandmother finished getting ready to leave.

She left her room and was about to leave, but certain moans stopped her. Moans coming from two different rooms.

Determined to see what was going on, she slowly opened the door to Kei's room. Kei was moaning, but in pain, as he was punching himself in the stomach with his own fists, and considering the pool of blood on the ground, he had been doing it for a long time.

"Interesting... I guess Mei is also training," she thought.

She headed to Mei's room and slowly opened the door, but what she saw was not Mei training, it was something totally different.

"Kei... Kei..." Mei murmured, giving herself affection while hugging a pillow.

Not wanting to see anymore, the grandmother closed the door and sighed.

"Would incest between two powerful Molfer improve the family...? I prefer not to risk it. I'll force Kei to marry my daughters. I'll definitely force him," she thought, trying not to vomit.

(Author's note: Crisfa. For many, a dumbass. For me, too. :v Leave comments. One comment = one new chapter. It depends on you if there will be new chapters. Follow me on Twitter... I don't know how to use it, but follow me. Xd @HectorAngelAlv2 :3 uwu)